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 South Coast PMR net report

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 863
Times Thanked : 31
Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 26, 2024 9:38 am

Well hello there.

Welcome to another of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night South Coast Channel 14 PMR net


"Blue Moon, you left standing alone"

My location was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex where the weather was grey, overcast, breezy with occasional rain, which stopped us seeing a blue moon raising. But we did get to see a bright white full moon 🌕 when the clouds parted which cast moon shadows across the car park.

The net can be found on PMR analogue channel 14, using the NFM setting on the radio and not using any of the available CTCSS, DCS or privacy tones making it open to all, what ever level of radio knowledge.

If you have listened to the net and heard callsigns used and think "do I need one?" the answer is no, you can call in with your name and town like this "Dickie from Billericay"

My set up for the night was the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋 and  the 'Sputnik' 1/4 wave GPA mounted up on a pole.

Now the introductions are over, on with the list of check ins and who heard and worked who.

Dave the village idiot 🥇clown
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
KP 441--Steve--Area 54--East Sussex--Working portable, antenna up in a tree and being watched by deer
🦌 with strange circular antlertenners. Could this be Ofcom in disguise monitoring the net?
Joker aka DDB 285--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill North--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
CT 3687--Dave--Ashdown 🌴 Forest scout camp--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill South--Surrey
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
Matt--Stroud--Kent--Heard you checking in and we did answer back
CT 3466--'Radar Ray'--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Bartman aka DDB 342--Andy--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
AMC 1966--Boris--Bexhill--East Sussex
CT 4952--Julian--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--On a handy and shotgun with Jack
T 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Joining in after a night on 15 & 40
Bartman aka DDB 342--Reigate Hill North--Surrey--2nd location of the night
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in, special nod to the listening station who know who they are and to the hill toppers. If you tried to call in and wasn't, please try again another night, we would like to get you in the log.

That about brings this episode to an end, thank you for reading this far down and if you have spotted a mistake, let me know so it can be corrected.

All the best
--.. ..--
Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

PS On the date of this posting, it's 16 days and counting. . . .

PPS Just as I was packing down, channel 14 came to life with "someone" playing Convoy by C W McCall

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
Posts : 863
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2024 10:26 am

Hello and welcome

Here is another fine episode of "Ray Reviews" the Bank Holiday Monday/Channel 14/South Coast PMR Net


"less than 10 days to go"

I set up in Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest (JO-BB-01 or the home of Winnie the Pooh) in the county of East Sussex where the weather was surprising mild, cloudy and a gentle breeze.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 or 8 o'clock in the evening UK time and goes on to 23:00 Hrs 🕚 or beyond. If you can't make 8 o'clock it can worth listening or calling out as some do have a pre-net chat.

My working conditions were the 1/4 wave 'Sputnik' GPA up on a pole and the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋.

The net of many names can be found on analogue channel 14 using the NFM setting on the radio and is free of any kind on CTCSS, DCS or privacy tones.

With when's, where's and what time out of the way.
On with the list of check ins, who called and worked who and who was heard.

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
DS 01--Pru--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun and keeping an eye on Richard
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Harrietsham--Kent--Working handy & 10 element beam from an Apple 🍏🍎 orchard.
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
AMC 1966--Boris--Bexhill--East Sussex
CT 5140--Jack--Hartfield--East Sussex--Antenna on a pole poking out of the attic window ❗
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
Dave the village idiot clown
CT 2072--Steve T--Tonbridge--Kent
Joker aka DDB 285--Steve--Horley--Surrey
CT 4515--John--Brighton--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Putting the RADIO in Radio Corner working 15, 20 & 40 metres I think 🤔
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Town--Surrey--2nd location of the night
and not forgetting me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who came out on a Bank Holiday and joined the net, sorry if you tried and wasn't heard. The conditions were a bit strange with stations hearing each other that normally don't and the rollercoaster signals going up and down.

Here are some of the topics of conversation heard at the beginning and during the night.
The future of electric and Hydrogen cars, FT4 & FT8, Digital, Fusion, Hotspot and DMR, and lastly the testing of Neil's 10, yes 10, element beam and what it can do when you put 5, 2 and 1/2 a watt into it.
The result were impressive, even on 1/2 a watt a decent 2 way was had between Neil and me. Which was a distance of approximately 29 miles or 47 km.

