Hi All,
As most of you will be aware there are some significant changes being made to the Amateur Radio licence due to take effect this month. (February 2024)
I for one am excited at the opportunities that present themselves and have already undertaken my EMC calculations for the increased power limits we will all enjoy in readiness.
Inline with these changes are the proposed updates to the syllabus by the RSGB examination standards committee and fortunately it looks like they aren't too drastic. Due to the time required to implement such changes there is some breathing space for those wishing to undertake their Amateur Radio examination before these changes take place. It is expected that these examination changes will come into affect by September 2024.
Details can be found at :-
If you're thinking about taking your Foundation examination to start your Amateur Radio journey I can wholly recommend the Essex Ham course details of which can be found at the following link :-
It's always a joy as well as a pleasure to see so many CT members extend their radio interests with such undertakings and hear of such on the forum. Along with the all encompassing welcome made to anyone no matter their specific radio interest CT certainly stands proud in the radio community.
All the best,