Hi Guys!
My name is Carlos, ( CJ) I'm from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, down south in the Caribbean Ocean. I was A very Active DX 'er from the 1990's to the early 2000's and was part of the Alfa Tango group ( 11AT121), With my other 11AT members we activated 299ATKP5-0 Desecheo Island, 219AT0 Anquilla island and 127AT0 US Virgin Islands. Apart from the group DX-peditions i also Activated San Juan City on the 500 year anniversary of the discovery of Puerto Rico (1492/1992). Due to work related issues I had to semi-retire from the airwaves but now having come back to my home i want to start again. I am presently refurbishing my old Magnum 257 and will be transmitting both Mobile ( with a SIRIO MEGAWATT in the car) and Base with my trusty ANTRON 99. I would like to request a Charlie Tango Callsign if possible 11CT121, thank your for your time and hopefully we will hear each other on the airways!
73's Ciao!