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Call Sign : 1-CT-024 is0jho Posts : 22 Times Thanked : 2 Join date : 2021-09-18 QTH or Location : Italy ,Sardinia Equipment Used : yaesu757gxii, ss6900,midland48,and others
Subject: propagation in 11m Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:32 pm
Good day to all, today was a very exciting day , because i had my first qso from scotland and stockholm and missouri USA ,a real great day on channel 38 LSB ,it has been a bit quiet for some time but it seems that propagation is good ,will try tomorrow , never ever got Scotland with a 5/9 and stockholm with 5/9 and missouri USA with a 4/7 , there was not no UK station strange , time was about 11am utc , greetings to all and a good new year from ,nik.
Sydthecat, John123, glenn dog, Victor, Red Rooster LN-4614 and Soft Top like this post
Sydthecat CT Directors
Call Sign : 2E0VRX Posts : 776 Times Thanked : 47 Join date : 2019-06-26 QTH or Location : Yorkshire dales Equipment Used : Yaesu FTdx 101d, MD200 mic ,Mosley 3ele Yagi Age : 59
Subject: Re: propagation in 11m Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:38 pm
Nice one Nik and things are certainly on the up , 1div was really strong this morning while driving to work
Maybe catch you soon on the magic band
Craig 73
Victor likes this post
babis3g Major contributor
Call Sign : 18-CT-006 Posts : 210 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2022-11-16 QTH or Location : Corfu Greece, jm99ug Equipment Used : PNI 6500 & Sirio Boomerang 27A Age : 55
Subject: Re: propagation in 11m Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:15 pm
Nice, 73! ... regards from Greece ... last summer when was checking with pl-990 was full of Italians here in Corfu, now i got a cb radio i can not hear any Italians at eu40 band, apart one night few days ago appeared few for short time ... only at 27465 the Italian calling channel appearing from time to time now days
glenn dog and Victor like this post
John123 CT Directors
Call Sign : 26CT763 Posts : 4636 Times Thanked : 166 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Manchester Equipment Used : Optima, Superstar 360fm, Stalker 9fdx, President Jack Age : 51
Subject: Re: propagation in 11m Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:45 pm
Well done, Nik. Pleased you are enjoying it.
73s John.
Sydthecat, glenn dog and Victor like this post
glenn dog Major contributor
Call Sign : 56-CT-004 Posts : 589 Times Thanked : 13 Join date : 2019-08-23 QTH or Location : Oulu -Finland Equipment Used : ft-450d-mc kinley - cobra 19dxeu- lincoln+2 - superstar lord - grant 2 - tti hand held- alan42- crt mike cb - zodiac 68 hunting radio hand held- and few PMR 2
Subject: Re: propagation in 11m Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:02 pm
The past few days i have been driving around North Finland, radio set on 27.555 and mid ch 28, many div 14-13 very strong, at home today, OULU and Germany and France very strong again on 11m, even FM stations. Will keep my ears open for CT call sign,
Sydthecat and John123 like this post
Kilrymont New Member
Call Sign : 108-CT-428 Posts : 2 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-12-18 QTH or Location : Fife Equipment Used : Ts590S, TS50 (widebanded) FT857, FT817,FT7900(2) FT2900, IC2820, ID51Eplus, Scruffy SS360fm, BRILLIANT SS360fm, 148 mk2 (scruffy but virgin) SS3900 faulty. And Many, MANY HTs. Various matches, 3 x12.5m masts for full size/ height HF wire antennas. Full 1/4λ 10/11m mobile whip on triple magmount for mobile HF
Subject: Re: propagation in 11m Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:18 am
Today (Feb 9th) reception at home on the Hi band was so shatteringly loud at times that eventually I took my old fave rig (S'star 360fm) and Sirio magmount whip outside town to see what could be achieved. The trouble was not low propagation, but an excess of it, with huge signals in places that were trying the rigs aged filtering rather too fiercely. There was the USA's Eastern seaboard and possibly farther west as well. Plus the usual gang from everything between France and Greece. But eventually I found a spanish op. who could hear my signals well, although his english was only just better than my Spanish, (I don't speak Spanish) we bumbled through a several-minute qso with half understood transmissions either direction. Of course without his English there'd have been no QSO past 5-9, location, working condition, 73 and "Thankyou/Gracias"
But it was FUN. unlike working the kosher HF amateur bands, which is mostly routine. I wasn't surprised to hear South of Spain on 11, but was to hear the USA so clearly - albeit a little briefly as each such call received a storm of Europe's big stations scrabbling to get a transatlantic 2-way.
I don't do QSLs any more. The P.o. box price is just ludicrous, as most Royal Mail services are these days., So might be looking at eQSL, if that's allowed. To keep 11m traffic records well separated from anything vaguely "amateur". I'd bought a cobra power mic for my Uniden boarded rigs, and this was its first real trial. Got good reports. I'd got this as I couldn't find my old Astatic Teardrop or Minuteman mics. Of course, as often happens, inside a week of the new mic arriving both the above Astatics were located. My "Minuteman" is one needing a small 7v battery that I believe is now deleted... A great pity, as it used to drive these radios to make them sound quite fantastic in use on SSB. So some workaround will be needed if indeed that battery is now defunct.
It really was very satisfactory to find that my old dinosaur radio - that I bought used in about 1987-88 - was still working almost as well as when it first came to me. some rotary controls are pretty noisy, especially the click-on detent.
I've a possibly older 148 mk2 with NO alterations from new but its meter's needle has jammed about S7. No extra bands, no alphas, no switchable RogBeep. It'll get a proper on air check too, might send it to Nick down south for a bit of alignment and cleaning those dirty contacts in the switches. Been a while since I saw a completely unadulterated mk2 Cobra. I was told an old trucker had used it as a cab rig mostly for local nattering but also listening "elsewhere". Didn't believe in modifying rigs, seemingly.