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 South Wales pmr446???

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New Member
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Call Sign : 163-CT-334
Posts : 7
Times Thanked : 0
Join date : 2022-09-18
QTH or Location : Bridgend.
Equipment Used : Baofeng uv-5r, SS6900n
Age : 44

South Wales pmr446??? Empty
PostSubject: South Wales pmr446???   South Wales pmr446??? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 11:30 pm

Any nets around the bridgend area on pmr446?
Have been listening out for couple weeks but not heard any radio talk in the evenings.
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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC
Posts : 6490
Times Thanked : 397
Join date : 2019-11-10
QTH or Location : Bedford
Equipment Used : Various

South Wales pmr446??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Wales pmr446???   South Wales pmr446??? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 9:56 am

Hi Adam,

It's a shame that you haven't heard any PMR activity in your area because I know other areas are quite busy.

That being said you can have the power to change all of that............

You could call out for the 8@8 every Sunday regular as clockwork as you never know if one day someone may be listening out. It's amazing how many listen for signals rather than transmitting themselves and you could have a whole bunch of people listening never knowing each other was there!

You could 'press gang' some friends or colleagues to fire up some PMR gear, simple cheap walkies do the job but do remember that most gear only has a short distance range of maybe several miles.

I've seen people in the past set up Facebook groups for such radio activity but although we get postings announcing them we rarely hear whether they were a success or not.

Of course you could move onto other areas of radio interest but it can start costing money. CB radio on the face of it seems a cheaper option but I know that with a little bit of study and less than £30 you can take your Foundation Amateur Radio examination. Once that's done you can legally transmit on the 2m/70cm frequencies available on your Baofeng and they're definitely way more busy with repeaters extending the range of even low powered transceivers much further afield.

The latter is something I myself progressed with as well as many other CT members here and pretty sure a lot of other people up and down the country too.

It's up to you and I wish you well with your radio interests and adventures.

All the best,

ajlloyd80 and Steve k like this post

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South Wales pmr446???
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