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CyDer DrinKer
CyDer DrinKer

Call Sign : M3VUI
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Equipment Used : Yaesu FTDX10- Anytone 2/70 - EFLW-20 , 2/70 Co-Linear
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Fibreglass Rods Empty
PostSubject: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2020 3:07 pm

After totting up some prices I’ve decided I’m not currently spending out £££££££ on a 11m antenna setup without knowing how much use it will get for local chinwags.

So I’m going to turn my 11m dipole wire horizontal and find whose local.
I’ve seen people mention tiring them to fibreglass fishing rods, anyone here done that and what’s a decent rod to buy, I don’t want something splitting and breaking after a few winds
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PostSubject: Re: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2020 3:40 pm

Why not use a strong plastic hook and try it on the rain gutters, cheap easy to put up and take down,,, will let you see what and who is about

73s matey Tom
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CyDer DrinKer
CyDer DrinKer

Call Sign : M3VUI
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QTH or Location : Somerset
Equipment Used : Yaesu FTDX10- Anytone 2/70 - EFLW-20 , 2/70 Co-Linear
Age : 51

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PostSubject: Re: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2020 3:48 pm

I’ve got a kitchen extension jutting out so sadly no long wall face, guessing to be able to tune it in will also require so clearance around the wire
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PostSubject: Re: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2020 10:58 pm

Why not just buy a 7m pole and stick a T2LT on it or make a 1/4 wave vertical? You can get poles by Spirit of Air or Windjammer and they are OK but the easiest way to use them is to hold up a vertical. If you don't want a permanent installation, it is also a piece of cake to put them up and take them down.

I've used a 7m, 10m and 12m fibreglass pole portable and they allow you to try all sorts of antennas and locations.
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PostSubject: Re: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2020 6:18 am

26TC62 wrote:
Why not just buy a 7m pole and stick a T2LT on it or make a 1/4 wave vertical? You can get poles by Spirit of Air or Windjammer and they are OK but the easiest way to use them is to hold up a vertical. If you don't want a permanent installation, it is also a piece of cake to put them up and take them down.

I've used a 7m, 10m and 12m fibreglass pole portable and they allow you to try all sorts of antennas and locations.

Yes I agree here, I use a spirit of air 10 meter pole with a T2LT for 10 & 11 meters. It works pretty much as well as anything else I've ever tried.

73's Gary.
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PostSubject: Re: Fibreglass Rods   Fibreglass Rods Icon_minitime

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