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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:05 am
I remember Mad George, what a to55er he was, I always wondered what happened to him is he still about or did someone finally deal with him.
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saltire Contributor
Posts : 61 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2020-05-15 QTH or Location : North east scotland. Equipment Used : Stryker 955/Gainmaster .AnyTone778V/U(crap dont buy one!), icom 7300.
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:29 am
Well he has been eating porrige for past few years and i recon he must be due for release any time soon . He spent over 25k on gear 2x Yeasu FT9000DXMP'S back then around 10k or they might even been more a pop, Yeasu 1kw amp and 1kw Yeasu antenna tuner Heli headphones .His antenna was a Hi gain penetrator .His radios were widebanded and i bet the dealer who sold him all this gear was happy. I am sure his son had the other 9000mp, and at the beginning of this year whilst listening to an SDR station in Holland i heard a Glasgow station booming through Europe and the guy said he was using a 9000MP !!!. All Georges videos are still on youtube and you can see all his gear .
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:23 pm
So they finally put him inside at last,that bloke was pain in the ar*e to radio I'm surprised he wasnt found beaten up down a back ally the way he use to talk and threaten people, definitely don't want him back on air
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saltire Contributor
Posts : 61 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2020-05-15 QTH or Location : North east scotland. Equipment Used : Stryker 955/Gainmaster .AnyTone778V/U(crap dont buy one!), icom 7300.
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:13 pm
Time will tell you have a bigger chance of hearing him than me as i only tend to hear southern england and further south his dx would most likley bounce right over me towards europe .Havent got a clue what happened to his gear but i will keep an eye on youtube to see if he ever starts re uploading . He uploaded 100+ videos mostly short qso's from around the world but he was ok untill he was drinking.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:03 pm
I should be able to hear you as I'm in North London will listen out for you , I do normally get Scotland when conditions are good , I use to speak to a guy named Donny on the Isle of Lewis on SSB back in about 2003/04 ish we had some really good conditions all round and I even spoke to him on UKFM Muppet band a few times
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The Doctor Contributor
Posts : 61 Times Thanked : 4 Join date : 2020-05-03 QTH or Location : Hertfordshire Equipment Used : Uniden
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:05 am
Donny From IoL is still on the air. Copied him a few moths back on SSB.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:18 am
The Doctor wrote:
Donny From IoL is still on the air. Copied him a few moths back on SSB.
I haven't spoken to him for about 4 years, Funny that Rory ,you and I can speak to Donny all the way up there and we can't make a contact from North London to Epping which are about 10 mile apart as the crow flys LOL
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Alan Pilot Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-220... Posts : 2586 Times Thanked : 70 Join date : 2019-11-19 QTH or Location : Anglesey North Wales Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A,,Yaesu FTDX-10,,Icom ic-7300,,Anytone AT-D878UV PLUS",,LINCOLN II+. Age : 15
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:31 am
I used to live right bang in the middle of this island Anglesey that is. I could get every body to one side but nothing to the other side even down the coast heading south. It was like i had a wall behind me.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:10 am
I use to be able to hear alot more Alan, even here in built up London apart from when we got the normal man made interference but I use get some good distance UK copys but as the years have gone on its getting worse ,forget the interference side that will always be a problem, I mean like you said a wall blocking the transmissions ,I've put it down to new building structures that have gone up that we didn't have say 5/10 year back there has been quite a few.
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gmham New Member
Posts : 34 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2020-08-26 QTH or Location : Fife Scotland Equipment Used : CRT ss 7900 / Sirio 2016
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:40 am
The George guy is back, heard him several times over the last few weeks, reported by others on FB as well !
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Sun Sep 13, 2020 9:18 am
Conditions from Scotland arnt that good ATM to London so with the some luck I wont hear him lol
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
Well I was blocked out all 40 channels on Friday afternoon and through to 20.30 hrs. It was definitely power rather than anything else as I’ve seen burners many times used in the past and unfortunately now.
I’m pretty sure one of the guys payed £1,500 for his burner. Not sure about the other. Nothing since then so hopefully it’ll be clear again for a while. But the guys that have them were on all weekend as usual. Only using 350 watts though
Hey ho. I’ll keep on plodding on in the hope they set fire to their rigs.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
They sound like a couple of ar*eholes John like the type I mentioned in my earlier post ,do you know how far the are from you because if they are quite near even by a couple of mile even 50w /100w could do the same effect infact if your just normal 4watt power I could sit outside your house with a radio running 10watts key up and block out your channels the same way so he might be bullshi77ing about his amp do you know 100% these guys actually have these amps
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Alan - Mirror Man Major contributor
Call Sign : 108CT233 Posts : 201 Times Thanked : 14 Join date : 2019-12-01 QTH or Location : Central Scotland Equipment Used : CRT SS9900 Beofeng UV5R Yaesu FTDX1200 CRT Micron CRT FP00 Sattelite 2000 antenna ZS6BKW X30 co-linear
There are two breakers not far from me. One with 1kw and the other as the crow flies at 22 miles with a 3 kw burner. He can put a plus 30 on my rig and blank 4 channel either way,!
