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PostSubject: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 1:28 am

Hi All

I am in search of simple weather station to give me a simple indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity reading, ideally with a wireless outdoor sensor for under £40.   I don't expect it to be absolutely precise, it's just nice to be able to see the outside temperature at a glance,  especially in the cold depths of  winter whilst I luxuriate in central heating.   Most of these devices seem to be utter garbage.  I've had some wired ones which have been reasonably OK, but kept chopping the external sensor wire through the window.

I purchased this one:

Has now been returned due to a bizarre issue where the indoor temperature gets "stuck".   Temperature did not budge from 22.8 all afternoon and evening.  Skeptical, I put it in the fridge and got it down to 17 C, after being out for over an hour, the temperature did not change at all, despite my "analogue" thermometer and heating thermostat current temp. indicating otherwise.   Also the mains adaptor only appears to power it as and when it feels like it.

Having looked at the various units on offer and various features and screen layouts seem to suggest that virtually all of the units available basically have the same internals as the thing I started out with!    All seem to have 4* + reviews, but whenever you look at any of the bad reviews, they all report similar issues;   wildly inaccurate measurements,  and outdoor sensor packing up after a month, etc.  Makes me wonder how genuine the 4/5* reviews are.

It seems that unless you are a proper weather buff and want the high quality professional gear complete with anemometers etc. for £££s, you are stuck with this rubbish.   It must be possible to get a simple indoor/outdoor temperature sensor which actually works properly for a reasonable price!

Does anyone have one of these things which does what it says on the tin?

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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 3:00 am

See link below for some examples. I've used the "Bresser" branded ones before and they're very good.

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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 8:17 am


I am an amateur weather forecaster with 50 years experience and personally I would not buy a simple weather station for obvious reasons.

I get where your coming from though you just want a simple indoor weather station.

You are right,unless you are a complete weather buff you don't want to spend 100's  of pounds.
Unfortunately ALL  these simple weather stations are pretty much the same and as the saying goes "YOU PAY'S YA MONEY,AND TAKES YA CHOICE".

That one you bought I think probably had Chinese origins so NOT  very reliable.

I don't think you will do better for "simplicity" and price than the one HERE in my link.

It's from a reasonably good source Euro Electronics,so it seems like what you want, and it simple and cheap.

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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 10:38 am

redsprite wrote:

That one you bought I think probably had Chinese origins so NOT  very reliable.

I don't think you will do better for "simplicity" and price than the one HERE in my link.

It's from a reasonably good source Euro Electronics,so it seems like what you want, and it simple and cheap.

The one in your link is also made in China (see rear-view photo at your Ebay says "Made in PRC") but that doesn't always mean it will be poor quality. I have a "weather machine" made by Oregon Scientific (also a Chinese company) which I've had for more than 20 years and its still very accurate.....I've compared it to the online Met. Office figures for temperature & pressure and with my analogue thermometer & barometer and the results are almost identical.

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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 11:58 am

Many thanks for these helpful replies!   I will have a look at the devices you have all suggested.

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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2020 1:01 pm

Hi Phil,

I take your point but as I said YOU PAY'S YOUR MONEY YOU TAKES YOUR CHOICE.

Unless your going to pay big money for one of these weather stations you will only be getting simple basic functions.

In fact,OREGON SCIENTIFIC is the firm that DESIGNED and MANUFACTURED these weather stations.The firm was started 1989 in Portland Oregon,United States. In 1997 the company became a fully owned subsidiary of IDT ( Integrated Display Technology ) a Hong Kong based company so the original design and manufacturer was American.

As we all know some of the cheap mass produced electronic equipment that originates in China leaves a lot to be desired. I can vouch for that.....first hand.


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PostSubject: Re: Weather stations   Weather stations Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2020 3:38 am

redsprite wrote:
Hi Phil,

I take your point but as I said YOU PAY'S YOUR MONEY YOU TAKES YOUR CHOICE.

Unless your going to pay big money for one of these weather stations you will only be getting simple basic functions.

In fact,OREGON SCIENTIFIC is the firm that DESIGNED and MANUFACTURED these weather stations.The firm was started 1989 in Portland Oregon,United States. In 1997 the company became a fully owned subsidiary of IDT ( Integrated Display Technology ) a Hong Kong based company so the original design and manufacturer was American.

As we all know some of the cheap mass produced electronic equipment that originates in China leaves a lot to be desired. I can vouch for that.....first hand.


Yes....I agree, you don't need to pay more than £20 - £30 to get one with all the main features (temperature, humidity, pressure etc).

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