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Call Sign : 26-CT-3457
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Join date : 2020-04-13
QTH or Location : Middlesbrough
Equipment Used : cobra148mk2......avanti sigma 4
Age : 58

president - president lincoln II+ help Empty
PostSubject: president lincoln II+ help   president - president lincoln II+ help Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2022 10:45 am

now lads.this is probably a total waste ov time but ile ask anyways.not been on in a while due to ill health but im starting to get my act together and get out on the mobile front once again running some question is too you guys is,recentely purchased the above radio.ive done the usual and added a 1k resistor to open up the radio.......worked a treat.this is were it gets complicated....i have been trying to get the frequency to match the uk channel....i.e channel 19-27.781.25 but major failure always comes up as 33 on the radio and wnt allow me to change the channel assuming because they are export radio's.was going to purchase a data cable and try that but looking at the adverts for the sale of the cable it assures me it cant be done and you cant change the frequencies.i know theres a hidden menue but been advised to leave alone.anyone done what im trying to do with any gratefull for your feedback chaps if not no major issue still well useable as is just be easier to have the muppet channels in order//frequency to channel.

cheers lads and good to be back.....73's.
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