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 Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences

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Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Empty
PostSubject: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2021 9:27 am

Ofcom have decided to go ahead with their plans to introduce an unnecessary EMF clause into the amateur radio licenCe. It will be inplace no later than May 18 and there will be at least a 6 month grace period to comply

Among the consultation respondents quoted in Ofcom's announcement was RAYNET UK.

"RAYNET-UK - a national voluntary communications service provided by amateur licensees - also commented on training aspects; it said that training activities may be ‘no notice’ activities to provide the best training experience but the relatively narrow scope of Ofcom’s exemption for emergency situations may limit these activities. Michael White also commented on the impact on RAYNET’s activities, saying that emergency deployment by RAYNET on behalf of Category 1 responders would be more problematic, thus reducing the resilience capabilities and contributions of radio amateurs."

RAYNET UK also pointed out that Ofcom's proposed definition of the general public is overly restrictive in that it only accounts for a single licensee or operator responsible for the transmitter. It asked who would be considered as the licensee in scenarios where there are multiple operator stations, and whether an ‘off duty’ operator in the vicinity would be defined as a member of the general public when they do not have a microphone in their hand.

Regarding EMF training Ofcom said "We further recognise that appropriate training for amateur licensees provided by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) can help licensees ensure members of their household are not exposed to EMF in breach of the ICNIRP general public limits. We will encourage RSGB to update their training to include the most relevant and effective ways (identified in our “Guidance on EMF Compliance and Enforcement”) in which amateurs can comply with the EMF condition as well as training on our Additional Guidance for Radio Amateurs (which we will publish a draft version of shortly). Such training should not be treated as a one-off tick-box exercise"

It is likely that a revised syllabus and textbooks for the RSGB amateur radio exams to incorporate the new EMF requirements will be required at some point later this year.

Ofcom acknowledge their EMF Calculator Tool will in most cases overestimate the separation distance and in addition it is not suitable for use below 10 MHz.

Ofcom say "We expect to publish our final decision in relation to the variation of affected licences no later than 18 May 2021. Where we decide to vary licences to include the EMF condition, licensees will then have six months to ensure their EMF compliance records are in place and up-to-date (which is extended to 12 months in relation to equipment which operates at frequencies below 10 MHz). We may decide to extend these deadlines for compliance if there are ongoing travel restrictions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and will publish an update on our website if we do decide to extend these deadlines."

"Following the conclusion of the licence variation process, we also intend to include the EMF licence condition in all new licences in the affected licence classes. The EMF condition will apply immediately to any licences that are issued and include the new EMF condition. Whilst the licence variation process is ongoing, we will still accept new licence applications and issue new licences."

Read the Implementation of measures to require compliance with international guidelines for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) at

The many consultation responses are available at the bottom of the EMF consultation page
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 8:41 am

Ofcom write to radio amateurs about EMF regs change
On Wednesday, March 3, Ofcom wrote to all radio amateurs about their intention to add a new EMF clause to the licence

In a number of cases Ofcom's email ended up in the Spam folder so there may be some who haven't seen it yet, if you haven't then check your spam. It is assumed those who haven't provided Ofcom with an email address will get a paper letter posted to them.

Ofcom's email reads:
Dear Licence Holder,

We are writing to make you aware of some important changes that we are proposing to make to your Wireless Telegraphy Act licence(s) issued by Ofcom.

In February and October last year, we issued two public consultations on our proposal to formally require licensees to comply with the internationally agreed levels in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for the protection of the general public from electromagnetic fields (EMF). We refer to these levels as the ICNIRP general public limits. In October, we also issued a Statement setting out our decision to formally require licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits and we recently published an update on how we propose to implement that decision.  

We are now writing to you to inform you of our proposal to vary the terms and conditions of your licence(s) to require you to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits. In accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy Act and your licence(s), we are giving you notice of our proposal by publishing a General Notice on our website.

We’ve put all the relevant information about our proposal including the General Notice on a dedicated EMF webpage

Here you will find details of the licence variation process alongside the background to the changes and lots of FAQs to help you understand what our proposal means for you.

If, after reading the above information, you wish to make a representation to Ofcom in relation to our proposal to vary your licence(s), you have up until the 18 April 2021 to do so. However, if you do not wish to make a representation you do not need to take any action at this time. More information on the representation process can be found by visiting the Ofcom EMF webpage.

We will consider all representations before coming to a final decision on the variation of your licence(s). We will publish our final decision on the EMF page of our website by 18 May 2021. We will explain whether we have decided to vary your licence(s) to include the EMF condition. If your licence(s) has been varied we will send you an update of it or information on where a new version can be obtained from.

In future we intend to make greater use of General Notices published on our website and may not individually contact you to inform you that we have published one. We would therefore urge all licensees to regularly check the Ofcom website or subscribe to email spectrum updates by going to the following page on our website

If you have any questions about this change and what it means for you, further information can be found on the dedicated EMF webpage using the address provided above.
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 9:38 am

Got it read it went on the calculator and still don't know if i need to do anything.
I only run 10w and my aerials are at least 60 meters from any public as our bungalow is set well back.

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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 11:04 am

Just as well they've naffed it all up below 10MHz......otherwise I hope we all get retrospective planning permission for the 50 foot tall towers we're all gonna need! Very Happy

From the looks of the calculator we're only "safe" at VHF/UHF. I always thought the dangers were the other way around????