So the time has come to bring this episode to an end, cheers for reading this far down, and if you have give us a like/thumbs up 👍

Until next time, it's good bye him and good bye from me.

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

PS is anybody getting excited?

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Age : 51

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2024 1:03 pm

Hello Ray,

Another fantastic net and post.👍

Interesting to hear the results with the 10 element beam.👍

73s John.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 9:32 pm

John123 wrote:
Hello Ray,

Another fantastic net and post.👍

Interesting to hear the results with the 10 element beam.👍

73s John.

Hi John

I try and make the 446 net reports a bit more interesting than just the normal "here is the 'who called list', that I have been shown"

Here are the results from Neil's rough location to me in Radio Corner.

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 10_ele10

The distance covered was about 29 miles (46.7 Km) 

Neil at a full 5 watts was showing 3 out of 4 bars on the Space U with a strong clear audio.

At 2 watts, he was 2 bars on the Space U with a good audio, but there was a noticeable increase in hiss.

And at 1/2 a watt, there was no signal strength and the audio was mixed in with the noise but still workable.

A beam will increase both the RX and TX of any radio from a Baofeng to a Icom, and you will do well on top of any high spot from a hill to a multi-storey car park.



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Age : 51

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 11:13 pm

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the info.👍

It is interesting to hear the results. Using a beam on this band is definitely something I would like to try from the old 'Dx Perch.'

73s John.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2024 8:00 pm

John123 wrote:
Hi Ray,

Thanks for the info.👍

It is interesting to hear the results. Using a beam on this band is definitely something I would like to try from the old 'Dx Perch.'

73s John.

Hi john

You will be surprised how more you will hear, more children, more bike schools, more care homes, more warehouses and not forgetting the spotter for the high crane drivers. 🤣🤣🤣

In my "expert" (cough cough) opinion, a 5 to 8 element beam seems to be the thing, it has just the right gain, and isn't to big or cumbersome to have on a pole and twiddle by hand.

If you don't fancy a beam, watch this space as a 446 Moxon is on the horizon.



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Age : 51

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2024 10:52 pm

Hi Ray,

Lol. On all the commercial traffic. I hear some daft things when driving around in the car with the Space U on scan.🤣

Thanks for the tip on the beam.👍

Cannot wait to see the moxon. It sounds interesting.👍

73s John.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 06, 2024 7:54 pm

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night/South Coast/Channel 14 PMR net


"The shy beauty and the beast"

The net was held on Monday the 2nd of September which is the last net before the 9th anniversary net.
You are all invited to get your name in the birthday log.

For the new people to the net and the forum.
The net can be found on analogue channel 14, where no CTCSS, DCS or tones are used, this allows all kinds of radio's to be used and anybody can join in. You don't even have a callsign or handle, just QSK in and say your name & location and then let the chairman do the rest.

The net starts about 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time and finishes from 23:00 or 11 o'clock 🕚onwards.
If you are about before 8 o'clock you can have a listen and maybe join in with the pre-net chat. This could be about radio's, antenna's, car's, biscuits, holidays, well anything really, you get the idea?

My location for this net was the misty, damp, grey, miserable Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
As I drove into Radio Corner, I was confronted by a BEAST that peered out of the mist, and like the graining bigfoot pictures of old, here are my attempts of capturing it.

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Misty_10

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Misty_11

My equipment for the night was the CRT SPACE U powered by a car battery 🔋, cooled by a a 120mm computer fan powered by 5 AA batteries rescued from the used battery box and the 'Sputnik' antenna up on a pole.

Now we have the where, when, what time and why.
On with the list of check in's, call in's heard and or worked.

CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--1st location of the night 🥇
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
DDB 50--Allan--Redhill--Surrey
Joker aka DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill North--Surrey
Pyro--Jay--Reigate Hill North--Surrey--Shotgun with Steve
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 2207--Neil--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Dave the village clown
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Part of the pre-net chat group and working a handy
London Calling--Mark--East London
Speed Bird--Russell--Brighton--East Sussex--A23 mobile 🚗 and 1st location of the night
KP 441--Steve--Henfield--West Sussex--Working a handy
GE 2020--Matt--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex--Working both PMR and some amateur bands
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
T 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Working a handy for PMR and a HF radio for the amateur bands
Ryan--Uckfield--East Sussex--Mobile 🚗 and welcome to the net 👍
Zack--Uckfield--East Sussex--Mobile 🚗 and welcome to the net 👍
CT 2207--Neil--Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent
Speed Bird--Reigate Hill South--Surrey--2nd location of the night
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
Star Gazer--Crawley--West Sussex
TC 156--Steve--Gatwick--West Sussex
CT 5142--Jack--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Test a camera tripod, painters pole combination for the 'Sputnik' antenna set up
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Pedestrian mobile working a handy in the mist
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

The condition of the band on the night was a bit weird. A majority of the stations reported the both the signal strength and audio was down on previous weeks, I suggested that it was the mist, cloud and fine rain attenuating the radio waves.

Thank you all who called in, special thank you to those who braved the mist & fog to fine a high spot and as always not forgetting the listing stations.


Radio corner had a special guess in the one and only C 187 who also goes under the name of Charlotte, and with her dads help, was working the amateur bands and also came over to the PMR net and received a warm welcome. 🙏👍😃

That about bring the net to an end, if you spot a mistake or I have left anything or worse somebody out, let me know and I will correct it.

Until next time best 73's

..-- --..

Ray with the pen and paper 📝

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Age : 51

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 06, 2024 11:41 pm

Hello Ray,

A great net report and an enjoyable read!😎😎😎

Good luck with the Anniversary Net. I will be listening from my perch in the North Derbyshire hilla and praying for a lift.

Best 73s, John.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2024 10:21 am

John123 wrote:
Hello Ray,

A great net report and an enjoyable read!😎😎😎

Good luck with the Anniversary Net. I will be listening from my perch in the North Derbyshire hilla and praying for a lift.

Best 73s, John.

Hi John

I have my fingers crossed it's a good one


Ray 2290

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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2024 8:10 am


Hello and welcome

Here is the anniversary episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast/Channel 14/Monday Night PMR net


"It only takes 1 to spoil things"

The 9th anniversary net was held on Monday 9th of September 2024 and my location was a happy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex.

The 9 year old net can be found on PMR analogue channel 14 and is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time and finishes from 11 o'clock 🕚 onwards. No CTCSS, DCS or any other tones are used so anybody with a radio that can be tunes/programmed for PMR can be used.

My set up for the night was the CRT Space U powered by a car battery 🔋 and a 1/4 wave GP antenna up on a pole.

The weather at the beginning of the birthday net was cool, still with some cloud in the air and later on it got chilly, with a slight breeze clearing the clouds so we could see the crescent moon 🌒 .

So with a coffee and a block of chocolate cake the net started.

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Choc_b10

In no order, is the list of who checked in, was heard and worked by the group.

CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Camper Van Man--Nigel--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
T 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Testing the Mk 1 v3 PMR Moxon
Star Gazer--Tony--Crawley--West Sussex--1st location of the night
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Wrotham Hill--Kent--1st hill of the night
Zack--Somewhere on Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Ryan--Somewhere on Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate--Surrey
CT 4515--John--Firle Beacon--East Sussex
Star Gazer--Tony--Reigate Hill--Surrey--2nd location of the night
CT 5140--Jack--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Bluebell Hill--Kent--2nd hill of the night
Speed Bird--Russell--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Dave the clown
London Calling--Mark--Leyton--East London
CT 5159--Neil--Detling Hill--Kent--3rd hill of the night
Ryan--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Came up for an eyeball 👀
Zack--Radio Corner--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Came up for an eyeball 👀
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Not only was it the 9th anniversary of the net, not only did Neil CT 5159 complete a 3 hill challenge, not only was it Toby's birthday, but we also had a moaning Minnie who complained about being left out and that I'm not good a chairman, just before it was his turn to be passed around LOL

Thank you all who called in and wished the net a happy 9th birthday, sorry if you tried and wasn't heard.

Topics of conversation while the net was on, the Moxon antenna being used by Toby T 187, the 3 hill challenge being undertaken by Neil CT 5159, how within the space of a tennis court you can hear and lose a station by moving, Jack CT 5140 and his cake 🍰 making skills

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Cake_112
and is this the longest running PMR net in the country?

That bring this special birthday episode to an end, thank you for reading.

See you next time, best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝 .

