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 What ham radio and antenna to get on a buget

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New Member

Call Sign : 26 ct 3091
Posts : 1
Times Thanked : 0
Join date : 2019-06-27
QTH or Location : Biddulph moors nr stoke on trent
Equipment Used : Thunderpole t-800 /crt ss 6900n
Age : 54

What ham radio  and antenna to get on a buget  Empty
PostSubject: What ham radio and antenna to get on a buget    What ham radio  and antenna to get on a buget  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2019 11:10 pm

I've just come back to cb after 30 odd yrs I'm looking to do my ham course and was wondering what radio to get as a starter and on a buget and antenna.
I currently have a thunderpole T-800 & crt ss6900n.
Also any club nets in my area?

Many thanks 26-ct-3091.
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Call Sign : CT2201/FB855/UK164 + others
Posts : 81
Times Thanked : 16
Join date : 2019-07-03
QTH or Location : Yeovil
Equipment Used : Yeasu FT891 MFJ Atu/Swr K40 Tankwhip x2 Mob whips 80/40/20
Age : 80

What ham radio  and antenna to get on a buget  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What ham radio and antenna to get on a buget    What ham radio  and antenna to get on a buget  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 23, 2019 4:36 pm

Hi. Carpmark69

I use a Yeasu FT450d @ H/B & FT891 mobile. Both good for
Starting off in Ham radio. The 450 is run thro' a MFj atu & 3/4
Antenna's ie. Hygain AV18 80/10 which runs only 2ft agl. Sirio
SD27 for 10/11m. Inverted V for S/lows below T5. Several whips
for mobile op's ie. 10/11/20/40/80. & 3 Tankwhips which covers
28 down to 26 MHz. It all depends on your Qth. For 11m u most
Guys have to go uponthill because of Qrm @ Qth. If u have space
try a G5RV a good all round Ant for most situations & cheap.
Hope this helps. 73's Mike.
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What ham radio and antenna to get on a buget
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