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 Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF

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PostSubject: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2020 5:14 pm

Hello Et All 

I am trying to decide what connectors to use on my antenna runs and what impact adaptors have.
So i will have the following scenarios:-
Home Base PMR 446 10 meter run from transceiver to antenna
Tranceiver 1 UHF female
Tranceiver 2 SMA male 
Coax to BNC : Transceiver 1 = BNC to UHF male adapter  / Transceiver 2 = BNC -  SMA Female
Coax to SMA : Transceiver 1 = SMA to UHF male adapter /  Transceiver 2 = SMA male - SMA female adapter
Coax to UHF:Transceiver 1 no adaptor required / Transceiver 2 =  SMA Female - UHF male
Coax to Type N : Transceiver 1 = UHF male adapter - tupe N male  Transceiver 2 =  SMA male -type N Female 

I understand the SMA is the better connector at UHF but I cannot find a coax to SMA female which would be ideal. 
My other concern is the large adapters ie SMA to UHF type N hanging off the handheld and stiff R213 coax. 
another option is to use a pigtail of Mini 8 but that means another 2 adapters and some very lossy coax.

With the current antenna run of just 10m any further loss through adapters and pigtails makes a difference especially when you only have 0.5mW to start with!
10m RG58 = -5.5dB ~70% loss 
10m RG213 = -1.7 dB ~32% loss

Sorry this post got a bit rambling 
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PostSubject: Re: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2020 9:03 pm

It's all fun at UHF! Wink

Crimp coax connectors are available in every fitting and when properly terminated present the lowest loss.

10m LMR400 = 1.1dB ~ 19% loss
10m LMR600 = 0.7dB ~ 12% loss

That's why this type of coax is expensive. The trick at UHF is to keep coax runs as short as possible.
Pay extra and you can have coax cable cut to length and terminated professionally.

Properly terminated UHF pigtail adapters, (can usually be purchased ready manufactured in virtually every fitting), present such a small loss that it's not worth worrying about.

None of this an issue with commercial installation but hits the wallet for hobby use.

Just my tuppence worth.

All the best,

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PostSubject: Re: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2020 4:16 am

Nice info there from Victor, my local Radio dealer made my coax up for me, and gave it a 12mth fault cover service.

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PostSubject: Re: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2020 9:14 pm

Thanks Victor.
Still struggling to find any SMA female coax connectors.

I currently have Rg58 mill spec this is just for building antennas.(next is a 11m DIY gainmaster)
I have used R213 for a DIY bazooka and for the HF coax runs.

The UHF coax runs I currently have ultraflex 7 and westflex 103.
Ultraflex @ 400Mhz 11.8 dB/100m
Westflex @ 400Mhz 11.0 dB/100m (solid core makes bend radius an Issue).

May have to upgrade to LM600 or ultraflex 13.
(but for the price of 10m of that coax I could buy a amplifier or transceiver with 25w+ output)

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PostSubject: Re: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeSat Nov 21, 2020 5:38 am

Hi Giles,

No worries, all in the name of hopefully helping out.

If you're struggling to find a particular type of connector then look for 'barrel adapters'. They come in many flavours and you can adapt most any connector.

I did mention UHF can hit the wallet Wink

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF   Connectors and Coax SMA-BNC-N- UHF Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2020 2:06 am

ArAKern wrote:

May have to upgrade to LM600 or ultraflex 13.
(but for the price of 10m of that coax I could buy a amplifier or transceiver with  25w+  output)

Spend the money on coax first, as an amp won't help on receive.  As the old saying goes; if you can't hear them, you can't work them!

With decent coax (I regard LMR400 or equivalent as a minimum on UHF) I wouldn't worry too much about adapters or pigtails, as long as they're quality ones and not eBay junk.

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