PS Here is a 15 minute snippet video of the night

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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Temp Admin Split   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2024 10:02 am


Has anybody spotted my mistake?  Embarassed Rolling Eyes

ADMIN If possible, please move this post over to the South Coast PMR thread.
If unable delate and I will repost in the correct place

Many thanks

Ray 2290

Last edited by Victor on Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Admin Edit)

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2024 10:24 am

Done & dusted for you Ray. South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 1f44d

Very well done with the Net and fantastic to be celebrating 9 years!  South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 1f382  cheers

I wish you and everyone involved many more years of happy radio contact to come.

All the very best,

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2024 10:33 pm

Hello Ray,

Another great report and net!!!👍

I really enjoyed the YT video, too.

I listened out, but to no avail.

Hope to catch you on the radio soon.

73s John.

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2024 9:47 pm

Hello all and welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night/South Coast/Channel 14 PMR Net


"a 2nd week of partying! 🥳"

So the net was held on Monday 16th of September 2024 and is scheduled to start at about 20:00 Hrs 🕗 local UK time and aims to finish any time after 23:00 Hrs 🕚.

My location for the night was "Party Radio Corner", Ashdown Forest 🌲 in the county of East Sussex (JO-bb-01) and the set up was the CRT Space U and a 1/4 wave GPA up on a Heath Robinson metal and fibreglass pole.

The net came be found on analogue channel 14 and can be easily accessed as no CTCSS, DCS tones or whistles are used, making it user friendly regardless of your radio knowledge or experience and you don't even need a callsign.

The weather on the night was cool and clear with some cloud.
Being the night before the "Harvest" moon when it was clear of the cloud it was bright enough to light up Radio Corner and cast moon shadows.

Now on with the list of who talked to who in Radio Corner, who checked and and was heard and or worked by the net. So in no order what so ever, here we go.

Star Gazer--Tony--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--Popped up for an eyeball 👀🥇
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
Camper Van Man--Nigel--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
CT 4281 aka The Hadlow Hustler--Dick--Hadlow--Kent
CT 1829--Dean--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Bartman--Andy--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
CT 4515--John--Firle Beacon--East Sussex
CT 3466--'Radar' Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Mobile 🚗 --Somewhere
DS 01--Pru--Mobile 🚗 --Somewhere--Shotgun with Richard
GE 2020--Matt--Hastings--East Sussex--Worked by Adam Delta 31
CT 5159--Neil--Bluebell Hill--Kent
Dave clown
Joker--Steve--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
Pyro--Jay--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--Shotgun with Steve and nice to meet you 👍
CT 1467--Phil--Hadlow--Kent--Pedestrian 🚶�� mobile and welcome to the net
Ratty 248--Chris--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
Witchy Women--Vicky--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--Shotgun with Chris
TK 08--George--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4657--Paul M--East Grinstead--West Sussex--Working a handy and testing it in the shower 🚿 !!
FB 228--Martin H--Hellingly--East Sussex--It's been awhile 😃
CT 4362--Chris--Reigate Town--Surrey
CT 5142--Jack--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--Hot off his success on the ham bands
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌲 --East Sussex--In the chair 💺.

The net finished somewhere around midnight, I think?

Thank you all who came up to Radio corner for a spontaneous eyeball, it was a pleasure to meet some new faces and put them to the radio voice.
Thank you all who called in, as with out you there would be no net and no "Ray Reviews". Sorry to those who may have tried and weren't heard, please do try again another night.

That brings this "Ray Reviews" episode to an end, thank you for reading and if you spot a mistake, let me know and I will happily correct it.

73 and good night him

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝
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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 27, 2024 7:51 pm

Hello & welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the Monday Night/South Coast/Channel 14 PMR Net


"it's oh so quiet"

My location for the net, held on Monday 23rd of September 2024, was Radio Corner, Ashdown Forest 🌳 in the county of East Sussex and my set up was the CRT Space U and a 1/4 wave GPA or Sputnik, up on a fibre glass pole.

Enough about me and more about the net. . .

It can be found on analogue channel 14 with the radio set for NFM and we don't use any of the those DCS or CTCSS tones, so the net can be accessed by all.
It starts at about 8 o'clock 🕗 in the evening local UK time, and finishes anytime after 11 o'clock 🕚.
If your an early bird, listen in before 8 as you could hear the pre-net warm up chat.
If your new to radio or the net, don't be put off by the use of callsigns, you can use your CB handle or just your name.