Others near here have ham rigs or 100w but most use extra power too.
Makes my little 4watts and 12 seem poor but if you can’t hear anything because of these guys me adding power would not help anyway.
I’ll keep plodding on. Guy blew the electric in hs house the other day so I can hope next time it’ll be his radio.
Tonight I lost all 40uk again so stopped altogether.
It may be a stupid question but have you tried speaking to these people to let them know they are wiping you out with those large amps?
I tried the high power thing for a very short period with a 600w linear but it makes suprisingly little difference and I soon found out focusing on fine tuning my station was the thing that truly worked for me, perfectly resonating antennas, good punchy strong audio, low loss coax, hi-gain antennas etc.
I realise there are some people who are completely unaproachable but it is alwasy worth a go, he can only hear local stations I'd imagine the only thing all that power does is cause a lot of interference, politely guilt tripping people can really work at times.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Is there any other breakers apart from yourself also suffering that you know of ,if so perhaps you could get together and do something about them , I know theres not alot you can do via Ofcom if you mention CB radio but perhaps if you got together you could say they was interfering with some other electronic stuff to Ofcom might be worth a try , sorry my other recommendations what I would do arnt exactly legal
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
Somehow i dont think there are many cber's running 1kw and certainly not 3kw Most of the top of the range amps cost around 3K PLUS acoms ect and aint that easy to modify to work on 11 mtrs .Any folks running huge power will be Hams and a lot of them will not be licenced to do so 400watts is the legal uk limit unless you have a special licence .I know lots of cber;s use 200-300 watts but mostly for dx but there are exceptions .Another thing most cb antennas cant handle big power .
Hi I’m glad there aren’t many users of really high power but they are out there around me so if they are here they are elsewhere too!
I have to be careful what I say as some have CT call signs so may see this post And as I said. Most are cbers with ham equipment!
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
Is there any other breakers apart from yourself also suffering that you know of ,if so perhaps you could get together and do something about them , I know theres not alot you can do via Ofcom if you mention CB radio but perhaps if you got together you could say they was interfering with some other electronic stuff to Ofcom might be worth a try , sorry my other recommendations what I would do arnt exactly legal
Hi As we know there aren’t as many breakers as in the past. As far as I know im one of three people that run legal rigs and power in my area. Burners and hi power rigs are so easy to come by today and ham equipment is relatively cheap I guess but still out of range of my disability pay.
In the old day I’d have sorted it out but those days are gone. Also the majority use either high power rigs and burners so we’d be taking on many more than a rogue power freak that we may have had in the 70s.
I’m not helped by geography either as I get problems from the 3 kw user and others in South Wales!!
I’m actually thinking of reverting to my small antenna. I solved my house and neighbours tech interference and started using a bigger better antenna that in place even the neighbours didn’t mind. But the better antenna brings in what I don’t want now. Bleed over from the above. So I may go back to the partly deaf and reduced distance twig so I lose some of the other cr#p I now have but still can copy local breakers.
Shame but it may work out better for me at least in the short term.
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
I feel sorry for you mate , it can be just as bad in London mate ,I must say some dont understand it when you say you get interference or idiots like you've got ATM on the radio , some say with comments "like go to high ground somewhere away from those types but who say that normally live in middle of nowhere outside of big cities, what chance of us finding high ground in the middle of nowhere in the cities . also I can see your other predicament about they have CT call signs, I know the admin and other members dont condone having members like that either.
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
They sound like a couple of ar*eholes John like the type I mentioned in my earlier post ,do you know how far the are from you because if they are quite near even by a couple of mile even 50w /100w could do the same effect infact if your just normal 4watt power I could sit outside your house with a radio running 10watts key up and block out your channels the same way so he might be bullshi77ing about his amp do you know 100% these guys actually have these amps
Unfortunately yes. Let’s say I do more listening than people think including my scanner that takes me across other bands that when people think they are alone they talk as if they are on a private phone!
