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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 8:28 pm

In fact :-

M7 something, something, something........dark side Very Happy

I've finally succumbed to the lure of the dark side and just passed my Foundation exam Smile

Couldn't help it and had to tell all you buggers that reinvigorated my passion for radio all about it!

Yes, it's all your fault. Every chat, every thank you, every debate, everyone else's announcement of passing their Ham exam....... you're all a bad influence! Very Happy

I honestly can't blame, ahem, thank you all enough for everything. Here's to you Charlie Tango and all who reside there!
Plus a big thanks to the army of Radio Ham volunteers that make this all possible.

(You can't be the first to congratulate me either, just as I'd passed my youngest daughter started giving birth to my granddaughter, my fourth granddaughter and fifth grandchild! I am well and truly having a flipping great day! Smile)

All my very best regards to every one of you,


Radio Amateur
Proud Grandfather

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 8:58 pm

Cheers Martin! Smile

You're a superstar mate, knew you'd be the first here to congratulate me!

Well chuffed, on both counts. So much so I've cracked a bottle of the hard stuff Wink

Lovely being a grandfather no matter how many times it happens mate and makes us proud. My Xmas present this year is already known too, my sixth grandchild will be along!

I'll still be CBing mate and PMRing, being a Ham just opens a few more bands legally Wink Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 9:03 pm

Congrats on all accounts, Victor.👍 I hope mother and daughter are doing well (pass on my regards) and enjoy the new bands at your disposal.👍

73s John.

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 9:19 pm

Cheers John!
Much appreciated mate Smile

All's well and I shall pass on your regards.

Handy's all programmed for 2/70, simplex and local repeaters - antenna farm is all set for HF - finishing off a homebrew AMU - just gotta wait for that callsign! Wink

(Gives me time to stop cuddling the new baby and key up that mike Very Happy)

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 9:55 pm

"When you transmit into the dark side careful you must be, for the dark side transmits back".

Not that I know, exam isn't until next month  Rolling Eyes

Congrats Victor. What was your experience of the final exam?

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 10:20 pm

Ha! Very Happy
That's brilliant!

"Hmm, funny it is"

Was a long wait for the exam but worth it. Lot of nerves but my invigilator helped calm my nerves. 
Had my exam along with another candidate, (that's how busy they really are!), and went really smoothly. Was a great feeling knowing you'd passed straight away and I hung around until the other candidate finished. Finished with a video chat between us all, lots of back patting and smiles all round Smile Great experience!

Was already nervous as my daughter was overdue with her pregnancy and blow me down she started giving birth just as I gained my pass Smile So probably made it all a bit more overwhelming!

It's all down to the tentative wait for my RSGB number and exchange that for a callsign with Ofcom now.

I can give one tip that many others have given before....take your time, read the questions carefully before answering and you'll do alright.

All the best to you, and again, all the best of luck with your studies and forthcoming exam.

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 10:24 pm


Congratulations Victor, knew you wouldn't have an issue witht he exam, hope you enjoy the new frequencies legally - lol

Congrats on the latest member of the Munsters (you know what I mean)  Wink hope all is going well and safe in today's climate.

Hopefully catch you on the bands some day.



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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2020 10:45 pm

Hee! Very Happy

Cheers Graeme, really do appreciate it mate.

Yeah, latest member of the Munsters is doing great, (daughter decided on a home birth, less external contact but fraught with worries).

Do look forward to catching you on the bands, gonna be great to hear voices from the friendly words we all have on here Smile

I've wet the baby's head enough and the odd tipple for my pass tonight Wink  (That Jim Beam is good Bourbon! Very Happy)
Time to get my half drunk crippled backside up that hill Very Happy

All the best mate,

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 1:14 am

Well, congrats!  cheers 

Now, don't stop there....Intermediate next!!

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 6:58 am

Hi Jeff,

Cheers mate, really appreciate it!

Onwards and upwards as they say. (More power, more home construction Wink)

All my best to you,

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:38 am

Fantastic Victor on both.
Only just seen the post will have to raise that glass tonight and tomorrow.
Not had a glass in my hand for 18 months (only drink on holiday).
Hope mum and daughter are all ok.
cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
Ps. i start today with Pete..........

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:55 am

Hi Alan,

Much appreciated mate Smile
I'm not usually a drinker but with a double celebration I had to crack that bottle, (after blowing the cobwebs and dust off it Wink)

Great news with your course, I am sure that you will do well. Remember, Pete from Essex Ham is a wonderfully helpful tutor, you can always ask questions here on CT, (may be of benefit to others), and of course you can always contact me mate Smile

I shall definitely raise that glass to your health tomorrow Alan, being your birthday and all Wink
(Plus gives me a day off from last night's tipple Very Happy Very Happy)

All the best to you and yours,

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 9:47 am

Victor wrote:
Hi Jeff,

Cheers mate, really appreciate it!

Onwards and upwards as they say. (More power, more home construction Wink)

All my best to you,

It never stops mate....I am currently trying to work out how on earth to fit a 160m antenna of some sort into a small garden, with a wife who seems to think the three existing antennas should be more than enough!

I would say if you’re going to take it further, do it while you’re in study mode. So much easier....

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 10:09 am

Hi Jeff,

Never a truer word said mate Wink

My exam invigilator remarked how you never stop learning with Amateur Radio then pulled out a reel of wire as an example of his antenna experiments Very Happy

I have an 80m thru 10m fan dipole I setup, (despite my disabilities), tuned with an antenna analyser a Ham friend loaned me and hope it is as good at transmit as it seems to be on receive. That was after playing around with longwires, inverted L's, terminated loops etc. (Already gotten by the bug! Very Happy) 160m I think will elude me for the time being too!

