Hi to all of you fine Charlie Tango members and more specifically to those of you with an Amateur Radio Licence.
Most of you would or should have read the details about your Amateur Radio or 'Ham' licence and the requirements to inform Ofcom of any personal changes or even to simply revalidate your licence.
This must be done whenever your details change and also within a maximum five year period from your licence issue or last validation.
See link below for the licence conditions noting Section 6 :-
The RSGB website also had a handy reminder of this too :-
You can update your details (or simply leave them as they are if all correct) and revalidate your licence by logging onto Ofcom at the link below :-
So why am I telling you about this on a CT posting?
Well, despite the recommendations on the RSGB site of '
In practice, confirming annually is recommended' and also my best intentions I haven't updated for a couple of years. This occurred even though the fact that my fifth grandchild was born on the day I passed my exam and so I thought I'd never forget!
Plus I try to be a helpful bugger when I can.
Five years might seem like a long time (you get to an age where it's but a blink of the eye!) and obviously your licence is valid for life but you must update where required and stated in your licence T&C's.
I of course being the organised individual I am (my wife would disagree!) jotted down my licence details and kept them somewhere safe......
....then completely forgot where I had 'safely' stored them!
(Luckily I found them after much searching.)
My licence is now revalidated and I can breathe safely for another five years but I'm pretty sure that a lesson has been learned here somewhere.......
I shall revalidate next year regardless.
As ever I hope this might come in useful for at least one person and why I post such things.
Enjoy your radio.
All the best,