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peewee norfolk
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peewee norfolk

Call Sign : 26-CT-4879 / M7PCA
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QTH or Location : North Walsham, JO02QU
Equipment Used : FT1000MP !!!!!!binatone 5*,alinco dx10 135,sirio4000,silver rod,G5RV,beofeng 17 pro max, X30 duel 2m/70cm,full size G5RV, TS120v,soon new toy
Age : 57

100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Empty
PostSubject: 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH   100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2024 3:18 pm

Well i now know what Victor meant......
dam hard work getting them going upwards
i set my self a challange to get there before easter and on 48 at the mo, not to bad for a 38 year old set up and 10w,
still loving it all, but still missing a CT member in my log, i look every time
loving ft8/4 as i can see where im getting to if nothing else, had a few spots in VK and china, so something working right, think i need another ariel pointing a differnt way cover all my bases. hope you all having fun still

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100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Empty
PostSubject: Re: 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH   100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2024 5:33 am

Hi Jimmy,

Yep, those first 50 are easy and then it gets much harder. Wink

(Some may protest otherwise but with minimal setups and low power it ain't as easy as it looks even with modes like FT8.)

I still think you're doing marvelously well especially running with your old TS120v. 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH 1f44d 

Been a bit busy myself this way what with setting up my VHF/UHF operations along with family matters but if you give me a general idea of when you're working 40m I'll keep a look out for you. (Always a pleasure to get a fellow CT in the log.)

You only have to think about setup, antenna, power used, time of day, band conditions along with a good pinch of luck, each & every contact made is totally fabulous as well as an absolute joy. Certainly glad you're still enjoying yourself there Jimmy. Smile

All the best,

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Ivy Mike
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Ivy Mike

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100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Empty
PostSubject: Re: 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH   100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2024 5:40 am

It takes time but you will get there.

Been doing FT8 since coming back to radio in 2018 and got number 188 at the weekend.

It can be frustrating, I missed two this weekend, had Haiti and Yemen but no rogers. Sad

So far I have 100 on 10 and 107 on 20, the other bands a long way to go.

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Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas

100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Empty
PostSubject: Re: 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH   100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2024 7:12 am

You're doing awesome Jimmy. Your definitely mastering that old transceiver.

Re DX numbers, I set myself very small but realistic targets. For me, it's mostly a hobby/pastime and it's not something to get stressed over. Achieving some of the very small targets have added together to become some quite substantial numbers in some areas though.

If just DXCC is your focus, it's worth taking part in a few of the big contests like CQ WW etc. You are almost certain to get some new entities by doing so.

Keep it fun and enjoy yourself.

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PostSubject: Re: 100 countries worked ????? ARHHH   100 countries worked ????? ARHHH Icon_minitime

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