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 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC

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2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Empty
PostSubject: 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC   2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2022 6:15 pm


Does anyone take part in these contests?

I know contests aren't for everyone one, but these more "beginner" type contests are not usually full of speed talking operators who get upset if you do or say something incorrectly. I have taken part in a few just for fun and to the give Swindon group a few extra points (we're currently in the lead in both, although only just on 70cm).

If you don't, no worries. If you do, I'll listen out for you if conditions allow. The next 2m one is tonight at 7pm, and the next 70cm next week.

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3971 / 2E0LMI
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QTH or Location : Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas

2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC   2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2022 8:38 am

Just a handful of contacts made again this time. But there's always one contact each month that has surprised me. This time 72 miles, using 10 watts from the radio (not feed point) into a home made j-pole in loft. J-pole is this one exactly except used electrical tape in place of heat shrink:

2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC 2m10

I don't know if any of you have much 2m simplex FM activity in your area. Seems pretty quiet here, except for the contest evening (1st Tue of the month). If you haven't, maybe have a listen next month to see how far away you can pick up. Maybe I'll catch you next time. 70cm is the 2nd Tues of the month.

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2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC   2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2022 9:19 am

Great to hear about your VHF/UHF radio activity Neal and well done with what you accomplish. 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC 1f44d 

I did get quite into VHF/UHF for a while and have only recently dug out all my gear for it again. (Packed during the re-roofing and window replacement shenanigans earlier this year.) My initial start when first licensed was quite exciting and you'd be surprised at the distances you can achieve especially with tropospheric conditions. Unfortunately my first 2m SSB involvement on a 'contest' night saw me being verbally slated for not knowing it was a contest and weirdly being questioned as to whether I was an RSGB member?  Rolling Eyes

Sort of put me off.

FM was also exciting especially when signals came in from further afield with Yorkshire, Leeds, Birmingham and even Wales on one occasion being contactable from my QTH. Most times through the local repeater with a 'lift on' because weirdly not many want to try simplex even when conditions are good. Once calling on the FM simplex channel I had someone scream "The frequency is in use!" but without any call sign or identifier. If it actually was then they should have moved off the calling channel?!?!

I may try again thanks to your prompt but it does all feel rather 'clubby' up there. At least clubs are keeping the frequencies in use with such contests.

Like you I wonder why the frequencies aren't used more often for 'local' DX activities being impressed with my own London UHF contact and VHF Liverpool contacts which however where never reciprocated with a QSL confirmation.

Probably not all helped by a local ass-wipe who relishes scanning such frequencies so that he can key over, whistle, blow, roger-beep and DTMF punch to his own delight and everyone else's misfortune which might explain the bands lacklustre usage around here.

Anyway, I was supposed to be sorting my audio interface for some VHF FT8 action bit still haven't got around to it. About time I kicked my own backside into some action!

Brilliant posting there Neal and hope it enthuses some into the fact that there is more to life than just HF. We're lucky having HF at Foundation but let's not forget those frequencies that once upon a time we'd have had no choice but to use. Wink

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: 2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC   2m & 70cm RSGB FMAC Icon_minitime

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