The weather on the night was cool, cloudy, with a breeze and damp under foot after the rain.

So with the when where and what time out of the way, on with the list of who called and was heard and or worked by the net.

CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌳 --East Sussex 🥇
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
DDB 342--Andy--Horley--Surrey--Working a handy
DDB 285--Steve--Horley--Surrey--Working a handy & Sputnik antenna out the flat window!
CT 940--Richard--Reigate Town--Surrey
CT 5159--Neil--Wrotham Hill--Kent
London Calling--Mark--Walthamstow--East London
CT 4657--Paul M--Vigo Village--Kent
TK 8--George--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 4515--John--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
GBE 1224--Tim--Hastings--East Sussex
Ricky on the Ridge--Hastings--East Sussex
Roger--Marden--Kent--Pedestrian 🚶�� mobile on a handy and welcome to the net 👍
TC 156--Steve--Gatwick--West Sussex
Road Runner--Andros--Hastings--East Sussex
FB 228--Martin H--Hellingly--East Sussex
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown Forest 🌳 --East Sussex
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown Forest 🌳 --East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in and to the "listening stations". Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please try again another night.

Here are some of the topics you would have heard or been part of on the night.
Antenna erections 😳 , telescopes and using mineral SWR grease for HF and synthetic SWR grease for UHF/VHF & PMR aerials to reduce your standing wave ratio to 1:1.

That about brings this episode to an end, thank you for reading and if you have spotted a mistake, let me know so it can be corrected.

All the best
--.. ..--
Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝
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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2024 8:59 pm

Welcome welcome

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast PMR net, held on Monday 30th of September.



My location for the last net for September 2024 was a busy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest (GB-0251, JO-bb-01, GFF-0319) in the county of East Sussex. The weather when I arrived was raining, windy, dark and cloudy, BUT, thanks to the windy conditions, it blew away the clouds leaving a clear starry night.

The net is scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 and finishes anytime after 11 o'clock 🕚. If your not a night owl it can be worth calling out before 8 o'clock as you could fine some on have a pre-net chat.

Speaking of the net. It can be found on PMR analogue channel 14, using Narrow FM and not using any kind of "not so private" CTCSS, DCS tones.

My working conditions on the night were a CRT Space U and a 1/4 wave GPA up on a fibreglass pole which was swaying and bending in the wind and survived.

Now on with who checked in and was heard and or worked by the net.

Joker aka DDB 285--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey 🥇
Pyro--Jay--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Steve 🥇
OM 001-Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
CT 5159--Neil--Bluebell Hill--Kent
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Ratty 248--Chris--Mobile 🚗 --West Sussex--1st location of the night
Witchy Women--Vicky--Mobile 🚗 --West Sussex--Shotgun with Chris
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
RC 402--Tom--Mobile 🚗 --Crystal Palace--South London--1st location of the night
Bartman aka DDB 342--Andy--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
AMC 1966--Boris--Bexhill--East Sussex--worked by Adam (Delta 31)
CT 4515--John--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--2nd in command 👍
TK 8--George--Tonbridge--Kent
RC 402--Tom--Mobile 🚗 --Deptford--Southeast London--2nd location of the night
Tango 187--Toby--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Delta Foxtrot--Roger--Marden--Kent--Pedestrian mobile with your Baofeng UV5R handy 👍
CT 3678--Dave--Petworth--West Sussex--Heard & worked by Steve on Reigate Hill
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
CT 5142--Jack--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Paul
Bartman aka DDB 342--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey--2nd location of the night
C V M--Nigel Crowborough--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

Thank you all who called in and travelled round from place to place, oh and not forgetting the listening stations who know who they are.
Thank you to John for the hush hush gift.
Thank you to the few who saw the net into Tuesday morning with me.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, please try another night or maybe from another location if you can?

Here are some of the topics of conversation on the night. The passing of Kris Kristofferson (RIP RUBBER DUCK), the passing around of Danish Butter Biscuits by Ratty 248 and the RVS virus going round to mention a few.

If you have read this far and not fallen asleep, thank you, and if you have spotted a mistake or worse been left off the log, let me know and I will happily correct it.

