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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeToday at 9:05 am by VanRougeT4

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:22 pm by Razz229

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 10:21 pm by John123

» Call sign application (Issued)
frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2024 11:30 pm by Scottie

» Call sign request (Issued)
frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2024 8:36 pm by

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2024 3:13 pm by Ivy Mike

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2024 9:50 am by glenn dog

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2024 9:59 pm by Razz229

» Call sign request (Issued)
frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2024 7:23 pm by GaryWilson

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 Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.

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Call Sign : 2-CT-238
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Equipment Used : KPO DX-5000 PLUS (no extra watts). Sigma Venom 1/2 Wave 18' Silver Rod Antenna.
Age : 55

frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2023 3:16 pm

Hi fellow CT Members,

Before we get started, I'd just like to say this frequency chart was originally created by Delboy, and all credit should go to him for this work.

It's an easy to read freeband frequency chart/guide detailing all the bands A-F, AM/FM/USB/LSB (and also the 27/81), so you can easily see such things as;

  • Which are the freeband channels.
  • Which are the legal channels.
  • Which are the ham channels (so you don't accidentally go on them).
  • Most popular call-up channels AM/FM/USB/LSB.
  • Both frequencies & channel numbers.

It's an Excel document and I haven't locked it, so you can easily amend it for your own needs.  It is totally free for everyone to use.

This is especially helpful for people just getting into freebanding, or have a radio that doesn't have a frequency display (only a channel display).  When I started I didn't have a clue with bands A-F, AM/FM/USB/LSB, so I adapted the one originally created by Delboy, so new people can easily and quickly find their way around.

You can download a copy directly from my shared Google Documents:


Call Sign: 2CT238.

Last edited by darren.johnson on Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:54 pm; edited 4 times in total

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 27, 2023 10:03 pm

Very good - TY   - I will send you an Email
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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 28, 2023 5:17 pm

Nice one Darren!
Quick question: 
On your sheet, which SSB channels/frequencies are the UK legal ones?
I can only see the usual UK FM in blue?
Many thanks
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Call Sign : 2-CT-238
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Join date : 2023-04-27
QTH or Location : Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Equipment Used : KPO DX-5000 PLUS (no extra watts). Sigma Venom 1/2 Wave 18' Silver Rod Antenna.
Age : 55

frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 28, 2023 9:14 pm

walt wrote:
Nice one Darren!
Quick question: 
On your sheet, which SSB channels/frequencies are the UK legal ones?
I can only see the usual UK FM in blue?
Many thanks

Hi Walt,

Welcome to the world of expanded (converted) 10 meter radios to 11 meter radios.

For the UK I believe the 40 FM  27/81 channels 27.60125 to 27.99125  This is a unique set of channels not set up 10 meter radios, even if you expand the radio to 11 meters, you still wont get the 27/81 UK FM channels, they have to be programmed in separately.  On my chart you will see I have two Band F columns.  Band F is what you get standard if you expand a 10 meter radio to 11 meters.  Band F (alternative) is what a reputable CB Radio shop like Knights will assign to Band F if you ask them when you buy a 10 meter radio from them.  They assign it to Band F because most of the channels on Band F (11 meter) are HAM frequencies (channel 12 to 40), and as they are not freebands and hence useless to you as you are not allowed to use them, they will reprogram Band F to the UK 27/81 for you.

I believe you also have in the UK what's known as "The Mids", which are the 40 AM, 40 USB and 40 LSB channels on Band D.  All these channels use 26.965 to 27.405, so if your using a 10 meter radio converted (or expanded) to 11 meters, these channels would all be located on Band D, and simply switch between AM, LSB and USB.

I may have to do a post for a lot of newcomers to Freebanding explaining in plain English exactly how it works, is it is very confusing.  Back in the 80's we only had 40 FM channels in the UK, and it was simple to understand, but with modern radios they don't allways have the 40 channel numbers displayed instead they just show the frequencies.

It sounds hard but it's really not.

Bare bones simple explanation; 

1) Buy either a KPO DX-5000 Plus, or a CRT SS 6900V (V7), or Anytone AT5555 Plus they are basically all the same CB Radios. but the CRT puts out less watts.  You do a simple button press sequence and it changes it from 10 meter to 11 meter: Then look at my frequency List (excel document) which explains bands A-F and the modes:

2) Buy an antenna and put it on your house, either a Solarcon A-99 (used to be called Antron A-99) fiberglass, won't bend in the wind, or if you want something cheaper like I use, I have a Sigma Venom 1/2 wave silver rod.

I would suggest Knights I am no way connected to this shop, it's just i've used them before and found them to be outstanding.

3) watch a ton of "Fred in the Shed" YouTube videos, this guy is a freebander and from my past experience he knows his stuff:

Hope this helps.

Kind regards.

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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 29, 2023 3:22 pm

Many thanks for your detailed reply Darren.
My suggestion was really to help out newbies to know technically which are the actual legal UK SSB frequencies (i.e. 'D' Mid).
Might help them to put 'Legal USA+UK' on your key?
...but I'm probably being petty - thanks for an excellent chart old man Smile
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frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.   frequency - Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind. Icon_minitime

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Freeband Frequency Chart - made with new people in mind.
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