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 Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework

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Alan Pilot
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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2023 3:02 pm

GaryWilson, Victor, Mavic2Pro, Red Rooster LN-4614, weealan, peewee norfolk and TamGlasgow like this post

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2023 4:46 pm

Hi Alan,

Thanks for posting about the Ofcom update on the Amateur Radio licence changes.

Feels like an early Christmas present! We'll just have to hold off on our gnashers until February and further. Wink

Hope you don't mind but I'll move this posting to the Amateur Discussions section so that it isn't so readily lost in the general section and seems more apt.

All the best,

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2023 7:57 pm

Does this mean I will be able to drop the 2nd M in my call sign as in MM3 XXX will become M3 XXX?

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2023 10:47 pm

Hi Alan

Thanks for posting the link to the (soon to be) updated changes to the Amateur Radio Licence.
Makes for some interesting reading.

73 Derek

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2023 11:53 pm

Thanks for posting Alan,

I think this is great news for all licence classes.

Best 73 Gary.

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2023 5:38 am

Here's hoping this might motivate our lot over here to do similar, at least with respect to power outputs.  Seems all quite sensible from what I've read so far.

Last edited by 43CT016 on Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2023 6:33 am


You certainly could under the new terms if you wished and it's completely up to you. Similarly I could bung an 'E' for England on mine under the changes proposed but probably won't bother.

It's all mentioned in the documents regards RSL or Regional Secondary Locators and was probably the main change that was an almost half way split on the feedback views expressed. I can certainly understand why with many feeling a sense of pride with their national identity, for award programs or even simply logging issues.

(Such absence of 'national pride' causes us admin a headache with CT call sign applications with 'Country' filled in as 'United Kingdom' and then we have to go of and search to find out where their town/city actually is!)

The changes include easier provision for SES or Special Event Station identifiers also where they add a letter to the RSL to mark a special event or some such without having to apply for a NOV or Notice Of Variation on their licence. All good stuff.

There's already some videos popping up on the usual channels with more likely to come explaining out some of the changes greatly helping those that don't want to trawl through the huge amount of documents involved.

I feel as many did that these changes are for the better of the Amateur Radio hobby interest and not simply about 'More Watts Igor!' although I can see some of those Ameritron's being turned up if they aren't already.....especially for the "This frequency is in use!" shenanigans that happen on many of the 80/40m nets. Wink

For me I still get a thrill out of QRP operations especially with FT4/8 and super stoked that I've had contacts around the world with as little as 5W with my electric lawnmower lead antenna in my loft. So I won't be cranking up my power anytime soon.

Similarly I can strip apart and repair a transceiver, construct radio gear or other such because of my electronics background but my Foundation wouldn't <ahem> let me, yet a dear friend who is 'allowed' to under his 'Full' licence wouldn't have the first clue. So that's one aspect of the changes I very much welcome and makes sense.

I'm now looking forward to being able to 'supervise' my grandchildren on-air if they wish and who knows, even construct a transmitter with them and watch the thrill on their faces at the wonder of this here 'magical' radio interest. It'll certainly provide some brain food for possible future Ham radio operators who'll know more than the review score of the latest big-four pretty rigs.

As nice as that all is there will still be those that'll state I can already do that if I'd "progressed" up my licence....but it makes me wonder how many Full licence operators actually do any of that sort of stuff. Giving the 'freedom' for those that 'can' will certainly enrich the hobby no end regardless of what your callsign actually is.

I will certainly do all I can to assist others with their radio interest as much as possible for the simple sake of seeing people enjoying what they do. Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework 1f44d 

Once more my apologies for the 'waffle', but some may find it useful.

All the best,

26CT3228, M7VIC....who cares, it's just a 'number-plate' with the important bit being the person 'driving' it.

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2023 1:57 pm

I am actually quite surprised, but pleased for existing and future holders of the Foundation Licence, that Ofcom appear to have listened to responses and as a result upped the max power allowed for the licence from the proposed 20 Watts to 25 Watts.

And there I was just thinking that the consultation was put out as another large organisation tick box exercise. I have pleasantly been proved wrong Smile

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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2023 5:31 pm

Ah Neal, ye of little faith. Wink

(Just because our government has been shown what a lying bunch of baskets they are doesn't mean every official department is also.)

I've got to admit I was surprised with that statement especially after the feedback concerning commercial equipment and their stepped power ranges but pleasantly so.

Looking forward to it all and may even pop my VHF/UHF radio to that 'HI' setting when it all comes into play. Smile
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peewee norfolk
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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2023 7:58 pm

thanks for the post AL
lots of reading even read the essex ham, rsgb ect bits,
i like quite a bit of it, but some bits are er lets say might cause problems in built up areas i neednt say what as you can all guess, i would be nice to get a lot more power as a foundation but hey, the weekend just proved that you dont need a lot of power, yes if i had 100w and a big beam prob would have had more contacts but if everyone was running loads of power every where we would just block each other out, ill still be sticking to my masive 10w and my dare i say 4w 11m, more fun for me personaly, knowing im only low power and still getting contacts.
the old 2m will be better for me personaly as live in middle of no where sort of so yes that bits good, as for the call sign debate....... a call sign is for life not just 2/5 years...... apart from dare i say sorry Neal that dam 2e0 call sign i do struggle with it and thats not even with cw a spanking new M8 M9 with the same letters after does make sence to me and i know the CW opps would agree
last thing....
Happy crimbo OFCOM and thank you........(my first present of the year)
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Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework   Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework Icon_minitimeFri Dec 15, 2023 6:27 am

There's a great video from Pete and the gang at Essex Ham for those that don't want to trawl through the paperwork :-

As ever a big thanks to Peter M0PWX and the team for their fantastic work. Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework 1f44d

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