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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
Hi Victor my name is mick Merrick from Northampton I have mislaid my call sign numbers i think it maybe 5171 not sure could you let me know please
GaryWilson CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-1836 Ham 2E0GGQ Posts : 4434 Times Thanked : 381 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Redcar, North Yorkshire. Equipment Used : Radios & Wires & Stuff! Age : 59
This account has never previously been issued a call sign. The call sign you think may have been yours belongs to another Mick also from Northampton but a completely different user.
Have you by any chance opened two different accounts? The email addresses are similar but not identical.
If both accounts belong to you we need you to choose which one you want to keep because users are only allowed one account as per forum rules.
Please advise.
Best 73 Gary.
C.T. Admin.
Guest Guest
Subject: Call Sign Query Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:14 am
Hi Victor its mick northamptpn have lost my call sign can you message me with it please send
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6136 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
You seem to be randomly posting around the forum with your query which can be difficult to keep track of let alone sort out into one place.
I've titled the posting with your name to hopefully help you keep track.
As mentioned by Gary above you appear to have two accounts with two similar email addresses the second of which you have been allocated a call sign to in 2024 and the first account opened in 2021 but not used until now.
As mentioned in the CT forum rules we don't allow multiple accounts for an individual due to the problems it can cause.
The account you used and received a call sign for was an outlook address whereas this account is for a yahoo address. Which account would you like to use so that I can get you sorted? (I will need to delete the other.)
Let us know and we'll get you sorted out.
All the best, Victor
CT Admin.
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6136 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
I've also sent you a PM (personal message) to the account you are currently using Mick with a link to this posting.
Please remember that admin are volunteers so we won't always get back to you straight away.
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6136 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Call Sign Mick Merrick (Sorted) Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:10 am
There has been no further correspondence received regards this call sign inquiry so administration work has been carried out to clear multiple accounts associated with Mick Merrick as per the forum rules here :-
It is advised that if anyone forgets their CT account login that they utilise the password recovery feature and not open further accounts. A simple message to the administration team in such an event would also prove useful as we can reset password details and to ensure security only pass those details on to the original email address associated with the CT account.
Such inquiries do take up a lot of administration time when they really shouldn't especially remembering that all admin team members are volunteers willingly giving up their own free time for the benefit of the group and its members.
So please, when you get a call sign allocated either write it down, commit it to memory or even get a sign made up to proudly display it for your radio activities. Anything less just cheapens the whole idea of what the group and your call sign is all about.