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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
Call Sign : 68-CT-094 Posts : 6 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2023-10-01 QTH or Location : Ballymena northern ireland Equipment Used : kenwood ts2000 Age : 44
Subject: Northern Ireland CB/FM band Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:45 am
Any daily regulars on CB FM on here? I usually go on most days and evenings and call out on ch19 (random times due to work) but only had a few contacts. Always a lot of skip but i don't have the power to contact.
I go mobile from Ladyhill, Ballyboley and Belfast north. Maybe I'm in wrong location?? Or wrong times?
68-CT-094 President Barry 2 Sirio ML 145
26CT1074 Contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC Posts : 80 Times Thanked : 6 Join date : 2019-06-28 QTH or Location : Brighton, East Sussex Equipment Used : Icom IC-7300, Lincoln II (V4), Xiegu X6100 Age : 46
Subject: Re: Northern Ireland CB/FM band Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:32 am
Funnily enough, When I first took a CB radio with the UK CB frequencies on to Ireland (and later N. Ireland) I soon found out I heard nothing as they don't use UK FM there... I guess it's down to the location but I found when I was there, they used SSB even for local chat.