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
I feel sorry for you mate , it can be just as bad in London mate ,I must say some dont understand it when you say you get interference or idiots like you've got ATM on the radio , some say with comments "like go to high ground somewhere away from those types but who say that normally live in middle of nowhere outside of big cities, what chance of us finding high ground in the middle of nowhere in the cities . also I can see your other predicament about they have CT call signs, I know the admin and other members dont condone having members like that either.
Hi there
Yep And they too go static mobile using good antennas on aluminium or fibreglass poles so I could end up on the same hill
I have been around for long enough that I know things that seem to have no answers at one time can change almost overnight. Who the hell thought we would be doing what we have been doing this year for instance!
I’m not gonna let it grind me down. Even my small antenna got me Into Scotland ???????????????????????? with the help of the summer skip. I’ll just keep changing and adapting. Luckily my friends are within a 10 mile radius. They are at work during the day so then I can play unhindered nd even with the legal power I can get into South Wales ???????????????????????? And chat with breakers there. It’s not all doom and gloom Although it would be nice if there was a little of the consideration
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Alan Pilot Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-220... Posts : 2586 Times Thanked : 70 Join date : 2019-11-19 QTH or Location : Anglesey North Wales Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A,,Yaesu FTDX-10,,Icom ic-7300,,Anytone AT-D878UV PLUS",,LINCOLN II+. Age : 15
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:48 am
Can you put both aerial up and use a splitter switch. You could use the small one if you had the problem and the big one when no bleed-over.
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Tristar Senior contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-3771 Posts : 132 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-08-10 QTH or Location : Weston-super-Mare Equipment Used : CRT Millennium 3v hand sets, President Barry2 Age : 59
Listen up guys, best get good coax and a good aerial, it is far better, only problem is a good beam is quite big for 11 meters (CB) and it does need a rotator and everything else that goes with it. Be very careful working extra power. I know of one person that was only using 3 watts and got a knock on the door for interference. To the police of all people, no luck. There has not been a clamp down on illegal power as yet, and to be honest there is not much chance of one anytime soon. But extra power can cause a lot of interference. Some sets are worse for putting out harmonics than others and burners themselves can and do put out harmonics. Amateur Radio puts out their harmonics onto themselves (mostly) so they are only bothering themselves.Being on 11 meters we are alone in that our harmonics do not fall on ourselves. They fall on other radio users, a point to keep in mind when you flick the switch for that extra kick of power. The wise use it sparingly, the foolish use it when not required. Some Amateur Radio operators are also guilty of using a lot more power than they need to. However, there harmonics mostly just bother themselves and not other users. Just remember that interference from harmonics go up in frequency and also as well as down. It is usually the upper harmonics that get CBer's into trouble. It is unlikely that you will bother the police or emergency services these days, but there are other users out there. It is bad these days that there are so many electronic devices that are not properly screened these days and radiate all sorts or emissions that can make radio hard to operate. That is no excuse to say that you need extra power, good screening and RF traps on the coax can help a lot. Screwdriver Experts (there are not so many around these days) would be well advised that not every coil inside a CB or radio (if Amateur) give you extra power where you want it, some coils are RF traps to keep down interference and if adjusted on a run of the mill power meter will show more RF power going out, however, it is not power where you want it, it may be harmonics the power meter is reading. The meter will just show more power, but it will not tell you where the power is going out and at what frequency, so be aware, you need a meter that will only read RF power at 27MHz. Also one other point, 20MHz is 10 meters, it is for Amateur Radio, do not go there, some take exception to a CBer going there and will report you. Go and invest in a good aerial/antenna/coax and forget the extra power. 50 watts is not to bad, but after you go above 100 watts you can be transmitting on more than 27MHz. So be aware that you might be causing interference to others, not only on 27MHz but elsewhere. No, I am not a Radio Amateur (yet) and I am no angel either. Be aware that you can also cause problems to TV (AM especially) Broadband, community alarms etc. I admit it does not often happen, but it can and it is not nice being at the receiving end if you get a knock at the door. I know someone who got the knock and it put the fear of death into him, he said it was the worst 8 hours of his life. Luckily, he was only using 3 watts and his CB was legal, it was just spewing all sorts of nasty things out. Just stop and think about it, if 3 watts can do this, what can 100 watts, 500 watts, 1KW do? You do not want that knock on the door trust me. The chances are small that you will get anyone coming to your door. But just think for a minute, not only are you running the risk of interfering with other radio users, you are also causing problems to others using CB. I am not having a go at anyone, I am no angle, but I do stop to think. Getting through