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 advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio

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advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Empty
PostSubject: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2022 7:01 pm

I have very little experience of setting up or using CB Radios. My last attempts of setting up a base station were unsuccessful and I may have damaged the radio (President Mc Kinley). I don’t know whether there are any restrictions on installing an antenna as I now live in a housing association flat. I would like advice about antenna and cables i need and how to set up permanently and / or temporary. I have little understanding of SWR are some SWR meters better than others? I have tried using my handheld (Midland Alan 42 DS) since last post and have picked up transmissions. I am hoping to take both radios to a shop to have them checked. I don’t know whether either radio transmits as I have had no response since I tried the new telescopic antenna. I like near Newmarket
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advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2022 4:32 am

Hi Robbie
Not sure on the space you have to put your antenna up in.
A bit more detail would help.
If you have a shop local they might be of some help on this.
SWR meters you can pay a lot for but the low cost one will still give you a good idea and close reading.
There a few members on here in the same predicament as you have a good look round the forum.
All the best have a good day.

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PostSubject: Re: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2022 9:22 am

I live in a ground floor flat. The area directly behind the flat is shared. behind that I have a garden. The nearest shop is over 30 miles away. The only transport I have is a motorbike

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PostSubject: Re: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2022 11:53 am

I too am in a housing association flat, albeit top floor, so I do have access to the loft space. If you have any trees in the area behind your flat, you may be able to rig up something like a Hawkins Radio SSD58+.

A quick check online, I see the McKinley has a built-in SWR meter, here is a video on how to use it

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advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2022 7:55 am

Hi Robbie. If you haven't already, you could try transmitting on the handheld and listening on the McKinley, that will tell you if your handheld is transmitting or not. Make sure you extend the telescopic whip on the handheld fully before transmitting. To help receive on the McKinley, if you don't have any proper antenna available yet just attach a bit of wire or anything metal to the centre pin of the coax connector (but don't key up on it! this is just for listening). That'll be a start, you'll know if one of them is working then.

If I understand your location correctly, then I think you are very near Cambridge. I see there is an amateur radio group based there. I have no idea what that group is like or how friendly and helpful they are, someone else on here might be able to advise, but they might assist you on checking out the functionality of your radios if you ask them. Members of my local group would I know, but some other groups aren't quite so approachable. Might be worth a try though.

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PostSubject: Re: advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio   advice about antenna, cables and setting up radio Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2023 7:43 pm

Thank you for your help

When I was tryinng to set up the President Mc Kinley I tried transmiting of one and listening on other. That is why I am conserned that I have damaged it. I have contact 3 CB radio shops and asked for advice I had reply for 2 of them Knigts could check the radios but could not repair then as I did not byuy then from them. Thunderpole could check radios. They could only repair President Kc Kinley is it fault was under warranty. If had had damage President Mc Kinley with transmitting with too high SWR i doubt it would be coverred under warranty

I don't know if i can install the antenna on the fat because it is housing association. My flat is groundfloor. The back of the flat is one storey. If I am allowed to install the antenna on the flat I don't know what would be best position.

The alternative would be using i garden parasol base as in Fred in the Shed's video. I have no DIY skills so it would probably be quickest and easiest. Thiundepole recomended The ½ Wave Silver Rod antenna and mini 8 back cable. I don't have acess to the cable i originall bought to try out radio again. I could pick up transmission on Midland Alan 42 DS but i do not know whether it transmits. I have aslso lost cable for the no ground antenna i had bought

as I would have to have to pay to send radio to have it chacked and pay to get it returned I am thinking it might be better to but a another cheaper CB radio. antenna would changing radio affect SWR.  If Co-ax is too long what do i do with surplus? woould it be better to put the antenna in the garden awat from the flat? how long dows the pole that i mount the antenna on need to be?

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