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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeToday at 12:22 pm by VanRougeT4

lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeToday at 6:08 am by Eddie2019

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeToday at 5:36 am by Razz229

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeToday at 5:13 am by glenn dog

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:05 pm by John123

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeYesterday at 4:05 pm by Ivy Mike

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:48 am by Craigo

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:40 am by Miura

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeYesterday at 11:19 am by Razz229

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 president lincoln radio with B300P AMP

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lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Empty
PostSubject: president lincoln radio with B300P AMP   lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2023 8:41 am

Hi All

I have a Lincoln radio and would like to use a zetagi B300P amp, to help with my not wat to over load the amp, is there a way of reducing the power input from my radio into the amp to about 5 to 6 watts, the only way I can see is the turn the RF gain down and check using a SWG meter.. 

Thank you for any help on this..

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Alan Pilot
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Alan Pilot

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Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A,,Yaesu FTDX-10,,Icom ic-7610,,Anytone AT-D878UV PLUS",,LINCOLN II+.
Age : 16

lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Empty
PostSubject: Re: president lincoln radio with B300P AMP   lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2023 11:34 am

RF gain is nothing to do with power.
You might want to turn the middle knob RF-PWR down.
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Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC
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Equipment Used : Icom IC-7300, Lincoln II (V4), Xiegu X6100
Age : 46

lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Empty
PostSubject: Re: president lincoln radio with B300P AMP   lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2023 3:17 pm

The power on the Lincoln model 1, is 'RF Power' top right dial. Use that, with a power meter in between the radio & amp. 

On FM do not use anymore than 10w and no more than 20w on SSB or you run the risk of blowing the B300P.
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Alan Pilot
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Alan Pilot

Call Sign : 163-CT-220...
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Join date : 2019-11-19
QTH or Location : Anglesey North Wales
Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A,,Yaesu FTDX-10,,Icom ic-7610,,Anytone AT-D878UV PLUS",,LINCOLN II+.
Age : 16

lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Empty
PostSubject: Re: president lincoln radio with B300P AMP   lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitimeSun Dec 31, 2023 5:31 am

As above for the mk1
I thought yours was the mk2 as in your profile.
Have both and a 2510 sat on the shelf here.
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PostSubject: Re: president lincoln radio with B300P AMP   lincoln - president lincoln radio with B300P AMP Icon_minitime

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president lincoln radio with B300P AMP
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