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 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire

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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeTue Nov 21, 2023 11:19 pm

I have more but Forum wouldn't let me upload any more 

1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 201504101980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 201504111980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 20151010

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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 6:26 am

Nice set of badges there and thanks for sharing. 1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 1f44d 

(New members unfortunately do have limitations on their postings to start with and is essentially there to protect the forum from those that would 'spam' us.)

It's been a long time but I do recall the Brown Bottle Breakers (B.B.B.) that harked from St. Albans back in 19-clickety-click and grateful that my old grey matter even recalled that! Wink

There were so many CB clubs back in the day all now relegated to wistful recollections of old timers but often great to recall such memories. I think a lot with the 'rose-tinted' mentality though as it wasn't all 'happy-days' and I recall some of the in-house fighting/upsets let alone the animosity that was often abound between different clubs up and down the country. Rolling Eyes

Still, on the whole the radio interest is a friendly one (otherwise we'd have no one to talk to!) but you'll always get the odd fly in the ointment trying to cause upset. Luckily that's just the odd individual who either give up the interest or become mainly a "DX'er" where their local reputation doesn't precede them.

Hee! Reminds me of Tony Hancock's "The Radio Ham" and a particular line.....

"This radio lark's a wonderful hobby y'know. I've got friends all over the world, all over the world.....none in this country, but friends all over the world."

Very Happy 1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 1f606 1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 1f602 

We're all pretty much a friendly bunch here too and good to have you aboard. 1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 1f44d 

(Oh, I'm known to 'waffle' a bit and love an emoji or two, so please excuse me.)

Look forward to more from you and don't forget to fill in your name on your call sign request so that I can get you allocated.

All the best,

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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 12:57 pm

The good old days of CB! I do remember being part of a club in Herts, the Horseshoe Breakers back in the 1990's. I stumbled upon them one evening from Devils Dyke from down here in Sussex. The club were operating a charity 24hour network in support of Childline. Donations of £2.50 or more you'd get a QSL card sent out, and when I donated I got an invite to join them and did so for a good few years until they disbanded and handed over members to the Bristol Breakers in 2000. But it did come in handy when I lived in Hertfordshire for 18 months at one point. 
I had a hotel bravo callsign back in the day, 26-HB-860 Smile happy days!

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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 1:12 pm

Victor wrote:
It's been a long time but I do recall the Brown Bottle Breakers (B.B.B.) that harked from St. Albans back in 19-clickety-click and grateful that my old grey matter even recalled that! Wink

yes I was a member of the Brown Bottle Breakers who met at the Baton pub in Marshalswick 

I will post some more membership cards from those days.  

I have updated my profile


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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 1:43 pm

only went to one cb meet many years ago and that was at forton services near lancaster and the place was packed a good night as well  Very Happy

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Call Sign : 26-CT-1074 / M7MMC
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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 2:32 pm

FlyingLizard wrote:
Victor wrote:
It's been a long time but I do recall the Brown Bottle Breakers (B.B.B.) that harked from St. Albans back in 19-clickety-click and grateful that my old grey matter even recalled that! Wink

yes I was a member of the Brown Bottle Breakers who met at the Baton pub in Marshalswick 

I will post some more membership cards from those days.  

I have updated my profile

 Blimey, that's close to where I lived in the early 2000s - I lived in Sandridge  Very Happy

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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitimeWed Nov 22, 2023 10:08 pm

1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 201510121980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 201510111980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire 20151013  A few More CB CLUB Membership cards from around 1980 Hertfordshire
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1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire   1980 CB Clubs  Hertfordshire Icon_minitime

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1980 CB Clubs Hertfordshire
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