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 Yellow Frog Service

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PostSubject: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 7:31 pm

Can someone explain what this is please, what I have read on the Moonraker site is that for a fee you get a private channel and access to all the community channels. Are these communities channels similar to the Network Radio channels, do you need a licence and are they busy.

Vince 163CT188
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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 7:47 pm

Hello Vince,

I have to be honest, I have never heard of it before. It sounds interesting though. Hopefully one of our members will have some info on it.👍

73s John.
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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 10:36 pm

This is what I found from Moonraker. It seems as it's via mobile phone so may be similar to Zello app and Network Radio channels ,but I am hoping someone on here may have used it and wondered how busy the community channels are.
I have copied this directly from a website so I hope that is ok

"Yellow Frog is a nationwide PTT service from Moonraker powered by Push To Talk International and is aimed at the community, hobbyist and club based radio market, Yellow Frog offers users both community based shared channels, accessible right across the Yellow Frog community, as well as private dedicated channels and a rich selection of features that can enhance your radio experience and service capabilities for your own activities.

This radio is a cellular walkie talkie that uses the cellular network as a repeater!

Supplied with the Yellow Frog Sim and Community channels plus one private channel (Purchase price includes 12 Month contract)
We supply the radio ready to use from day one and you just need to register for your private channel"

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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 7:23 am

Hello Vince,

It is as you suggest a Cellular Network Radio system akin to the likes of Zello, Echolink, etc.

I found a review that may provide a bit more information :-

I know that I get more than enough flack for utilising modes & operation such as FT8, this despite the fact that I am actually transmitting through my own HF set, antennas, etc. and reliant on propagation conditions much the same way as other RF modes. I don't think that has so much to do with 'digital' but more about the limited 'chatting' or conversational operation although it's also an aspect I enjoy. Wink
I personally like the fact that it still operates on the old principles of radio transmission & reception.

Network Radio on cellular systems does give you the option to verbally converse and it doesn't matter if you are licenced or not on certain options. You also don't have to erect some dirty big antenna onto your property. Wink
Some will argue for 'channels' or rooms that only welcome licenced 'Hams', etc. others will argue the free and open option. Some will ask 'Is it really radio?' giving rise to all sorts of arguments.

If it can allow people to connect with a common interest then I'm all for it.

It does however smack of commercial enterprise to me with purchasing requirements pushed to the forefront. I really don't like the idea of subscription services, most of us are used to such services but I tend to avoid them and I can switch on my radio for free. Smile
(Someone's bound to bring up the arguments of original equipment purchasing, electricity etc. so not being 'free'........ Rolling Eyes )

All I know is that more often than not even a simple 'mobile' telephone call with friends and family can result in disconnections, dropouts and unavailability problems. So I don't relish those sort of problems with such systems.

It's an interesting subject, so thanks Vince for bringing it up. 
Hopefully there are others reading this who may be able to bring their own experiences of such devices and communication methods from a personal use perspective.

All the best,

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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 12:35 pm

Thanks for the info, Victor.👍

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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 4:05 pm

Thanks Victor for the info.

I have been using Zello for about 2 year's using the Inrico T320 and the Blackview BV6800pro as I like the physical PTT buttons and spend a lot of time in the Network Radio group of channels ( my callsign is NR2702}. I understand that many people don't think of it as real radio, but it has made me want to get my Foundation Licence and I have now bought some books and will try later this year.

I am curious to this Yellow Frog I see advertised on Moonraker. I can't seem to find much info about it on the net and was hoping someone on here may have used it. I was wondering if the community channels are like the Network Radio channels and is it busy and any other info on Yellow Frog.

Thanks for your info. Very interesting read and much appreciated.


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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 4:34 pm

No worries Vince.

Good to hear you have gained some experience in Zello and even that it's given you the urge to go further into the radio world. As I said, I'm all for anything that connects like minded people together.

I didn't find anything further specifically apart from the link I provided but hope you manage to garner more information.

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: Yellow Frog Service   Yellow Frog Service Icon_minitime

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