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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 5:31 pm

I'm looking at getting back into CB Radio (Last rig was a Harrier back in the 80s). However, I have a couple of questions?

I am looking at buying the following kit:-

CRT XENON Multi standard CB Radio


D135 SWR Power Meter + Patch lead 50cm

My questions are:- 

1/  Is this a good mobile rig set up and do I need anything else?

2/ If I want to use it as a base station during lockdowns, what size power supply will I need?

3/ And finally is there anyone still using CB in Manchester (Near the airport)
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 6:31 pm

I would personally go for a radio with SSB giving you more choice as there are not that many people on like there used to be.
Power supply would depend on what radio you did go for in the end.
Not sure about the CRT Xenon never seen or used one.

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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 8:22 pm

I did think about an SSB, but it’s a mixture of cost and whether I will still find it as thrilling as I did. So I don’t really want to go over the top and buy something too expensive on re-entering the hobby if that make sense?
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 8:28 pm

It does make sense yes.
I only got back on air around 12 months ago and not heard a thing on FM around where i live so glad i got an SSB radio.
After 12 months i have 3 or 4 local contacts but met on SSB but i suppose we could try FM lol.

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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 8:55 pm

I did also had an hygain 5 back in the 80s that I swapped for my beloved Harrier. But I could never get the hang of SSB and that was the end of my CB life. But then again, we didn’t have access to information like we have today.

Do I need a licence to use SSB?
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2020 8:55 pm

I did also have a Hygain 5 back in the 80s that I swapped for my beloved Harrier. But I could never get the hang of SSB and that was the end of my CB life. But then again, we didn’t have access to information like we have today.

Do I need a licence to use SSB?
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 12:16 am

NUBSTER wrote:
All CB radio is a unlicensed now, has been for about 20years , so to answer your question you dont need a license at all.
Thank you for that, very much appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 2:50 pm

I have now ordered my kit as I mentioned above and apparently it should be here on the 9th (Fingers crossed).

I'll give CB a whirl first and then maybe move to SSD at a later date if I need too.
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 2:56 pm

You will have a bit more activity than me being in Manchester i would think.
What part i used to live in Marple a long time ago.
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 3:08 pm

Alan Pilot wrote:
You will have a bit more activity than me being in Manchester i would think.
What part i used to live in Marple a long time ago.
I live near the Manchester Airport Alan, but I'm not sure how busy it will be. Although saying that, I have seen a few big dipoles on houses around the area so fingers crossed some of these will venture onto the FM band now and then.

I've passed through Marple but that's about it really.
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stephen Gunrunner
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 3:21 pm

a very good radio is ss7900 we have one and its a big display it has fm uk40. Midband Fm Am And SSB and there is lots of antennas but sirio mobile antennas are very good 30+ amp will run the radio and lots to spare and the 7900 is so user friendly i hope this helps and welcome back Curiosity to a great hobby and there is lots that will help if you get stuck
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 4:15 pm

stephen Gunrunner wrote:
a very good radio is ss7900 we have one and its a big display it has fm uk40. Midband Fm Am And SSB and there is lots of antennas but sirio mobile antennas are very good  30+ amp will run the radio and lots to spare and the 7900 is so user friendly  i hope this helps and welcome back Curiosity to a great hobby and there is lots that will help if you get stuck
Cheers Stephen.

Once Ive got my head around CB again, then I might move to SSB but at the minute its all down to cost.
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 5:18 pm

Hi Curiosity. 

Just to clarify the license question you have asked. 

The modes have been made legal like AM and SSB but only on certain frequencies.
 I suggest you google for further specific information but you’ll have a better idea then as to the rig you look to buy as there are only a few that are legal and tend to be more expensive than the other rigs that transmit on legal frequencies but IF caught you would be open to prosecution or seizure.
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glenn dog
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 7:53 pm

Nice reply from Mr Nubuster, i came to cb in 1980, never had a run in with Buzby in the yellow morris vans in York area, these days, like he said, such a slim chance.

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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2020 9:27 pm

I’m not concerned, but my choice was more down to cost more than anything.

I think I’m just looking forward to getting back in the saddle after such a long time away.
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2020 12:47 am

Oh I won’t get dissuaded because I like my gadgets lol
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2020 5:02 pm

Hi guys. 

Just because lightning hasn’t struck you today don’t mean you’re free from being struck another day. 
A sleeping lion will become hungry so just cos he ignores you now doesn’t make you safe, just lucky today!

My wife works for the county council and her friends in local and national government agencies across the country. 

All the departments are strapped for cash due to money being diverted to COVID. 

All are re-assigning staff to the departments that bring money into the councils etc to boost their funding so they can run longer. Easy money fines are!

So if you think you are not going to get a knock, go ahead but at least you can make an educated choice with ALL the correct information. Not just some!

After all it couldn’t change this “not bothered about CB” thing could it?

The same as there was no one betting on the country going into lockdown and being under attack from a virus this time last year?

You pays your money and takes your choice.
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2020 7:14 pm

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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2020 8:20 pm

Me neither lol
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PostSubject: Re: New set up Question?   New set up Question? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2020 10:44 pm

It's a terrible thing to live in fear.....

Martin has said it well. Luckily those old days of living in fear of the RCA, (Radio Communications Agency), or other pretend radio police are long over. As he rightly pointed out it's an unlicensed radio hobby today and the only chance of getting a knock at the door is after some whining neighbour has a flea in their ear. Then it'll probably be some nonce local/parish councillor who's only attack would the apparent 'safety' aspects of your antenna erection or that it's an 'eyesore'(?!?!?)

In all my years of knowing, seeing, or getting 'busted' it was due to some whinging "boat anchor", (still love that one Martin!), who grassed you up....sorry, complained politely with no malice whatsoever.....yeah, right! That was all donkeys years ago too.

Try complaining to Ofcom today with a flea in your ear, they won't even entertain you. If they do, it'll be about launching an investigation on your behalf and then want your credit card details to pay for it. That usually puts off the 'no malice intended' complainers before anything starts.

No one in an official capacity even dares venture into the petulant nonsense that surround such things nowadays.

Heck, the Hams moan about repeater abuse and what happens? Ofcom tell them to turn the repeater off for a while.
(Which makes sense, there's no one to annoy anymore)

A neighbour complains about 'radio interference' affecting their wi-fi or other nonsense and what does Ofcom do? Ask them to keep a log of when it happens, (after gaining your credit card details). Most Hams keep logs and the chances of the complaint logs and Ham operation logs matching is slim to none. Guess who gets the bill for that little adventure? Wink
They'll usually be told that if it's CB activity it's guessed it, unlicensed hobby....

Luckily we don't have to live in 'fear' of such nonsense anymore.

About flipping well time too.

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