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» Call Sign Application (Issued)
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» The role of the Admin Team here at CTDX
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» Astatic 636L wiring
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» What Wire Do You Use For Antennas?
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4 posters
CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26CT100
Posts : 235
Times Thanked : 14
Join date : 2019-06-25
QTH or Location : North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : Emperor Shogun, Delta 318 Export, TYT380, Albrecht 2990AFS, SS3900
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 9:16 pm

1. What products do you buy on Amazon?

2. How often do you use Amazon to shop?

3. Would you consider buying the same items from Amazon but through the CT forum?

4. Name 3 desirable walkie talkies..

5. What is your preferred brand in terms of radios and antennas?

6. Do you own a website or have a social network page where you would be willing to display a link to CT or share link on Facebook? In return for a link back to your site or page from the CT forum?

7. Do you write articles or reviews? I am looking for a resident reviewer to publish exclusive articles on the forum. It could be more than one person even. You would be given your own section of the site to run.

8. Regarding the shout box. Who likes it and who does not? I personally hate it. What's your thoughts?

9. I am going to be transferring some posts from the old forum to this one. It's going to be done manually so it's a big job. Does anyone think a particular topic should be brought over?

Thanks for your time.

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 9:48 pm

1, Radio/Cb gear
2, I don't daughter does it for me
3, Yes if the price was the same or better
4, Yaesu, Icom, Boafeng
5, Yaesu,,, Any
6, No
7, Not as of yet
8, Shout box ?????
9, None

There you go Lee 73s
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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26CT100
Posts : 235
Times Thanked : 14
Join date : 2019-06-25
QTH or Location : North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : Emperor Shogun, Delta 318 Export, TYT380, Albrecht 2990AFS, SS3900
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 9:56 pm


In regards to buying from amazon through CT, the price would be same. The perk is that your given free postage on loads of items. Even big stuff
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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 10:00 pm

Sounds good to me, never could work out how to use Amazon
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Senior contributor
Senior contributor

Call Sign : 26CT2069
Posts : 142
Times Thanked : 22
Join date : 2019-08-09
QTH or Location : Pendle, Lancashire
Equipment Used : CRT-SS9900

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 10:21 pm

1. None.....because they won't accept PayPal
2. Never (for above reason)
3. Maybe, depending on payment method/s
4. Yaesu, Icom, Motorola
5. Wire antennas (various types). Multimode radios (currently using CRT).
6. I don't "do" social media but I always leave a link to CTDX on radio-related videos on YouTube.
7. Maybe.....
8. Shout box...horrible (even the old Tapatalk one was better).
9. Articles about radio & antenna reviews seem to be most popular subjects.

Last edited by Pagan on Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26CT100
Posts : 235
Times Thanked : 14
Join date : 2019-06-25
QTH or Location : North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : Emperor Shogun, Delta 318 Export, TYT380, Albrecht 2990AFS, SS3900
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 10:24 pm

Appreciate the input 😁
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Senior contributor
Senior contributor

Call Sign : M1TCH
Posts : 108
Times Thanked : 12
Join date : 2020-01-02
QTH or Location : Wigston, Leicestershire.
Equipment Used : Yaesu FT-857D, Diamond V2000, Major 3000, President Jackson Mk1 Export, Lafayette AFS-1005, K40 mic, KL203, B550P and Sirio GPE 27 ⅝λ.

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2020 10:33 pm

1. As little as possible.
2. Very rarely.
3. Not unless I have to. I don't like Amazons business practices (exploiting the staff so the owner gets more money than anyone's ever going to need or use in a thousand lifetimes).
4. TYT TH-UV3R, Professional Radio PR-UV88, Baofeng BF888S.
5. Whatever works and is the right price and reliable. Not used enough different makes or models to make a judgement yet.
6. Not any more (used to run proxy network) and can't stand farcebook or any social media (I'm anti social, lol). I use radio, social media of the 80's.
7. Not tried, yet.
8. Never used it so couldn't say. Wouldn't miss it tbh.
9. Didn't like the old site so didn't visit a lot (OK, hardly ever).

But that's just me, nothing personal  Wink
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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26CT100
Posts : 235
Times Thanked : 14
Join date : 2019-06-25
QTH or Location : North Yorkshire
Equipment Used : Emperor Shogun, Delta 318 Export, TYT380, Albrecht 2990AFS, SS3900
Age : 41

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2020 1:10 am

Cheers for the input mitch 👍
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CT Directors
CT Directors

Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC
Posts : 6501
Times Thanked : 397
Join date : 2019-11-10
QTH or Location : Bedford
Equipment Used : Various

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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2020 7:13 am

Hi Lee.
Don't know if this helps but I suppose any feedback is input Wink

1. Unfortunately none.
         (Had trouble with them after an unauthorised prime music subscription I didn't make! Cancelled my account.)

2. Again, none.
         (For the same reason as above.)

3. I'd happily rather buy through CT if I knew it would benefit the group.

4. Walkie talkie....desirable? Hee! Very Happy Sorry, have an Intek, (Baofeng). Looks fun, but pretty useless.

5. Yaesu, biased as I have one. Antennas? Luckily I can measure and cut my own pieces of wire.

6. Happily would if I had a site or actually used social media. Again, I'm not much help am I? I do tell people face to face.

7. Unfortunately again, no. But, I do enjoy reading reviews.

8. Shoutbox? Oh, the pesky box at the bottom that stops me scrolling to the latest topics when using my tablet? Nah, not a fan.

9. Not much flipping help am I? Only used the new forum. However I love reading through the posts so the more the merrier.

Like I said, not much help Lee. Sorry.
I do however use my Charlie Tango callsign with pride, tagged it in my Google signature and spread the word whenever I can.
Hopefully you get hold of people less useless than me.....and I'll support them as much as I can Smile

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: Survey - Please reply if you have time   Survey - Please reply if you have time Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2020 10:09 am

We buy a number of items of Amazon.
None are radio we buy DVD/Blue Ray and the odd books.
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