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Call Sign : 26-CT-231 Posts : 38 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2019-08-11 QTH or Location : Cambridge Equipment Used : Linoln 2
Subject: Zetagi B300P AMP Wed May 29, 2024 6:43 am
Hi All
Sorry another amp question, just purchased an B300P Amp to use with my Lincoln radio, the amp only has a short wire running from it with no inline fuse, should I install a fuse or can I just connect to my 50 amp power supply..
Thank you
Mitch Senior contributor
Call Sign : M1TCH Posts : 102 Times Thanked : 12 Join date : 2020-01-02 QTH or Location : Wigston, Leicestershire. Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-857D, Diamond V2000, Major 3000, President Jackson Mk1 Export, Lafayette AFS-1005, K40 mic, KL203, B550P and Sirio GPE 27 ⅝λ.
Most amps I've used have internal fuses, some have just one (KL203), some have a bank of them (B550P). Can you slide the cover off and have a look? The power supply most likely has protection anyway so I wouldn't worry too much, just make sure the SWR is low before you hit that switch and enjoy
(And don't overdrive it, else it'll sound awful and go poorly).
26CT231ANDY likes this post
stephen Gunrunner Major contributor
Call Sign : 26CT526/MR021/M6XXX. Posts : 277 Times Thanked : 11 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : wooler north northumberland or some were near it Equipment Used : mobile 4000hp base A99 radio base magnum257hp mobile magnum 257 standed power Age : 67
Subject: Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:46 am
26CT231ANDY wrote:
Hi Allbest
Sorry another amp question, just purchased an B300P Amp to use with my Lincoln radio, the amp only has a short wire running from it with no inline fuse, should I install a fuse or can I just connect to my 50 amp power supply.. i have found the best way to cool the amp hot air rises up so put a fan on not to pull down but to draw the air up and it works ,keeps it alot cooler