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 Any ideas what this signal might be?

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Any ideas what this signal might be? Empty
PostSubject: Any ideas what this signal might be?   Any ideas what this signal might be? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 12, 2023 8:18 am

This signal occurs equally spaced (you can see the spacing on the spectrum in the vid) and continuously over a massive frequency range. I've detected from 20m up to 2m.

Thankfully, it doesn't wipe out everything (all the frequencies in between the signals are clear to use and, I can also almost eliminate it with a combination of the radio's filters & DSP and external BHI DSP unit. Also thankfully it only happens periodically and will stop just as I reach for my uv5r to go start walking the neighbourhood. <- That last point, though I said "thankfully", also makes it difficult to zoom in on.. start a hunt and then it goes quiet for hours.

Any ideas what would be transmitting this, anyone else receive similar? Sounds like some kind of beacon, but why over sooo many frequencies!?
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Any ideas what this signal might be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any ideas what this signal might be?   Any ideas what this signal might be? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 12, 2023 8:51 am

No idea whatsoever Neal and could only stab a guess at best.

If you want to come and trace the 'wood-chopping' sound I randomly get at the top of 80m, the 'whoosh' sounds in the middle of 40m and whistles at 20m for me that would be great. Any ideas what this signal might be? 1f44d
(I know what the wideband wipeout is on 11m & 10m, flipping OTHR!)

Honestly mate you could chase the proverbial dogs tail searching for such QRM if it's only local and can't be heard on a KiwiSDR or WebSDR. Best thing is to make sure your own house is clear and forget the rest unless it's truly annoying.

Even if you find it most often you can't do a lot about it.
One example was my neighbours 'wireless weather station' that spewed data squeals all over my 70cm reception but they couldn't give a know what I mean. Luckily the Chinese junk packed up working after the first winter! Very Happy

Mains filtering sorted out my other issues (mostly) but I still get blasted out when the Henry vacuum cleaner comes out or the washing machine is on its final spin! (Domestic bliss is hard work.)

For me that would just be a 'flea in my ear' or minor inconvenience.....for some a 'puzzle' to solve. Wink
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Call Sign : 26-CT-3971 / 2E0LMI
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Equipment Used : Little radios, home-made antennas

Any ideas what this signal might be? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any ideas what this signal might be?   Any ideas what this signal might be? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2023 7:53 am

Thanks Victor. And I know I shouldn't really complain as I know a lot of people suffer a lot more unwanted noise than displayed in the video, I have done myself in the past, some of which I have manged to minimise the reception and pick-up of thanks to reading here at CT and some of which has just disappeared mysteriously on it's own. The vid clip of 15m is with the RF gain right up, so other than the beacon type sound the general noise floor is almost perfect, at least one of the radio Gods are on my side.

Been through the recommended actions. I know know it's not from an electronic device in my house. I can pick the noise up on 2m the same strength 4 houses down the cul-de-sac in front of house and on the road behind my house. Next step is to sit in my garden with a small yagi I guess to get a direction.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is something next door, I think I have mentioned their fortified security system before and they are major gadget users with Alexa controlled everything. The amount they have I wouldn't be surprised if my neighbours are causing your interference too Victor.
*I shouldn't blame the neighbours straight out and of course it's a ludicrous tongue-in-cheek that they would be the source of yours, but I'm darn sure if they moved out some of the strange RF sounds I hear will go away Smile

Your last line sums it up. I am both. Can live with it because although it's every 30khz from 20m up to 2m it only happens sporadically and even when it happens I still have a lot of very usable radio space. I do want to solve it though too, just really would love to know what would cause this over such a wide range of frequencies and not just on harmonics.

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PostSubject: Re: Any ideas what this signal might be?   Any ideas what this signal might be? Icon_minitime

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