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 Delta loop for CB.

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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2021 3:46 pm

Anyone tried a delta loop for CB? Full wave version. Thinking of making one, that or a half wave OCF dipole.
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2021 7:59 pm

Yes. Played with vertically polarized single element delta loops and quads in the early '90s on 11m. Worked much of Europe and many post-soviet states using them with relatively little power.. whatever the Jumbo 3 peaked out at, think mine was about 15W. Conditions were great then though, so probably not all just down to my antenna creations Smile For local seemed about as good as the silver rod I had at the time, but a bit directional.
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2021 8:10 pm

Well, that is promising then.  Just built the 4:1 Balun, dug out 3 insulators, And sure I have some wire somewhere.
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 9:39 am

i`m building a loop at the moment. just to try what it does. 2*2,5M with a butterfly 

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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 10:12 pm

Ready for a bit of assembly. But all there. CB band delta loop.Delta loop for CB. Wire10
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2021 9:53 am

It will work well.  Quads and delta loops are excellent.
If you are just using a single full wave loop it will have an impedance of around 200 ohms, not a brilliant match to your 50 ohm coax.  So you may want to make a 4:1 balun.  You may get away with half a dozen turns of coax about 8" in diameter to choke off the current from the coax outer braid.
Remember that a quad is a balanced antenna and coax unbalanced.  Unless you choke off the radio frequency current from the outer braid of the coax you will radiate from and receive from the coax.  Not good.  

You can arrange the delta loop for horizontal polarisation by feeding it in the middle of the bottom of the triangle or vertical polarisation by feeding it a quarter wave (2.7m) from the top down one side of the triangle - in other words a short way up the side leg.  If most of your contacts are with locals using verticals this will work better.

I used to have an 80m amateur band delta loop which worked amazingly and have built quads before and they always work well.

I just noticed that you have a feedpoint "box" there, which should hopefully be that 4:1 matching transformer

Dave 26CT3140
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2021 11:38 am

I have a homemade Deltaloop ( somewhere ) I designed it for 50 Ohm impedance on the 10M band , the frame was in the form of a "T" with the bottom sections of a windjammer 10m fibreglass pole as the vertical part and a 3m length of 20mm pvc conduit ( stiffened by a 1.5m long bit of fibreglass tube at center) and made with 1.5mm insulated copper wire , top bit of wire was 2.96metres I think with rest of loop going down each side to feed point , so short on top with longer sides, with an air choke at feed point. Horizontal polarization with some gain over a vertical at usefull DX angles 5>9 degrees take off, feed point was only 3m off ground but worked well.
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2021 2:32 pm

Yes, as I said, I have built a 4: balun. I have used I 20m delta loop in the past, Think I still have a brand new one somewhere, worked OK.
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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Big Signal Delta Loop   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2021 4:01 pm

I'm using a big signal delta loop in horizontal configuration in Italy and it covers pretty much all of Europe and sometimes beyond. 

I paid about €75 euro for mine and it is WELL worth the cost even at 4 Watts TX.

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Delta loop for CB. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 31, 2021 10:08 am

Very Happy I have the same antenna Onassis from Big signal, i use it in the loft works on 11/10m and 20m with the tuner.

works very well
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PostSubject: Re: Delta loop for CB.   Delta loop for CB. Icon_minitime

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