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 help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's

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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2022 11:19 pm

help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Hustle10i am trying to find the name of an aerial i used to have back in 90's not sure if there is one still knocking around but its worth a try, the aerial is not a hustler, 
i keep thinking it might be a skip master mobile aerial but doubt it, 

so hopefully some one will remember an aerial that Looked like the hustler picture above, the whip was held in place by a grub screw, and tip of the aerial was a metal solid ball, the base of the aerial Looked exactly like the Hustler but with out the screw on whip, almost like an early version of a K40 but with out the seperation, 

any idea's?
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2022 11:05 pm

tough call on reading that on my ol PC monitor. Thinking of antennas of the 90's or even 80's, My guess by the size and shape of the base load, Possably Larson? Antenna Specialist made base load antenna but the load was gray in color and thinner /longer than that. Sheakspear and Hustler made a base loaded 1 piece magmount and your right thats not it. Be interesting to see other folks  comments. I'd like to know what it  I'm sure we had most of the same stuff back then, maybe sold under a different name/vendor?   2CT351 Colorado
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2022 11:15 pm

There are pdf copies of old CB magazines on the internet, maybe have a look at those, sometimes they have lists and photos of equipment they reviewed. Antennas in the 90's were probably old designs from the 70s-80s, so an old magazine may still give you a clue.
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 2:06 am

thank you both for replying,   it was such a great mobile aerial got every where on it, bit like a sirio 5000, never failed me,  could handle a decent amount of power as well, put 300 watt's and it did not even get a no can do from it,,  

but thank you ill certainly give it try over the mag's,
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 8:44 am

Maybe a K40 ?

73, Andy
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Des Collier
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 11:09 am

Shame i can't make out the writing on it,would be a great clue to what it is! Des 26CT4194
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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Empty
PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 4:29 pm

not a K 40...  Looks like NMO style mount to magnet base, Larson and Browning/Tram, had the same "look" judging by the shape of the base load. Larson was about 300watts max on ssb and maybe 200 AM mode or would get "warm". I had one 20yrs ago roof mounted to a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Worked well. Browning /Tram had a chrome ring at the bottom of the base load, never seen one all black. But thats not to say, someone distributed them in a slightly different mannor and sold else where..  When I come up with a thought, and at the PC to search, I look, na thats not it.... lol  Sirio PL 5000 seems to work "ok". have  one tucked away in the garage. I been a Hustler HQ27 fan for many yrs, they just work.

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PostSubject: Re: help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's   help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's Icon_minitime

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help finding a mobile aerial from the 90's
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