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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:18 pm by John123

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:13 pm by John123

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:12 pm by John123

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeYesterday at 5:41 am by Razz229

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2024 4:24 pm by ch1p2014

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2024 4:20 pm by Ivy Mike

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2024 11:12 am by babis3g

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2024 9:07 am by Chunky22

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2024 9:06 pm by SangueG

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 Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.

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Dave 26FJY
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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Empty
PostSubject: Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.   Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2019 7:14 am

Hi there
I just like to say that most people can't put antennas up on there roofs or on the flat walls which means you can not use your CB Radio.

I am allowing people to use my server on Free Radio Network (that I did not build and do not know anyones e-mail addresss) so that anyone that enjoys talking with others can do that.

If you would like to be able to talk with other people and you would like to put a radio on my server then take a look at the Web site at Newbury CB Club. I do have a room for hams too as some cannot put antenna's up to.

This message is to let you know and it is up to you if you use it or not.

Thanks David, 26FJY.
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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.   Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2019 1:07 pm

Hi David

Situations where an antenna can not be placed on the top of a house or attached to a wall can usually be solved with a simple wire Dipole antenna which is virtually invisible and actually work very well indeed. In fact, an Antron 99 is basically just that, a dipole in a fibreglass pole. There are also other options like temporary installation antennas such as the Sirio Boomarang, Sirio Signal Keeper, Thunderpole Excalibur etc. Due to where they are installed, usually against a wall or on a balcony or windowsill, they become very directional and have limitations. However, they do work OK for local communication upto between 4 and 10 miles.

These internet "radio" networks are OK but i feel it takes away the soul of the hobby when radios stop being used and replaced by an internet connection. Building an antenna or perfecting your set-up til it works just right is part of the appeal to the hobby for me.

I have had an iMax2000 70ft up from the ground to the tip and also tried smaller set-ups and to be honest, if you spend time tweaking them you would be surprised how well a small antenna can work.
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Call Sign : 26DT836
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Join date : 2019-09-22
QTH or Location : IO92, Lincolnshire, England
Equipment Used : Radio: Yaesu FT450D / President Lincoln II+ | Antennas: Wilson 1000 (Mobile) / Antron 99(Homebase)
Age : 49

Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.   Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2019 1:45 pm

Hi Dave,
Previously due to my Antron 99, (more than likely my dirty radio than the antenna tbh), causing TVI with neighbours equipment I had to remove it and go invisible back in 1990's.

However I built an invisible antenna disguised as a washing line with my Zetagi HP1000 matching it allowed my to make several contacts on 11 meters DX with only 4 watts output. I recall the RST as 5/9 into Poland.

I also made several beams for the loft which worked very well.

However all this new internet free radio stuff is new to me, so I guess i'll have to read up and see how it all works.


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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.   Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2019 1:56 am

I've had a few pmr and latterly a CB gateways running on FRN over the past 5 years. I preferred the CB one which ran on ch1 mids FM but I suffer from high QRM occasionally every day and that would key up the whole server. . There's many more local users now to me so it may be something to ponder in the future as I still have the interfaces.
If someone else in a quieter 20 to me would want to try it then I'd supply the gear. I'll bring it up at our next CB meeting this month to gauge feelings.
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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.   Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home. Icon_minitime

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Why Can't you put a antenna up on the roof of your home.
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