So now it's time to say bye bye

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 11, 2024 6:24 pm

Hello & welcome

Here is this weeks episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast PMR Net


"Did you know that back in 1492, Christopher Columbus missed Florida when he changed course"

Speaking of missing things, the net was held on Monday 7th of October 2024 and started at 8 o'clock 🕗 in the evening, it went on until after midnight, another 4 hour + net.

My location for the night was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌲 Forest in the county of East Sussex were my set up was the CRT Space U and the 1/4 wave GPA up on a fibre glass pole.
The weather was dark, windy, raining and misty for most of the night but it did start to clear later and some stars were seen

The net is held on analogue channel 14 and doesn't use any of those privacy settings that some radios are advertised to have.

Now with the when, where and what time out the way, on with the list of check ins and who heard and or worked who

The Hadlow Hustlers aka CT 4281--Dick--Hadlow--Kent 🥇
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex
KP 441--Steve--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
TK 8--George--Tonbridge--Kent
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 5159--Neil--Bluebell Hill--Kent--Testing a hand rotated beam and getting wet!
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Ratty 248--Chris--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Witchy Woman--Vicky--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Chris
DDB 285 aka Joker--Steve--Reigate Hill--Surrey
CT 1829--Dean--Edenbridge--Kent
KP 441--Steve--Henfield--West Sussex--Mobile 🚗
Bartman aka DDB 342--Andy--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Tango 187--Toby--Firle Beacon--East Sussex
CT 940 aka The Technician--Richard--Reigate Hill--Surrey
DS 01--Pru--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Richard and keeping him out of trouble
CT 5147--Paul--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 5142--Jack--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Paul
Pyro--Jay--Merstham--Surrey--Worked by Steve DDB 285
Bartman aka DDB 342--Andy--Reigate Hill--Surrey--2nd location of the night
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Crowhurst--Surrey--2nd location of the night
and forgetting me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺 with the pen and paper 📝

Thank you all who called and to the listening stations (you know who you are😉 ), sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, give the net a go another Monday night.

Some of the topics of conversation on the night. Drone flying, my £1 mag mount on a baking tray up on a pole (antenna experiment), chocolate bars getting smaller and the replacement of sugar for artificial sweeteners and poor Neil getting his arm wet while holding and rotating the beam.

That about brings brings this episode to an end, thank you if you have read this far and don't forget if you have spotted a mistake or worse I have left you off the list, let me know and I can correct it.

Best 73 and bye bye

Ray 2290

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QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2024 3:38 pm

Hello, hello and welcome

It's time for another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast PMR Net, which was held on Monday 14th October 2024


"Sung in the style of Marilyn Munroe.

Happy Birthday Mr Chairman, happy birthday day to you"

My location for the net was a damp & foggy Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌳 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
The radio used was the CRT Space U and the old "Andy (CT 1023) built" Sputnik antenna up on a fibre glass pole. Well I think it was up there somewhere in the fog.

While setting up, Toby (Tango 187) sneaked this into my van

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Birthd10

The net is held all most every Monday night though out the year and is scheduled to start at about 20:00 Hrs or 8 o'clock 🕗 local UK time and finishes anytime after 11 o'clock 🕚 or 23:00 Hrs, it can be found on PMR analogue channel 14 and we don't use any of those CTCSS, DCS tones or codes.

If you have listened to the net in the past and have wonder about if you need a callsign? The answer is no.
Your name, nick name or CB handle is fine.

With the where, when and what time all sorted, on the list of check ins and who worked & or heard all.

1 Graham--OM 001--Burgess Hill--West Sussex 🥇
2 Keith--TG 25--Canvey Island--Essex
3 "Radar" Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Thank you for the box of biscuits 👍
4 Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
5 Steve--CT 4627--Reigate Hill--Surrey
6 Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex
7 Andy--DDB 342--Reigate Hill--Surrey
8 Phil--CT 1647--Hadlow--Kent--Working a handy
9 Matt--GE 2020--Ore Village--East Sussex
10 Matt--Strood--Kent
11 Neil--CT 5159--Wrotham Hill--Kent--Rotating 🔄 the beam out of the window
12 John--CT 4515--Ditchling Beacon--East Sussex
13 Nigel--C V M--Punnett's Town--East Sussex--1st location of the night
14 Ricky on the Ridge--Hastings--East Sussex
15 Dean--CT 1829--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Thank you for the Happy Birthday song 👍
16 Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent
17 Richard--CT 940--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Thank you for the gift 👍
18 Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
19 Kerion--Brighton--East Sussex--Voice pattern heard in Radio Corner
20 Nigel--C V M--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
21 Andros--HL 33--Hastings--East Sussex
22 Richard--CT 940--Reigate Town--Surrey
23 Pru--DS 01--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Richard and keeper of the tuck shop
And me
24 Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌳 Forest--East Sussex--The Birthday boy in the chair 💺