I'm with you Alan, it all sounds a bit feckless!
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 11:18 am

What will happen to special event stations? Being temporary stations & often in less than ideal locations, is it going to stop them? And what about mobile operators?
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 11:32 am

I think it's a case of doing there bit or being seen to be doing something.
Could be well wrong but educate me i am always willing to learn.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 12:04 pm

Worth the read.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 3:37 pm

If the person(s) to be eradiated by my antenna manages to sneak past the dog, over the barbed wire, evade the landmines (laid by the dog) manages to get passed a certain unsavory property owner with a balaclava and baseball bat, shimmy’s up a 12 meter tower without falling off and hangs about until someone keys the mic then good on them.
Otherwise I’ll tick the box and say OK Mate- Done  Suspect

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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 5:40 pm

Ha! Ha! Very Happy  Nice one Graeme!

I've got a "Missus"....and no one gets past her Wink

Same here, tick the box & keep everyone happy.

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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 9:03 pm

My house sounds just like Victor's lol.
If i ever find the box i will tick it.

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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2021 10:06 pm

This is a better calculator.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSat Mar 06, 2021 7:06 am

If using Libreoffice with the above calculator and you get a pop up window asking for a password , go TOOLS>OPTIONS>LOAD/SAVE> uncheck AUTO RECOVERY 10MINS , was doing my head in back at the begining of January LOL.

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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSat Mar 06, 2021 11:53 am

Nice little tip there Kevin!

Only recently began playing with the calculator on LibreOffice for Linux with any earnest and that 'hiccup' caught me right out too. Shocked
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeMon Mar 08, 2021 7:08 am

Didn't know it worked in Linux ? but i put the link on another forum and just been thanked by a Linux used.
Anybody tried it on Mac lol.
    The boy's a genius  Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeTue Mar 09, 2021 9:04 am

I take it as it said only the effected lisences will be getting the notice us m3s etc with a lowly 10watts dont need to bother as ive recieved nothing from ofcom
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeTue Mar 09, 2021 12:03 pm

Are your details up to date on the Ofcom portal , you should have received an email .

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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeTue Mar 09, 2021 3:07 pm

chazwozza wrote:
I take it as it said only the effected lisences will be getting the notice us m3s etc with a lowly 10watts dont need to bother as ive recieved nothing from ofcom
M7 here and i got the email.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2021 8:32 am

Update to EMF guidance
Ofcom has published simplified guidance on its new electromagnetic fields (EMF) licence condition.
On 1 March 2021 we published an update on the new condition we are proposing to apply to spectrum licence holders using equipment that can transmit at power levels higher than 10 Watts EIRP (or 6.1 Watts ERP).
We also published detailed guidance on how licensees can ensure they comply with the new condition as well as an updated version of our EMF calculator, which helps licensees assess their compliance.
Today we have published additional simplified guidance for spectrum licensees including:
Simplified guidance for all spectrum users
Additional guidance for maritime radio users
Additional guidance for amateur radio users
This update includes tailored guidance for specific radio users designed to help them comply with the new licence condition. It also includes instructions on how to use our EMF calculator. The guidance is currently in draft form and we welcome feedback on these documents by 16 April 2021.
EMF calculator
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSat Mar 13, 2021 11:37 pm
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 9:08 am

Posted that video at 3.59pm.
Don't know if many watched it but still confusing when he takes the numbers from the box above when it shows red but with a low number.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 9:47 am

I did watch it from your orginal post Alan and whilst not a great y/tube viewer ( pretty much only DrKstrong) I thought the guy did an ok job other than the TX time and he clearly hasn't read  ICNIRP 2020 . Ofcom really have made a mess of the 10MHz and below compliance as no doubt they were thinking of the UHF and microwave bands and have raced ahead half cocked as it were.
Even on the higher HF bands with low power or TX times its possible to produce an Ofcom separation distance less than the Nearfield which would then be the deciding factor as it stands at the moment.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 11:15 am

I have nothing of value to add to this thread, being a) outside the UK, b) not a licence holder, and c) only using the CB bands.... but I have a question:

Does this impact CB users with SSB at 12W, or since they do not have a licence and are therefore unregistered, are they exempt or just blissfully ignorant of the requirement?
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 12:12 pm

Captain Fantastic wrote:
I have nothing of value to add to this thread, being a) outside the UK, b) not a licence holder, and c) only using the CB bands.... but I have a question:

Does this impact CB users with SSB at 12W, or since they do not have a licence and are therefore unregistered, are they exempt or just blissfully ignorant of the requirement?
Good question but i can't answer it.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 12:24 pm

Captain Fantastic wrote:
I have nothing of value to add to this thread, being a) outside the UK, b) not a licence holder, and c) only using the CB bands.... but I have a question:

Does this impact CB users with SSB at 12W, or since they do not have a licence and are therefore unregistered, are they exempt or just blissfully ignorant of the requirement?
My understanding is that in due course CB will also be affected as Ofcom have said that the ICNIRP limits will be extended to unlicensed services. Quite how they’re going to enforce it when there are no records re who owns a CB, I’m not quite sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences   Ofcom to add EMF clause to ham radio licences Icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2021 12:42 pm

They'll struggle enforcing it for CB, but you know for sure it'll be another weapon in their arsenal if someone complains against you. Let's just hope we don't go back to the days of dawn raids and seizing all your gear!  Shocked
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