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Call Sign : G0SGR,CT3226,(Badger).
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QTH or Location : Wiltshire,UK
Equipment Used : Kenwood TS-570DG, Alinco DXSR9, CRT SS6900, UNIDEN UBC355XLT
Age : 44

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PostSubject: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2019 7:16 pm

Got a KENWOOD TRIO R-2000 HF COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER what antenna would people recommend. Thanks
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2019 9:06 pm

I use one of these with my Icom IC-R8500 receiver. Mine is 10 metres long (other lengths available) and it works very well on all the HF bands except for "top-band"......this one is longer so it might also be suitable for top-band.
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2019 9:10 pm

Hiya Steven,

You'll probably get as many different suggestions for SWL antennas as you do CB antennas Wink

I can only give you my personal experience of SWL man and boy.

In the "old" days it was just a case of slinging up the longest bit of wire as high as you can and that would do the job. This still holds true but I have noticed the noise floor increasing, (modern electronic equipment RFI), as well as mains borne noise.
To get round this somewhat I made a fan dipole array with each dipole tuned to my main bands of interest, (80m, 40m, 20m & 10m), and thought I'd built the ultimate antenna. It worked well and after 20 years it's still up. It's only recently that I've played around with alternatives...

I experimented with a homebrew magnetic loop and although it adds another tuning control it's amazing how well it works for such a small antenna. You can also rotate the loop and null out local interference but it was definitely down on signal compared to the fan array.
I recently had someone put up an inverted v dipole for CB transmission and added an antenna switch so I could easily changeover for SWL.... but realised only a few days ago that I'd been short wave listening on the 11m inverted dipole! Going back to an 80m transmission I could tell no difference in signal between the array and the v proving the point that a "long" bit of wire high up is still holds true Very Happy

The mains borne noise floor seems to follow a comb filter pattern, quieter on MW commercial and amateur bands but very noisy in-between, (including the CB frequencies!) I think this is due to the power companies doing their best to reduce noise for those that complainants loudest Wink
Not that it matters too much nowadays as the commercial SW stations of old have all but disappeared.

So as boring as that sounds, pretty much just a long bit of wire will do the job Very Happy

There'll probably be suggestions for ATU's, (may help pre-select but your radio will handle that well as is).
Be careful of earthing rod suggestions!
Maybe suggestions of QRM eliminators and unless you build one yourself they're blooming expensive. Surprisingly they do little except null local interference which will usually be more local than you think! (Chinese phone chargers, LCD monitors etc. unplug them or move them further from the receiver.)

Don't think I can add more, (bored you enough already...ha, ha!)
Whatever you do, enjoy. I've been an SWL for as long as I was first old enough to reach that tuning dial and still enjoy it today Very Happy

All the best,

Theory means that we know everything, but nothing works.
Practice means that everything works, but we don't know why.
Often, however, theory is closely related to practice.
It means nothing works and nobody knows why ...
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Call Sign : G0SGR,CT3226,(Badger).
Posts : 56
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Join date : 2019-10-05
QTH or Location : Wiltshire,UK
Equipment Used : Kenwood TS-570DG, Alinco DXSR9, CRT SS6900, UNIDEN UBC355XLT
Age : 44

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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2019 9:16 pm

Thank you both for your input it’s all really new to me. I am just used to the old 40ch rig. Came back on a few weeks ago and just started playing around with new things. The kenwood was always a fond memory of my grandfather so got my hands on one. Going to try a few things this weekend. Thank you again.
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2019 9:29 pm

No worries Steven,

Was nice seeing your picture posted up of the Kenwood with fond memories of your grandfather.

Only noticed the eBay link posting after I offence to the poster but £50 for a bit of wire!?!?!
Nearly choked on me false teeth! Very Happy

That was the sharpest intake of breath I've taken in a while Wink

Theory means that we know everything, but nothing works.
Practice means that everything works, but we don't know why.
Often, however, theory is closely related to practice.
It means nothing works and nobody knows why ...
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 30, 2019 5:56 pm

I remember my dad buying me my Yaesu FT101E from Huddersfield and not having enough money for my antenna.
Then the owner saying give me ten minutes and then coming back with some coax and telling me to tie it to the fence or trees.
That's why when Vic said a bit of wire it reminded me of my wire antenna till i got my three element yagi beam.
But that piece of wire got me all over the place and the birds loved it but one too many birds and snap!
The things we go through Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Recommend (help)   Recommend (help) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 09, 2020 3:22 pm

Hi There if it helps you , I am using a MFJ 1886 wideband receiving loop antenna with my AOR AR-DV1 SDR Receiver & its the best antenna I have ever used , It works on all the HF bands , AM/FM & All the Digital bands / D.STAR / Yaesu C4FM /DMR/P25/NXDN/ DPMR/ & Loads more / The only thing is its not cheap but you get what you pay for . This is only to be used for receiving no TX .
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