on low power is a far better thing that using loads of power, anyone can do that. I got through to Puerto Rico on 4 watts (8 watt SSB) for almost 10 minutes one day when the skip was just coming in, the Italians was around, some French, Germans, and what I thought were Spanish a way at the back of the box. Turned out they were in Puerto Rico, a farmer/rancher and his foreman, farmer on a home base and the foreman mobile. I waited till the signal from one came up high enough to try for him, I called in between overs and there was a slight pause, then the strongest came back "Hello!" the base station, the foreman could also hear me but not enough to keep up a conversation, it was nice of the farmer to ask his foreman if he could hear me. Why they were using SSB to talk to each other? I think it was the therian around where they were and the distance apart they were. I expected the CB to be full of DXers when I lost them, but there was very little, just one Italian bosting he was using 2KW to his mate and anyone that was listening, they were only 20 miles apart, so why on earth did he need 2KW of power? Anyway, we need a new revolution of CB. FM and SSB would be nice, AM just used to give me so much grief when I used t way back when there was no legal CB that I just stay away from it these days. Mind you it was good fun when it was illegal AM and you would run around in a car and sit on high ground. I still have my first AM CB somewhere, but it was retired just after we got legal channels, never to see the light of day again. Now we have the old FM channels and now EU FM/AM/SSB I wish someone would make sets that are legal with SSB in them. I know one made one that was almost worth buying, but some of the new Menu/Software driven set are terrible, imaging trying to use some of these sets when driving, it is as bad or worse than using a phone, push this button while turning on the change from one set of channels to another, push this while holding this to get into the squelch menu, then do the same to get back to the volume. To much to handle, give me an old illegal set any day with both sets of channels in it, a lot simpler. Even though it is not type approved. I don't know if you would be done for having one of those, but it has to be an easier life than having one of these new fangled sets. Some people are using Amateur Radios these days, fine, but remember they can also cause problems for other users if used on 11 meters, 27MHz especially if using high power on poor coax, antennas and without proper RF traps ans screening. I just ask you to keep it in mine when using a lot of power. As I say I am/was no angle in the old days and was in the campaign to legalise CB in the UK. What they gave us, I don't think most were very happy with it, useless for DXing, though I did talk to Hungry for half an hour or maybe more one day with 2 Amateur Radio operators on CB with me and they let me do all the talking. They just said they could hear Hungry and left me to it. I never got a QSL card from him as he said it was illegal for him to operate, at points he was hitting me with a +9 and other time a S3, but he was crystal clear, I think he said he was only using 6 watts and I was using 5, all my poor CB would put out. It came like that, 5 watts, bought in Woolworths (remember them) yes they sold CBs back then. It was a York 863 and I still have it. I went to turn it on and the on/off/volume control fell to bits :-( so I have that to repair. As with most people I fell away from CB for a while, but now I am back, though I am chasing the Amateur route as I should have done years and years ago! Anyway, stay safe out there and be careful. 10/10. 73s
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NUBSTER 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26 CT050 26 FB080 26 WT105 26 TE171 Posts : 948 Times Thanked : 51 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : NORTH LONDON Equipment Used : ORIGINAL President Lincoln, President Teddy , Silver Eagle microphones , Gainmaster antenna, use a AMP ofcourse I do sometimes Age : 66
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:31 am
Bloody ell Victor theres someone who does monologues longer than you mate lol,
Sorry I got bored reading where you kept repeating yourself , I agree you dont need extra power when you dont need it its plane stupid, but some of your other comments about using AM especially now its legal is going to scare new users and the bloke using 3watts getting busted must of had a crap set up to cause interference sorry to be like this but what I did read was a bit scare mongering IMHO to the new CB user joining here which doesn't include myself Ive been around CB since 1975 pre legal AM done all the demos to get it legalised worked in CB shops as Saturday job so no stranger to things and in all those years I have only heard of two breakers getting busted one for using unnecessary extra power and one where Busby (old name for DTI/Ofcom) saw his Silver Rod antenna on the roof of his house and this was back in the illegal days too in London.
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Alan Pilot Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-220... Posts : 2586 Times Thanked : 70 Join date : 2019-11-19 QTH or Location : Anglesey North Wales Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-991A,,Yaesu FTDX-10,,Icom ic-7300,,Anytone AT-D878UV PLUS",,LINCOLN II+. Age : 15
Subject: Re: Big burners.? Why? Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:32 am
Aup Victor you have a rival . But well said to the above poster.(even if a bit overboard)... My challenge years ago was to see how far i could get and turn the power down. It's surprising how far you can get on half a watt. You don't need big power just a bit of patience and when the conditions are right away you go.
Last edited by Alan Pilot on Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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