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 Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it

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Gilbern invader
Alan Pilot
TJS 26CT3029
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TJS 26CT3029
TJS 26CT3029

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PostSubject: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2023 1:41 pm

What People think of the cobra 148 is it good or bad what's your thoughts I am thinking of getting one Thx
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2023 2:35 pm

Is it the old Cobra 148-gtl-dx by any chance.
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TJS 26CT3029
TJS 26CT3029

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2023 2:47 pm

Alan Pilot wrote:
Is it the old Cobra 148-gtl-dx by any chance.
Yes mate
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2023 2:54 pm

They where the dog's doo dars back in the day.
If you can find one that hasn't been butchered and know how to service it then go for it.  
At the age they are now i would think a retune would be a good idea.

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TJS 26CT3029
TJS 26CT3029

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Mar 24, 2023 3:10 pm

Alan Pilot wrote:
They where the dog's doo dars back in the day.
If you can find one that hasn't been butchered and know how to service it then go for it.  
At the age they are now i would think a retune would be a good idea.
Thank you
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSat Mar 25, 2023 8:43 am

As Alan says, may need a tune up.
Probably less were butchered due to them having pretty much everything as standard anyway, although the pots might have been turned up.
Depends what your paying for it or "what your happy to pay for it".

I've just bought a old CRT 3900 with a frequency counter hard wired . It came up at a decent price, and I wanted an old cobra style SSB rig.
The 3900 are re-released now, also an anytone ares II version. Both for around £180.
If it's more expensive one of those may be a better option, especially if you can't get it checked.

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TJS 26CT3029
TJS 26CT3029

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSat Mar 25, 2023 12:49 pm

My dad ad one back in the day just won't something different from plain black
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Gilbern invader
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSat Mar 25, 2023 8:05 pm

I’ve owned my cobra 148 since 1975 when I bought it in Florida whilst on holiday and it still my mobile go to radio totally untouched with any stated if you can find a good one then you won’t be disappointed.

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeTue Mar 28, 2023 6:26 pm

Great radio, go for it!
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeTue Mar 28, 2023 10:07 pm

Great radios, good ones are rare. You might find it easier (and cheaper) to find a Superstar 360FM in good condition. They are identical apart from the front panel inlay and the serial number plate on the back.

The lack of nostalgia for them makes them less desireable, and they were sold for a much longer period than the Cobra so there are more around.

With both models most would agree that the Mk2 (PB-010) boarded versions were the best but a standard Mk1 will still perform well.

There was also a President Richard which used a later, updated revision of the same board as the Mk2. They are quite rare but pop up from time to time.

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Alan Pilot
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Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 6:04 am

I spent our mortgage money on one in the 70's brand new it was but can't remember the price but have £125 in my head.
My second wife would have understood but the first one didn't lol.

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Gilbern invader
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Gilbern invader

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 7:05 am

It was the must have radio in its day and still much sought after now.
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 10:41 am

did you get sauced Alan  What a Face
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Alan Pilot
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 11:17 am

Don't know about "sauced" but taken to the cleaners not that long after.
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeWed Mar 29, 2023 10:00 pm

great radio but dont think id buy one over an hf they probably work better on fm but if your going dxing on ssb a cheaper used hf with better power output if its not been messed with  Very Happy will be a better option . just my humble opinion and i do own a jackson mk 1 and love it  cheers
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Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2023 10:39 pm

I've own the 148 and the 360 back in the 1980s both where great and way out of my price range now if you have a chance of buying on go for it you wont be disappointed 
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2023 12:09 am

skipmaster wrote:
great radio but dont think id buy one over an hf they probably work better on fm but if your going dxing on ssb a cheaper used hf with better power output if its not been messed with  Very Happy will be a better option . just my humble opinion and i do own a jackson mk 1 and love it  cheers

Out of interest, what HF set would you recommend? Say to someone looking at DXing and maybe thinking of doing the foundation ticket 🤔😉

Last edited by Sharpshooter on Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2023 6:36 am

it is for home or the car?
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2023 10:29 am

teapot wrote:
it is for home or the car?

Home use. And I've edited the post to "foundation" . As I mistakenly posted "intermediate ". 👍🏼
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TJS 26CT3029
TJS 26CT3029

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2023 1:58 pm

Sharpshooter wrote:
teapot wrote:
it is for home or the car?

Home use. And I've edited the post to "foundation" . As I mistakenly posted "intermediate ". 👍🏼
Sorry late reply it's for homebase
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2023 10:16 pm

Mudslinger wrote:
Great radios, good ones are rare. You might find it easier (and cheaper) to find a Superstar 360FM in good condition. They are identical apart from the front panel inlay and the serial number plate on the back.

The lack of nostalgia for them makes them less desireable, and they were sold for a much longer period than the Cobra so there are more around.

With both models most would agree that the Mk2 (PB-010) boarded versions were the best but a standard Mk1 will still perform well.

There was also a President Richard which used a later, updated revision of the same board as the Mk2. They are quite rare but pop up from time to time.
I have still got the boxed mk2 Superstar fm with the stealth front that you sold me back in the day, Simon. Brilliant radio and one of my favourites. I have had the uk40 mod and a tune-up from Black Spirit done on it. Definitely a keeper!👍 I also have a standard mk2 Cobra.

P.s. Still got the boxed, black-fronted, Jack with the Hi-band factory mod too.👍😎

73s John.

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2023 4:37 pm

John123 wrote:
Mudslinger wrote:
Great radios, good ones are rare. You might find it easier (and cheaper) to find a Superstar 360FM in good condition. They are identical apart from the front panel inlay and the serial number plate on the back.

The lack of nostalgia for them makes them less desireable, and they were sold for a much longer period than the Cobra so there are more around.

With both models most would agree that the Mk2 (PB-010) boarded versions were the best but a standard Mk1 will still perform well.

There was also a President Richard which used a later, updated revision of the same board as the Mk2. They are quite rare but pop up from time to time.
I have still got the boxed mk2 Superstar fm with the stealth front that you sold me back in the day, Simon. Brilliant radio and one of my favourites. I have had the uk40 mod and a tune-up from Black Spirit done on it. Definitely a keeper!👍 I also have a standard mk2 Cobra.

P.s. Still got the boxed, black-fronted, Jack with the Hi-band factory mod too.👍😎

73s John.

That is good to know. They are both radios I probably should have hung onto looking back, but I am glad that they went to a good home and are being looked after. Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2024 5:35 pm

Since they stopped making the Cobra 148 GTL now, there are still these similar ones;
Texas Ranger TRE-797
Galaxy DX 979
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PostSubject: Re: Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it   Cobra 148 whats people's thoughts on it Icon_minitimeFri Aug 23, 2024 8:05 am

i ran one for a good few during the 1980s the best radio i have ever used  and owned, but now days you must be very careful so many have been butchered and are silly money good luck just be careful don't buy with your but with your head make sure you can see before you buy and use

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