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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
Call Sign : 26CT2069 Posts : 142 Times Thanked : 22 Join date : 2019-08-09 QTH or Location : Pendle, Lancashire Equipment Used : CRT-SS9900
Subject: Live Propagation charts Thu May 13, 2021 2:31 pm
Live propagation for various bands/frequencies. This is a "Ham" site so it doesn't show 11 mtrs but it does show 10 mtrs (Blue lines) which is basically the same. Charts auto-update every few minutes.
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John123 CT Directors
Call Sign : 26CT763 Posts : 4478 Times Thanked : 161 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Manchester Equipment Used : Optima, Superstar 360fm, Stalker 9fdx, President Jack Age : 50
Subject: Re: Live Propagation charts Thu May 13, 2021 4:36 pm