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Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron Icon_minitimeToday at 10:35 pm by John123

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 Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron

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Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron Empty
PostSubject: Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron   Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2020 6:29 pm

Eyup, here's a long post about a short post, lol.

I want to setup a 5m (16') pole on a pivoting 'swivel' so I can lay it down when not in use.  It's only got to support an Antron, which will be attached (on the horizontal) when needed, and I'll then 'walk' the pole to vertical and secure it in position.  Once up, the downward-weight is on the swivel/pivot which is bolted down to concrete, and the real force (wind sway) will be managed by a T/K or similar, at 1m up the pole as I have an adjacent low wall.

Should be easy enough, yeah?  Except I'm a cak-handed moron when it comes to engineering...

So the Antron should arrive with 1.5" clamps (I think) but I might need some bigger ones as that sounds awful skinny.  I'd say 2" would be more normal for a 16ft pole with an 18ft antenna maybe.  Then again it's from ground level, and in a gap between 2 garages so is 'enclosed' for the bottom 9 foot.

Here's my question.  QuestionS.

Does this look like a good solution for the pole?

"Galvanised Tube. Made from mild steel with a protective zinc coating. External tube diameter 48.3mm. Wall thickness 3.25mm. Internal diameter 41.8mm"

I'm suggesting that pole because it works with a Q Clamp Swivel Flange like on here

The pole and swivel are £43 inc vat, delivered, unless I'm mistaken.

Does the Swivel look suited to my needs or have  I got this badly wrong?

Oh and have I missed a much better/cheaper solution?

The whole idea might be total insanity, and the public are at risk from my f**k-ups, so please chip in with any appropriate comment - THANKS !!!!
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Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron   Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2020 8:18 am

I just wonder how durable the swivel plate will turn out to be. Even if you're using wall brackets which will take some of the vertical load as well as taking the sideways forces, it doesn't look all that substantial. Certainly going to file it away as a means of pivoting lighter stuff (it would be perfect for mounting fiberglass poles) but I will shut up and see if anyone more used to working with metal comes along.
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Lay-Flat Pole for ground-mounted Antron
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