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 Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio

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Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Empty
PostSubject: Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio    Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2023 4:37 pm

Radio maxlog  M-8800 ssb
ok ive got a maxlog ssb a few days ago and ive done a reset on it
only have F band now
Anyone can tell me or give me free software for it and what lead i need ive look al over the net can not get any software at all for it its a maxlog M-8800 ver 6

its the same as the magnum one and the voyager thay made so many the same radio

And also there no way to take talkback off not in the fm mode and ssb this is doing my head in with the talfback i was told by the man i got it from thay are like that can hear your talking on it and i thou this is wrong every radio can take this off if not the radio no good to me as it sounds terrible i think a few will say the same too been told read a few forum thay are very bad radios

so if any one can help me out with this one would be good many thax
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Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio    Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2023 7:12 pm

Not sure if these help.
V6 mentioned in the first video's replies.
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Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio    Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 07, 2023 9:13 pm

Yes seen all those youtubes about them...
the second youtube the reason hes getting the error that hes not on the Fband as that is the default band to set the freqs up
first one youtube no software at all for it yes the radio is a pg in a poke mate its there worst radio out there and ive seen some youtubes on them aka cobra..magnun 1...maxlog all same made by the same company... up to the ver 9 .why the hell no maxlog M-8800 ver 6 softwareand the talkback on this ver6 is terrible on it its one of those that you can not get on with at all no talkback can be switched off at all can you see why on youtube you can not see any one talking on them when testing them on there
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PostSubject: Re: Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio    Maxlog M-8800 ssb Radio  Icon_minitime

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