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Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6292 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Software problem. Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:55 am
Well done Bernie, glad you got sorted out.
I remember well the faff when I switched from Windows, to Mac, Linux and then back to Windows! (I loved Linux, it did what I wanted it to do not the other way around.)
Windows vs Mac, Android vs iPhone, the list goes on mate.....so long as we don't go down the CB vs Ham route then all is well.
DerekF likes this post
DerekF Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4631....M7OGB Posts : 104 Times Thanked : 5 Join date : 2022-09-09 QTH or Location : Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire Equipment Used : Icom F25SR, Intaride IR-803, Baofeng UV-5R, Anytone AT-778UV Age : 71
I have worked out how to program the CRT SS 6900 V, and it works all round. Success !! I will not be beaten
Congratulations with you success, great to hear that your perseverance has paid off.
Thank you, It took some learning and patience wot with learning Windows, as I am a Mac man, it is so much easier, (I feel that statement may invite opposition)
I'm a Mac user too, although used Windows & Linux during my working career. I have downloaded (and used) Chirp software on my MacBook to program my Baofeng UV-5R, when I tried downloading the same software to my iMac it would not run. To program my Anytone AT-778UV I had to download and run their software on a Windows laptop. As far as I'm aware the Anytone software will not run on IOS. The joys of our hobby I'd guess, all helps to keep the old grey matter ticking over.
I have worked out how to program the CRT SS 6900 V, and it works all round. Success !! I will not be beaten
Congratulations with you success, great to hear that your perseverance has paid off.
Thank you, It took some learning and patience wot with learning Windows, as I am a Mac man, it is so much easier, (I feel that statement may invite opposition)
I'm a Mac user too, although used Windows & Linux during my working career. I have downloaded (and used) Chirp software on my MacBook to program my Baofeng UV-5R, when I tried downloading the same software to my iMac it would not run. To program my Anytone AT-778UV I had to download and run their software on a Windows laptop. As far as I'm aware the Anytone software will not run on IOS. The joys of our hobby I'd guess, all helps to keep the old grey matter ticking over.
My gray matter has turned to mush, it is like wet Weatabix now