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Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC
Posts : 6292
Times Thanked : 389
Join date : 2019-11-10
QTH or Location : Bedford
Equipment Used : Various

PostSubject: READ FIRST   READ FIRST Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2022 10:50 am

To all new members of Charlie Tango requiring a call sign.

Please ensure you have read the instructions in red lettering at the start of this forum section before making a request for a call sign.

If you missed them, here they are again :-


Introduce yourself to the community and tell us a little about yourself and your Radio History. If you want a CT 11m Call-sign you should request one in this Forum.

1, Start a new thread using the 'New Topic' button at the top.

2, Please do not post requests as replies in other members introductions, as these are easily missed by staff.

3, Ensure your profile is filled out in full. Your Name, Country & Specific QTH (Nearest Town or City) are mandatory!!!

4, Be patient, call signs can take up to 48 hours to be issued.

Failure to comply with the above will result in your application being parked until you have provided the required information.

To check that your details are correctly entered simply click the 'Profile' button at the top of the site when you are logged in. You can view and or edit your details from there by clicking on the appropriate section.

Call signs are issued by voluntary admin staff (real people) and ensuring you have followed the correct procedure will help immensely in the issuing of a call sign for you.

If an incomplete request is made your application will be parked with an "Information Requested" notification until all information required is entered.

Your call sign will be made up of a 'Country Code' - 'CT' for Charlie Tango & a 'membership number' giving you a unique call sign for yourself.

For example my own is :-


This gives a DX station an instant identifier that I am from England (26) from the Charlie Tango group (CT) and member number '3228'.

Having the forum/website means that they are able to search for my details, gain my email address should they wish to make contact for QSL's etc. or even contact me on the forum. The value of such a call sign shouldn't be underestimated.

It is worth noting that "UK", "Great Britain", etc. are not valid entries for your 'country' and nothing wastes more time than searching for your QTH town/city/village to find out what country you are actually in. Take pride in where you live stating Scotland, Wales, etc. in your profile and we will issue you the appropriate country code for you.

Similarly Maidenhead squares or other identifiers are not required or helpful, your town/city/village is more than enough.

Charlie Tango has membership from radio operators worldwide with no limitations, subscriptions or fees associated and call signs are provided freely to help you enjoy your radio pursuits or interests.

Radio enthusiasts helping out other radio enthusiasts.

My own radio interests have grown immensely due to the support of other very good people here and I hope the same will be true for you too.

All the very best to you,


CT Admin

John123, GaryWilson, Razz229, Paddy, StevieG, Alan Pilot, DerekF and like this post

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