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Call Sign : 26-CT-4057 Posts : 11 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2021-04-04 QTH or Location : Liverpool Equipment Used : Midland AM/FM, General Electric AM, Sirrio 5000
Subject: A99 ground radials. Sat May 29, 2021 2:03 pm
Hi all, got an A99 a few weeks ago and used it once as a static mobile antenna. I have noticed that there are a couple of upgrades on the market for them, one being a ground radial kit. I was thinking about how I plan to set the antenna up using a 3m scaffold pole with guy lines and had a thought, if I attached cable/wire to the guy mounts on the pole and run them down the guy lines will this work the same way as the ground radial kit?
Northern Crusader Major contributor
Call Sign : M0GVZ / 26CT1760 Posts : 535 Times Thanked : 35 Join date : 2019-11-13 QTH or Location : IO94SA Equipment Used : Icom 7300, TS480, President McKinley, Albrecht AE6110, CRT Mike Age : 54
Subject: Re: A99 ground radials. Sat May 29, 2021 7:55 pm
You're on the right track. Try 8-9ft long each, reduce by 4% if using insulated wire.
You're not likely to notice much increase in performance but it's what you don't notice which is more the reason to do it, your coax forming part of the antenna which is what used to cause TVI back in the day as the coax radiated as much signal as the antenna, as well as increasing received noise.
Also make a RF choke at the antenna end of the coax - 5 turns of 4.25" diameter (can use 110mm waste pipe for a centre) out of the coax you're using to hook it up. Try to keep the choke from touching the mast.