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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
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Call Sign : 2-CT-268 Posts : 5 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2024-03-21 QTH or Location : Omaha, Nebraska Equipment Used : Various Age : 56
Subject: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:09 pm
Was given this link from an online BBS chat (yes, still using a BBS!): Mick Manning?
Been using radios since the 80s as a child. CB and USAF Civil Air Patrol is what got me more into wondering about HAM.
I took my initial HAM testing way back in the 90s and passed it, but that was when you also were required 5 WPM Morse, and being military, I was being stationed overseas and hadn't taken that part. Life happened, and I had always wished I had gotten back into the license. I know today's license's are different and Morse is no longer needed. I just need to get off my rump and start reviewing/studying.
I have various gear and servers running, and am normally always listening to something:
Uniden SDS200 (with Garmin GPS iii Plus mod) - running a website when I have the radio on. (sds200.f4fbbs.com:65002) Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB CB iCOM IC-R7000 (Old Military Surplus receiver) Yaesu FT-8900R SDR & RaspPi RaspPi ADS-B RaspPi WX Station Various GMRS radios (mobiles/HTs) - Licensed Motorola M1225 (self-programmed) Motorola CDRM750 Repeater (programmed with help of local HAM'er as a GMRS receiver and tuned properly).
I see most of the users here are from the European-ish areas, but looking forward just to chime in and learn from others about their areas and countries. Spending over 21 years in the Military, I was lucky enough to be able to visit but there are some I still have not and have always wanted to.
John123, Victor, Alan Pilot, Mitch, Mavic2Pro, DerekF, Red Rooster LN-4614 and VanRougeT4 like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6292 Times Thanked : 389 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:51 pm
Hi there Timothy and welcome to Charlie Tango.
Wow, is BBS still a thing? Mind you even 'forums' seem like dinosaur technology to some.
I'm just grateful that radio emanations aren't all that different from yesteryear with old gear working just as it should.
Interesting history you've got there so thanks for sharing it with us here at CT, always good to hear from new people especially from around the world with our international membership. I too started my Ham exploration some decades ago and only in recent years decided to go for it after much enthusiasm and help from other great folks here. Never been more radio happy and still keep my other radio activities alive. (Can't beat a bit of 'skip' hunting on the old CB!)
Again, I extend a warm welcome to you and if you ever want a spangly shiny new CT call sign from us you only have to ask.
All the best, Victor
VanRougeT4 and SirRonmit like this post
John123 CT Directors
Call Sign : 26CT763 Posts : 4636 Times Thanked : 166 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Manchester Equipment Used : Optima, Superstar 360fm, Stalker 9fdx, President Jack Age : 51
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:59 pm
Hello and welcome, Timothy.
Great intro.
I have to be honest, I have never heard of BBS. Probably because I was a late comer to the Internet. I didn't have the Internet or a mobile phone until the late naughties. Lol.
73s John.
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Mitch Senior contributor
Call Sign : M1TCH Posts : 105 Times Thanked : 12 Join date : 2020-01-02 QTH or Location : Wigston, Leicestershire. Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-857D, Diamond V2000, Major 3000, President Jackson Mk1 Export, Lafayette AFS-1005, K40 mic, KL203, B550P and Sirio GPE 27 ⅝λ.
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:15 pm
John123 wrote:
Hello and welcome, Timothy.
Great intro.
I have to be honest, I have never heard of BBS. Probably because I was a late comer to the Internet. I didn't have the Internet or a mobile phone until the late naughties. Lol.
73s John.
Ahh Bulletin Board System, that takes me back. Mid eighties ish, IBM XT green screen monitor DOS 3.2, was it that long ago? Things have come along a bit since then. Yesterdays social network, pictures made out of letters, happy days.
Welcome Timothy
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SirRonmit New Member
Call Sign : 2-CT-268 Posts : 5 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2024-03-21 QTH or Location : Omaha, Nebraska Equipment Used : Various Age : 56
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:59 pm
Yeah I used to talk back to my old 300 baud modem .. Chirp-BEEP-Triiiilllll... BOPBOPBOP .. LOL
Now we use Telnet and webpage access to it. Finally dumped cable provider here when fiber optic was installed .. saved over $300USD per month! .. But now I keep getting reset after reset as more and more companies also install in my area, so I lose remote access. grrr.
Made these last year for our local GMRS server group. That is my callsign for GMRS USA. Printed stickers and also laser engraved into my radios (in case they were "misplaced").
Miura and Mavic2Pro like this post
Miura Contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4388 Posts : 83 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-01-02 QTH or Location : Cirencester area Equipment Used : Yaesu FTDX10 | Sirio 2008 Antenna | President Himalaya WB Age : 61
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:25 am
BBS…those were the days! Compuserve was the first provider with its own proprietary “internet”. Loved it when I was living in the USA back in 1989/1990. Then the WWW came along, Trumpet, Eudora mail, Netscape and the rest of it. It used to be a lot more niche than the corporate internet we know today. Much easier to use but boring. It was because of it I quit CB radio in the 80’s and started again a couple of years ago. Welcome SirRonmit! By the way, I too was in the airforce but the French one
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SirRonmit New Member
Call Sign : 2-CT-268 Posts : 5 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2024-03-21 QTH or Location : Omaha, Nebraska Equipment Used : Various Age : 56
Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only) Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:32 pm
Miura wrote:
BBS…those were the days! Compuserve was the first provider with its own proprietary “internet”. Loved it when I was living in the USA back in 1989/1990. Then the WWW came along, Trumpet, Eudora mail, Netscape and the rest of it. It used to be a lot more niche than the corporate internet we know today. Much easier to use but boring. It was because of it I quit CB radio in the 80’s and started again a couple of years ago. Welcome SirRonmit! By the way, I too was in the airforce but the French one
Netscape!!!! Man I missed that browser!
"Armée de l'Air"
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Subject: Re: New User from the USA (Introduction Only)