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Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitimeToday at 8:05 am by VanRougeT4

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 How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out

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Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Empty
PostSubject: How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out    Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2022 1:33 pm

Another newbie question I`m afraid.

As I gradually get used to using USB, I can hear people from across Europe easily, but can they hear me???
I tried today to make contact with anyone both in Europe and even here by calling on the 27,555 channel, but no one replied to me. Even by asking for a 26 division reply, nothing......
Now when I key the mike, this is what`s happening
Mic Gain... Max
RF PWR.....Max
SRF...........Initially 2, then drops to 0.

Now I have  no idea if this is good, bad or indifferent.
The place I tried it out has absolutely zero QRM, so it`s not that I`m having trouble receiving even low powered messages. The SWR metre and power meter remain at 0 when keying up, which may be normal or not, I dunno. I SWR the aerial (Sirio ML145) on FM before using USB and it`s 1.1
This may well be the correct settings and I`m nobby - no - mates (again) Crying or Very sad 
but as I don`t know what watts the Mckinley is putting out in export mode, I`m not too sure if all is well or not.
Whilst we are talking power, watts etc, I have a RM KL 203 P which at the moment I`m only using occasionally in pre amp mode, but....How do I turn down the power on the Mckinley and to how many watts do I need to turn it down by to safely drive the 203P???
Any help as always would be most welcome.

smileymiley Smile
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Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out    Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 06, 2022 10:52 pm

smileymiley wrote:
Another newbie question I`m afraid.

As I gradually get used to using USB, I can hear people from across Europe easily, but can they hear me???
I tried today to make contact with anyone both in Europe and even here by calling on the 27,555 channel, but no one replied to me. Even by asking for a 26 division reply, nothing......
Now when I key the mike, this is what`s happening
Mic Gain... Max
RF PWR.....Max
SRF...........Initially 2, then drops to 0.

Now I have  no idea if this is good, bad or indifferent.
The place I tried it out has absolutely zero QRM, so it`s not that I`m having trouble receiving even low powered messages. The SWR metre and power meter remain at 0 when keying up, which may be normal or not, I dunno. I SWR the aerial (Sirio ML145) on FM before using USB and it`s 1.1
This may well be the correct settings and I`m nobby - no - mates (again) Crying or Very sad 
but as I don`t know what watts the Mckinley is putting out in export mode, I`m not too sure if all is well or not.
Whilst we are talking power, watts etc, I have a RM KL 203 P which at the moment I`m only using occasionally in pre amp mode, but....How do I turn down the power on the Mckinley and to how many watts do I need to turn it down by to safely drive the 203P???
Any help as always would be most welcome.

smileymiley Smile

Mic Gain you should really start at about mid dial, as you don't want to overdrive your modulation, once you get a signal report you can advance and back off and they will let you know the sweet spot.

Max RF is ok.

SRF or rather S/RF is the strength of your signal on a meter in transmit, and when you receive a signal the strength your meter reads of that, generally the closer they are the further your needle moves.

Its not exactly accurate as a Peak Envelope Power (PEP) Meter, just an indication.

What you might invest in is a PEP Meter, in the 0 to 15 Watt range, in FM or AM it should read 4 Watts, in SSB it generally should indicate 4 Watts, but as all your power is being used to send one side band, and no carrier, it's generally more efficient, as the Receiver will introduce the carrier signal into the mix, so you don't need to send that, plus unlike an AM signal that sends essentially the same signal data (speech modulation) on both side bands (doubling the effort which isn't required), plus wastes more power transmitting a carrier signal.

Well, that's why SSB or more accurately LSB or USB is used for DX (USB is the Amateur/CB convention above 7MHz, LSB is generally used at 7MHz and below, but not 5MHz as that is USB being shared with the military band), basically, in the standard radio, the PEP will be stated in the User Manual, with AM/FM currently 4 Watts, and SSB 12 Watts under UK type approval.

So if you're interested in the radio performance, you'll have to get a separate PEP Meter, there's a big selection on eBay, I think new are about £15 to £25, depending on how much you want to part with, second hand usually £10+

If your eyesight is anything like mine, then a large clear display, and with a back light for the meter would be a bonus, and most of them also measure the SWR of your antenna, so you can keep an eye on whether its still ok after bad weather...if its still up...

glenn dog, Tristar, smileymiley and mike uk like this post

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PostSubject: Re: How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out    Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2022 6:37 pm

smileymiley wrote:
Another newbie question I`m afraid.

As I gradually get used to using USB, I can hear people from across Europe easily, but can they hear me???
I tried today to make contact with anyone both in Europe and even here by calling on the 27,555 channel, but no one replied to me. Even by asking for a 26 division reply, nothing......
Now when I key the mike, this is what`s happening
Mic Gain... Max
RF PWR.....Max
SRF...........Initially 2, then drops to 0.

Now I have  no idea if this is good, bad or indifferent.
The place I tried it out has absolutely zero QRM, so it`s not that I`m having trouble receiving even low powered messages. The SWR metre and power meter remain at 0 when keying up, which may be normal or not, I dunno. I SWR the aerial (Sirio ML145) on FM before using USB and it`s 1.1
This may well be the correct settings and I`m nobby - no - mates (again) Crying or Very sad 
but as I don`t know what watts the Mckinley is putting out in export mode, I`m not too sure if all is well or not.
Whilst we are talking power, watts etc, I have a RM KL 203 P which at the moment I`m only using occasionally in pre amp mode, but....How do I turn down the power on the Mckinley and to how many watts do I need to turn it down by to safely drive the 203P???
Any help as always would be most welcome.

smileymiley Smile
The Mc Kinley in export mode at max rf power puts out 10W am, 20W fm, and roughly 18-20W SSB. When at min rf power it puts out respectively 3W, 8W, and 6-8W. I use it with my RM KL505V linear and have never made so many DX all over Europe with excellent reports all over. I use min input from the radio to the linear. To modify rf power on the McKinley you need to key the Mic and at the same time push the F button and then still holding the ptt push on the Chanel selector until you see the rf meter blinking. Adjust the power and click once more on the Chanel selector to store the setting. It’s all in the book anyway.

glenn dog and Tristar like this post

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Equipment Used : President Mckinley Export Mod / Thunderpole 5

Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out    Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2022 7:55 pm

Many thanks for your advice Miura. Until now I've only used the pre amp just to be safe. The furthest I've DX'd is Milan...595 miles, hitting him 5&7...well happy with that in export mode. Thanks again.
Smiley Miley 🙂

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PostSubject: Re: How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out    Mckinley - How Can I Find Out How Many Watts My Mckinley (EXP) Is Putting Out  Icon_minitime

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