Just after I announced the end of the net a station unknown played a simple Happy Birthday song.

Thank you all who checked and called in. It was a busy night with the passing around of stations.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, give it a go another night.

Thank you to "Radar" Ray for the biscuits.

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Birthd12

And Richard & Pru for the sign and Wagon Wheels

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Birthd11

Some of the topics of conversation on the night were about the fog and what might come out of it, the on going joke about Steve (DDB 285) and puddles, the "beam out the window" set up, Dean messing with the Reigate Hill Posse, the various hand held radio's out there that are better than the Baofeng UV5R that started it all and my Birthday.

That brings this episode to an end, thank you for reading this far down and if you have spotted a mistake, let me know and I will try to fix it

All the best and 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2024 4:08 pm

Hope you had a good Birthday there Ray. South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 1f44d 

Best wishes,

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 19, 2024 11:09 pm

Happy birthday Ray. Keep up the good work 👍
I've not been on much/at all the last few/many months (here and on air) due to circumstances but hopefully will change that soon.

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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2024 1:36 pm

Victor wrote:
Hope you had a good Birthday there Ray. South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 1f44d 

Best wishes,

Hi Victor

Thank you for the Birthday wishes 👍

Best 73


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Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2024 10:37 am

Hello and welcome

Before the review, a quick thank you to Sharpshooter for he birthday wishes 👍

Here is another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast PMR Net held on Monday 21-10-2024


"What's that green light in the middle of Radio Corner?"

So with my sunglasses on, I set up the trusty 1/4 wave "Sputnik" GPA up on a fibreglass pole and connected it to a CRT Space U, powered by a car battery 🔋 , with some high quality RG mini 8 coax.

The net can be found on PMR analogue channel 14 using the NFM setting and not using any kind of CTCSS/DCS tones.
You don't even need a callsign just call in and introduce yourself.
It's scheduled to start at 20:00 Hrs 🕗 local UK time and finishes no earlier that 11 o'clock 🕚, sometimes it can go on till early Tuesday morning.
If you don't fancy a late night or have other things that need attending, you can sometimes hear or even be part of the pre-net chat.

Oh, and before we start the list of checks and who worked or heard who.
My location was Radio Corner, Ashdown 🌴 Forest in the county of East Sussex.
This is about 33 miles or 52 km from London and goes under a number of different radio references like: GB-0251, JO-bb-01 or GFF-0319. Just to name a few.

The first person in the log was. . .

Barclay--Tonbridge--Kent 🥇
Chris--CT 1033--Tonbridge--Kent
Chris--Ratty 248--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Vicky--Witchy Women--Ashdown Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Chris
George--TK 8--Tonbridge--Kent
Adam--Delta 31--Hastings--East Sussex
"Radar" Ray--CT 3466--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Steve--Joker--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Jay--Pyro--Reigate Hill--Surrey--Shotgun with Steve and looking out for puddles!
Neil--CT 5159--Maidstone--Kent
Mark--London Calling--Walthamstow--East London
Nigel--C V M--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Adam--TE 032--Southend on Sea--Essex--Swinging that beam back and forth
Jack--CT 5140--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex
Paul--CT 5147--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Jack and pedestrian mobile working a handy
Dean--CT 1829--Edenbridge--Kent
Russell--Speed Bird--Reigate Hill--Surrey
Toby--Tango 187--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--Only after making 126 contacts on HF
Tony--CT 4013--Brighton--East Sussex
"Radar" Ray--CT 3466--Crowhurst--Surrey--Walking the dogs 🐶 and working a handy
Ray--CT 2290--Ashdown 🌴 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺
and not forgetting the idiot clown who has strayed to far from his village.

