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Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99
4 posters
Revo Mikey New Member
Call Sign : 163-CT-350 / Gasman Posts : 23 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2023-08-22 QTH or Location : South Wales, Pontypridd Equipment Used : Harrier cbx, ss6900v, thunderpole t800, team euro 3100 Age : 48
Subject: Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99 Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:46 pm
Or at least that's the plan, my 5/8 thunderpole is a fantastic antenna but she's a bit bent from catching it on my soffits a few times as she was originally put up and down as I used it.
Now it's permanently fixed on t&k brackets I can't stand seeing it flopping to one side and straightening it is almost impossible.
I'm thinking of getting the thunderpole 5 to replace it. It's double the price but I like the idea of fibre glass.
Can I expect the same decent range of my old 5/8? In addition I mostly use the uk40 and long distance ssb, long distance is the most important. I gather the thunderpole 5 is 1/2 wave so will the 5/8 preform better? looking online I think the galaxy 5/8 might be better for me as. long distance ssb is what I like the most.
I see mixed reviews about the a99, I'm worried that as it's shorter it's going to have less range. Thoughts guys?
Northern Crusader Major contributor
Call Sign : M0GVZ / 26CT1760 Posts : 537 Times Thanked : 35 Join date : 2019-11-13 QTH or Location : IO94SA Equipment Used : Icom 7300, TS480, President McKinley, Albrecht AE6110, CRT Mike Age : 54
Subject: Re: Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99 Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:17 pm
Yes they all perform pretty much as a muchness despite the claims people make. When there's a significant notable difference it's pretty much always down to that individual installation especially when replacing one antenna with a new one as often you replace cables, change plugs etc and fix the thing that was causing an issue you were unaware you had.
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peewee norfolk Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4879 / M7PCA Posts : 192 Times Thanked : 8 Join date : 2023-07-16 QTH or Location : North Walsham, JO02QU Equipment Used : FT1000MP !!!!!!binatone 5*,alinco dx10 135,sirio4000,silver rod,G5RV,beofeng 17 pro max, X30 duel 2m/70cm,full size G5RV, TS120v,soon new toy Age : 57
Subject: Re: Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99 Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:22 am
Everyone I know around my area say the antron 99 every time, they do dx and local, east to tune aswell
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glenn dog Major contributor
Call Sign : 56-CT-004 Posts : 586 Times Thanked : 13 Join date : 2019-08-23 QTH or Location : Oulu -Finland Equipment Used : ft-450d-mc kinley - cobra 19dxeu- lincoln+2 - superstar lord - grant 2 - tti hand held- alan42- crt mike cb - zodiac 68 hunting radio hand held- and few PMR 2
Subject: Re: Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99 Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:00 am
I had the amtron 99 up for six years here in Finland, Did very well with it, replaced with Gainmaster , about the same Rx and Tx from both.
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Subject: Re: Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99
Upgrading my thunderpole 5/8 for a thunderpole 5 or a99