I intend to pursue further so thank you for your supportive words Jeff.

Currently however we have other pressing issues as my wife was recently laid off after a long furlough. Now we're competing in an overcrowded job market. But we're still smiling, especially with another grandchild here and my successful entry to the Ham world Smile

All the very best to you and yours,

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 6:01 pm

Hi Victor
Congratulations on both events. 

Having recently passed my Foundation exam I have purchased the intermediate manual and intend to take the exam in the future but that next level is going to take a bit more studying time.

Well done and good luck for your future exam plans and best wishes to you and your family on these momentous occasions

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 8:44 pm

Well Done Victor,

In times gone past the "Dark Side" was always 11m ops, I like the fact you have it around the other way!!

You will have to let us all know what 2/70 repeaters you can rx/tx into,
It might just be possible for a contact in the near future once the M7 comes though.


Last edited by ranger on Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 9:06 pm

Hi Arwyn,

Many thanks, very much appreciated.

I remember you posting about passing that'll make you one of the influencers Wink Very Happy
Honestly, people like yourself that go out of your way to help a fellow radio enthusiast easily influence decisions like this. Happy to be a fellow enthusiast, CBer, Ham and everything in-between.

All the very best to you,

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 9:37 pm

Hi Ranger, (T. Wink)

Thanks very much, really appreciate it.

Ah, the 'Dark Side' for me started many years ago.
I was a radio enthusiastic young teen when I first attended an Amateur Radio club and was made welcome as the latest whizz-kid. Met some wonderful people, Hams, a professor from Goonhilly and even Jim Bacon the weatherman who did a great talk on weather and radio propogation. Being desperate to transmit the airwaves and not being licensed I got into CB radio.....I was shunned, made to feel unwelcome unless I stopped my 'illegal' activities.
Only one offered a hand of friendship at that time, a Ham who ran a CB club, dear old Fred and the Foxtrot Papas - the Friendly People. CB became my home and Amateur Radio the 'dark side'.....

Luckily all these years on I've met some wonderful people that are 'radio enthusiasts', no matter whether they're CBers, PMRers, Hams or even plain old Pirates. They reside here, on Charlie Tango and most make everyone welcome. So I finally succumbed Wink

But that 'dark side' matter will always resound in the head of that young boy I once was.

Anyway, (I'm waffling), be great if I could catch you on the airwaves one day. I've still got a lot to learn, VHF/UHF & repeaters surprisingly has me fascinated, so maybe I can fire up one of those 2m repeaters your way.

All the best,

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2020 11:48 pm

Well done on the pass. but thought that the dark side always refers to 11m not Ham Radio or at least it has done for the last 30+ years.
Enjoy the hobby.
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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2020 6:33 am

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the congrats.

I explained to Ranger in my previous posting that unfortunately my introduction into the Ham world was less than friendly. It probably delayed my participation by some four decades(!)

Luckily I still enjoyed the 'hobby' by participating in CB and my SWL interests for a very long time. I also cut my teeth there building, restoring and repairing more radios than I can recount, building and erecting antennas and generally learning about radio both theoretically and practically from my fellow enthusiasts and CBers. It's been a fun few decades.

Becoming a radio amateur finally extends the repertoire so I can enjoy more aspects of radio.

Still today some 'hams' are rather unwelcoming and those that aren't are keen to "assimilate you into their collective".
However, despite the "resistance is futile" feeling, there does exist a sort of "Unimatrix Zero" where individuals can enjoy the experience of being a radio 'ham' and not necessarily becoming a drone.

The "join the darkside and together we can rule the galaxy" elitist attitudes prevail and unfortunately for me personally, it came from some members of the 'ham' world.

I intend to be a "Radio Amateur", someone passionate about radio in all it's forms and welcoming all those who hold the same passion.

All the best,

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Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2020 7:37 am

Congrats Victor on all your news, well done mate

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2020 7:50 am

Victor wrote:

The "join the darkside and together we can rule the galaxy" elitist attitudes prevail and unfortunately for me personally, it came from some members of the 'ham' world.

Thankfully, I think that attitude is dying out...can't happen soon enough, IMHO.

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2020 8:42 am

Hi Steve,

Cheers mate, really appreciate it Smile

All the very best to you,

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PostSubject: Re: Something, Something, Something.....Dark side.   Something, Something, Something.....Dark side. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2020 9:02 am

Hi Jeff,

I agree completely with your sentiment. As you say this is generally dying out and about time too.
If it hadn't happened I may still not have become a 'ham' in the end, but rather glad I have Smile

There will always be the odd fly in the pool either way, but we are all swimming in the same pool namely radio.

I have to admit it has taken me a long time to see the friendlier side of everything thanks to Charlie Tango and it's members and it's a joy.

My original quip about "something, something, something" was after my exam invigilator congratulated me on passing and explained the licence application. When he said I'd become "M7, something, something, something", I immediately laughed remembering the 'Blue Harvest' episode of Family Guy Very Happy

But I remember well the bemoaning over the years on the amateur bands whilst SWLing about dropping Morse, opening HF to all, old Part B licence holders suddenly having full licence privilages, etc. etc. Perhaps they weren't being as unwelcome to the newcomers as I thought but moaning about change.... We're a weird species, we don't like change Wink

I've heard many a VK call sign over my years of SWL Jeff, so here's hoping with the rising sunspot cycle that I may even be able to chat to you directly one day. The door is now open.

All the best to you and yours,

(Love chatting to you Jeff, had to say it because we've had wonderful conversation on here!)

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