Thank you all who called in and to the listening station as well.
Sorry if you tried and wasn't heard, why not give it a go on another Monday night.

Contacts of the night where
Paul (CT 5147) making contact with Adam (TE 032) which about 43 miles or 67 km
Paul (CT 5147) making contact with Neil (CT 5159) which was about 24 miles or 37 km

Topics of conversation during the night, the lack of car parking for bigger vehicles in our villages, towns and cities, how good the Quansheng UV5R handy radios are, the green lights, traction engines and how well we all do using a 500 mw radio with a fixed antenna 😆

That about brings this episode to an end, thank you if you have read down this far, and if you have spotted a mistake or I have left something out let me know and I will correct it

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

Last edited by Razz229 on Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290
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Join date : 2019-07-01
QTH or Location : Kent
Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam.
Age : 57

South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2024 7:31 am

Welcome Ladies, Gentlemen and family pets.

It's that time for another episode of "Ray Reviews" the South Coast, Monday Night or Channel 14 PMR net, which was held on Monday 28th of October 2024


 "On this date in 1831, Mr M Faraday demonstrates his dynamo invention".

After driving through the fog, I did find my way to Radio Corner, located in Ashdown 🌲 Forest, East Sussex or listed under some of the following references, GB-0251, JO-bb-01, GFF-0319 and the home of Winne the Pooh, to name a few.

Once I parked up, I set about erecting the old "Sputnik" on a fibreglass pole, connecting the coax to the CRT Space U and getting it powered by the car battery 🔋 ready for the 8 o'clock 🕗 start of the net.

The net can be found on analogue channel 14 and is CTCSS and DCS tone free, I mean who wants to faff around with programming tones into there radio?
The use of callsigns is optional, just don't use your 'amateur' one.

I have been asked if this net has a facebook group, the answer is not that I'm aware and nothing officially support by me.

So with the why, when, how, and what time all sorted, on with the list of check ins, who worked and or heard who and who was reregistered thanks to a 10-5.

First to call in was

C 187--Charlotte--Mobile A22--East Sussex 🥇
T 187--Toby--Mobile A22--East Sussex--Chauffeur to Charlotte 😃
OM 001--Graham--Burgess Hill--West Sussex--With Sylvie in the background
CT 1033--Chris--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 5159--Neil--East Peckham--Kent--1st location of the night
C V M--Nigel--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
Ratty 248--Chris--Mobile 🚙 B2110--East Sussex--1st location of the night
Witchy Women--Mobile 🚙 B2110--East Sussex--Shotgun with Chris
GT 67--Danny--Crawley--West Sussex
Matt--Strood--Kent--With Karoline in the background
Delta 31--Adam--Hastings--East Sussex
CT 1467--Phil--Hadlow--Kent
Cherva--Rochester--Kent--Welcome to the Chair of the Sunday channel 8 Stay Prepped net. 10-5 by Matt 👍
GE 2020--Matt--Hastings--Kent
CT 4013--Tony--Brighton--East Sussex
TK 8--George--Tonbridge--Kent
CT 940--Richard--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
DS 01--Pru--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex
CT 3466--"Radar" Ray--Crowhurst--Surrey
CT 5159--Neil--Mereworth--Kent--2nd location of the night
Ratty 248--Chris--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--2nd location of the night
Witchy Women--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--Shotgun with Chris
CT 5159--Neil--Maidstone--Kent--3rd location of the night.
and me
CT 2290--Ray--Ashdown 🌲 Forest--East Sussex--In the chair 💺

The net finished some time after 11 o'clock 🕚 and I packed down and headed home.

Thank you all who called in or came up to Radio Corner.
Sorry if you heard us and tried to get in, please try again another Monday night.

A special mention about Neil CT 5159 visiting 3 different location while the net was on 🏆

Here are some of the topics discussed while the net was on. War bunkers, DIY tips and how to cure interference on your radio.

With this episode rushing to its conclusion.
Thank you for reading this far and if you have spotted a mistake or worse I have left you off the log, let me know and I will correct it

Best 73

Ray 2290 with the pen and paper 📝

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South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South Coast PMR net report   South Coast PMR net report - Page 17 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2024 10:24 pm

Hello Ray,

Another great report.👍

A very belated happy birthday to you.🍾

73s John.
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