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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 8:14 pm by ghoshy2014

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 5:25 pm by Spider281

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 5:19 pm by Towno

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 5:07 pm by Kobellis

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 4:29 pm by GaryWilson

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 4:05 pm by GaryWilson

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 3:57 pm by GaryWilson

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeToday at 11:57 am by Canobeer

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 Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 843
Times Thanked : 30
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Empty
PostSubject: Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285   Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 13, 2023 11:19 pm


It's Tuesday 13-06-2023 and I have been out and called into another net.

The net is on a  from 19:00 to 21:00 every Tuesday night and can be found on channel 14 UKFM if channel 28 mid-block is to noisy.

My location was Radio Corner, Ashdown Forest in the county of East Sussex and the set up the Anytone AT-6666 and the Solarcon A99. The weather was hot, sunny with a little bit of wind, which did nothing to cool down evening.

The band conditions were very noisy with lots of pirate SSB signals sometimes making it hard to work the stations.

Here is my list of stations I worked or heard. All stations are 26 division unless otherwise stated.

YF 77--Dave--Butser Hill--Hampshire--In the chair
CT 3969--Dave--Isle of wight
KP 441--Steve--Barlavington--West Sussex
YF 69--Andy--Goodwood Hill--West Sussex
161 KO 92--Poland--Heard only but worked by the net
YF 56--Paul--Old Winchester Hill--Hampshire
MR 001--J.C--Woking-- Surrey--Heard only but worked by the net
YF 11--Neil--Harting Down--West Sussex
and me CI 2290--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex

There were many other stations on. but as I said earlier, the noise made it difficult to work and hear them.


Ray 2290

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Yankee Foxtrot Tuesday FM net channel 14 UKFM if to noisy on 28.285
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