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New forum section to discuss additional (non radio) equipment we may utilise.
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6136 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: New forum section to discuss additional (non radio) equipment we may utilise. Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:20 am
Hi All,
After a great suggestion from one of our members (Hiya Deb) we have added a new forum section for you to hopefully enjoy.
As you are aware we are a radio interest based forum and have many topic sections regarding typical radio related topics. However, there are many other aspects to the radio interest which although not strictly radio equipment related do help us with our interests.
So if you have anything to share with others such as battery systems (backup, portable, solar etc.), remote internet tethering, that comfortable chair you couldn't be without, your 'lucky' DX hat or anything that doesn't fit in our typical radio topics sections then please go ahead and post up about it here. You could also asks questions about such auxiliary equipment here and hopefully a helpful member may provide you assistance.
Just be aware that we don't allow advertising of specific products or self promotion but will allow appropriate links pertaining to your chosen posting if providing usefully related information.
I hope you all enjoy this new topic section and look forward to your postings.
All the very best, Victor
CT Admin.
John123, Razz229, Les-1, Alan Pilot, Ivy Mike and MM0IMC like this post
New forum section to discuss additional (non radio) equipment we may utilise.