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 Useful practical skills videos

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PostSubject: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 8:39 am

We’re releasing the first two videos in our new series. Fifteen-year-old Henry-James Robinson, M7HJR entered the 2020 RSGB Construction Competition with two Slim Jim antennas. In the first video he explains how he made them, why he chose to construct them and what he has made since.
In our second video we move onto more practical demonstrations of useful skills when Lee, M7MUT learns how to construct a simple balun for use on an antenna.
A big thank you to Dominic, M0BLF; Rob, M0VFC; Nick, 2E0FGQ; and ESRG member Greg, M0ODZ who helped to create these videos as part of our continuing ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign and to link with British Science Week.
Thanks also to Henry-James, M7HJR; Lee, M7MUT; Jenny, M6JUT; and Dave, M7WUT who volunteered to learn the skills via remote teaching during the current lockdown.
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PostSubject: Re: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 8:40 am

The third video in our ‘Useful practical skills for new licensees’ series shows Rob, M0VFC teaching Lee, M7MUT how to solder a PL-259 plug onto a length of coax, ready to attach to an antenna.
We’re providing these video resources to link with British Science Week and as part of our ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign with the NHS – supporting wellbeing amongst the radio amateur community during the ongoing restrictions when radio amateurs can’t meet up. They will also add to our existing Beyond Exams suite of resources that help radio amateurs discover the diversity of amateur radio.
You can see today’s video and the earlier videos in the series on our website
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PostSubject: Re: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 8:41 am

The fourth video in our ‘Useful practical skills for new licensees’ series focuses on tuning a dipole with a NanoVNA.
Lee, M7MUT has made his own aerial and Rob, M0VFC shows him how to use a NanoVNA to cut it to the correct length for use on 20 metres.
We’re providing these video resources to link with British Science Week and as part of our ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign with the NHS – supporting wellbeing amongst the radio amateur community during the ongoing restrictions when radio amateurs can’t meet up. They will also add to our existing Beyond Exams suite of resources that help radio amateurs discover the diversity of amateur radio.
Watch this and the previous videos in the series on our website.
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PostSubject: Re: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 8:41 am

We’ve just released the fifth video in our ‘Useful practical skills for new licensees’ series. It focuses on creating an audio interface and Jenny, M6JUT learns how to connect her transceiver to her computer so she can make a data mode QSO.
You can see this and the earlier videos on the RSGB website.
We’re providing these video resources to link with British Science Week and as part of our ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign with the NHS – supporting wellbeing amongst the radio amateur community during the ongoing restrictions when radio amateurs can’t meet up.
The videos will also add to our existing Beyond Exams suite of resources that help radio amateurs discover the diversity of amateur radio.
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PostSubject: Re: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 2:52 pm

We’ve just released the sixth and final video in our ‘Useful practical skills for new licensees’ series which focuses on CAT (computer-aided transceiver) control. Rob, M0VFC teaches Dave, M7WUT how to create a CAT interface. You can see this and the earlier videos on the RSGB website:
We're providing these video resources to link with British Science Week and as part of our 'Get on the air to care' campaign with the NHS - supporting wellbeing amongst the radio amateur community during the ongoing restrictions when radio amateurs can't meet up. The videos will also add to our existing Beyond Exams suite of resources that help radio amateurs discover the diversity of amateur radio: =AT0mu57LWQEHeIz1Lffg3pC_gk163U0F5--icXr1tHT8glusuX-d3jLSO_7ltA_zPG9_PnahV-rt2_JhVdZUyH4GdlIysYjU6I2i1LrLUeSFoFVkxNGxVv6lBy_n-sShvTpSDbL6K7MYMqA2zVh2vIM0vEJekSXdHPF6oPu3Uv2a2xXU7fWjL6bdjTipv5k4k5NRma3ux7lUaBldDoev294p4tVZFSG-]
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PostSubject: Re: Useful practical skills videos    Useful practical skills videos  Icon_minitime

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