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 President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.

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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 2:26 pm

Just got hold of a new old stock Grant 2.
It's the one without a heatsink on the back.
Going to sell it on so was thinking what would be best.
Bog standard or do the export mod ????.
Or even export with a switch on the rear but not sure at all about that one.
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 2:58 pm

Although i can't answer your question (but would imagine NOS would be worth more than mod'd?) I have a question about the mod if you would be so kind...

I have a G2 (non premium) that I did not get my hands on yet (covid-no-travel-story) and want to open it up to all export bands when I finally have it with the "white wire snip/jumper move". My question is does that change the power output, or is power kept the same as pre-mod?
I'm asking as I actually want to keep the original 4W AM/FM and 12W SSB standards...

tx vm!
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 3:02 pm

Nice one Alan. Is it a boxed unit?

I know a lot of people loved the Grant II and pretty sure our Mr. Gary Wilson has/had one.

To me personally I prefer a radio as standard as it usually means someone hasn't had their mitts in it. Wink
Not that the mod is a difficult one on them and pretty sure they retain the UK channel order.

Suppose it's a personal choice really.

Although didn't the export mod increase the power and hence the heatsink on the 'Premium' model?

Pretty sure you can do the frequency expansion but keep the power down which might be handy for mobile use battery consumption or running certain linears.

Choices - choices? Fat lot of use I am! Very Happy

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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 3:10 pm

Ah-ha! I knew we had discussed this before....

Take a look at the following link :-

Towards the end the always helpful Delboy posted an image for the adjustment pots to control the power output.

All the channels/frequencies, no overheat problems and able to drive linears. president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. 1f44d

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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 3:15 pm

Captain Fantastic as Victor say's above.
Bought it by mistake lol brain dead moment wanted a Lincoln.
I  could do an advert with the offer of the mod ???
What do you think.

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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 3:27 pm

I think considering you can't get them as new anymore Alan it's definitely worth a few Bob, (especially boxed).

I also remember them being worth more if they were expanded but were adjusted for standard power.

Hmmm, wouldn't take a man of your calibre a moment to mod so I suppose an option on the advert/description for standard or modified would be useful.

....then you could get that Lincoln. Very Happy
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Captain Fantastic
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 3:53 pm

thanks both! so it seems as long as mine is not 'premium' then it'll keep the 4/4/12 output. Good news.

Alan, I'd go with what Victor says and offer the mod as an option but at a slight extra cost?
In another hobby I have, NOS in/with box is definitely worth a big premium.

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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 4:16 pm

It's boxed everything was still in the wrappers and plastic still on the screen.
All the paperwork and even the sticker is still in the box.

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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 5:29 pm

Nice one Alan.

Money in the bank in that condition!  president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. 1f44d
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2021 8:48 pm

Hi Alan, 

Vic is right I do have a G2. I have left mine in it's factory configuration because in my humble opinion it's a great C.B. one of my favorites but a pretty rubbish export radio. The bands are all over the place and swapping between the 0's and the 5's is a faff. You also lose the U.K. 40 when you cut the wire. 

The build quality is excellent and the clarifier is to die for compared to it's contemporaries. It has good RX & TX and the speaker sounds nice. There's the so called "phantom mike keyer" on earlier models mine suffers from this on SSB only. 

All in all I always seem to end up going back to it for my 11 meter fix. 

73's Gary.

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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2021 8:59 am

What is this "phantom mike keyer".
Seen it mentioned before.
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2021 6:49 pm

Hi Alan, sorry for the delay replying.

It's where the radio appears to go into TX by itself as if you've keyed the mic. Mine dose this occasionally. I don't think there's any RF output but it occurs and stops in a split second so I've never really bothered to investigate. 

There used to be a few videos on Youtube showing it happening. 

73's Gary.

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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2021 7:00 pm

Thanks for that Gary.

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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2021 5:30 pm

I wouldn’t mod it.
But it’s your call.
I have a un modes McKinley that I’ve had 2 years now and not felt id missed anything by not having a mod done to it. DX last week 320 plus miles on the mid block on 12 watts ssb with no problems so still as happy as pie. Especially since 98/cent of my cb radio is local breakers only. 😂👍
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2021 7:40 pm

Finally got my G2 after about a year of it being in the UK.
Have not opened it up and done anything, still getting used to it and swapping between it and the Jackson II. I didn't like the sound of it until I figured out I had not put HICUT on. Now to me it sounds a bit better. The ASQ seems not as good as the J2 either. Need to do some side-by-side testing with a local station.

So I have a mod question I cannot seem to find the answer to searching all over. Basically the 'mod' is to move the jumper AND cut the wire. From what I deduced, the jumper gives the 400ch and the wire allows the 0's and 5's toggle - is that right? Can I do move the jumper and thereby get out of the CB range, but not onto 0's?
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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2021 8:58 pm

Not sure as i never did the mod on that first one i had.(got offered silly money for it)..
Worth a try just the jumper and try it before putting the case back on.
Let us know what it does.
Got another but this one had the mod done when i got it.
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Captain Fantastic
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2021 7:47 am

And the answer is:

Moving the jumper alone (without cutting the white wire) does not open the other bands. In fact, the radio was 'stuck' on EU (not sure if default, or because it was my last setting). Moving the jumper also wiped the MEM channels I'd set. Turning off/on with the F key pressed did not allow any change of bands at all, it just went to EU directly.

Also, the 0's were not opened up either.

So there you have it, in case anyone else asks!

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Alan Pilot
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president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Empty
PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2021 8:05 am

Handy to know.
So the mod is the mod jumper and snip.

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PostSubject: Re: President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question.   president - President Grant 2 to mod or not to mod is the question. Icon_minitime

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