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 Baofeng query

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Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2020 10:03 pm

Hi I don't know if I am asking in the wrong part of the forum, I have just been lent a baofeng uv-5r have been listening on 433.150, don't know a lot about these Freq is this 70cm, am getting confused I want to make a DIY 1/4 wave antenna just as a temp measure.. thanks
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Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 5:11 am

Hi Chris,

Some good info there from Martin.

433.150MHz is indeed in the Radio Amateur 70cm band and must've been given specifically to you, (or found out by you?), as it's a frequency for the repeater GB3CR which is in your neck of the woods. I presume you can hear local Ham chat on that frequency?

There are a few repeaters your way and typically a lot have converted to digital modes DMR/AllStar etc. meaning you won't be able to pick anything up from them on your Baofeng. If they have FM then you can listen to them.

Some other frequencies you could try are :-

430.86250 MHz - GB3PT repeater

433.25000 MHz - GB3LI repeater

433.17500 MHz - GB7SJ repeater

430.87500 MHz - GB7HN repeater

430.91250 MHz - GB3EG repeater

Those are 70cm repeaters and should be within listening range of you.

Also :-

145.68750 MHz - GB3SJ repeater - Hopefully that still has FM as it has AllStar modes mentioned.

145.63750 MHz - GB3VO repeater

These are the nearest 2m repeaters to you.

Type in any of those frequencies, wait a while and you should hear something even if just the repeater ident which is usually a Morse message, (of the repeaters name), or sometimes an automated spoken ident.

That will at least get you listening but as pointed out you'll need a Radio Amateur licence to actually speak on them, (and why I've given you the listening frequencies not the transmit Wink)

As Martin also pointed out you can also program the Baofeng for PMR frequencies. There's usually not a lot to be heard on them, maybe children playing on walkie-talkies, (same frequencies), and usually local businesses. You'll soon get bored of hearing "Sharon, can you come to the shop floor please" in that awful nasal way. Sometimes you'll hear local 'security' and that'll be typically "Dave! Dave! You copy?", swiftly followed by, "You coming for a smoke?"

Unless you have a mate also with a PMR radio it's a bit booooring....Even with a mate you'll find out you can't transmit far and realise you're both just playing walkie-talkie Wink

You could play with antenna building, it can be a lot of fun, but a 1/4 wave GP isn't likely to give you much more listening range than the rubber duck that comes with them. Little tip, it's VHF/UHF so you'll probably hear more outside of the house than you will inside but you could always hang out of the window and see how that fares. Get to the top of a local car park or some such and you'll have clear open air high views and hear much further.

Anyway, hope some of my waffle helps you in any way.

All the best,

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Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 6:57 am

NUBSTER wrote:
You can only use 70cms &2m which is what these Baofeng are for if your a licence Amateur ,incase you didnt know Chris, if you are one you will already know I only mentioned it just incase, you can programme them for PMR frequencies use only which is none licence like a two way walkie talkie .
,, good morning I have registered for hamtrain mock course from the 6 Dec for foundation, got the book trying,but a lot things don't make much sense..

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Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 8:32 am

You do the course and digest the book and you will pass.
I am laughing as i type but not at you and i bet Victor is when he sees this.
You can go over and over the course work as it will stay there for quite some time after the course finishes.

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Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 9:38 am

Alan Pilot wrote:
You do the course and digest the book and you will pass.

Not laughing Alan, but smiling mate Smile

You did well and nice to see you pass it on 👍
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Alan Pilot
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Age : 16

Baofeng - Baofeng query Empty
PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 10:08 am

I was surprised how much did sink in my befuddled old noggin as i coludn't seem to be able to remember anything.
But on the day things just came back when i read the question (3 times each in my dyslexic case).
So if i cam pass then you can believe me and most of all believe in yourself whoever you are.
And there is always our Victor to kick your rrrr's into play.

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PostSubject: Re: Baofeng query   Baofeng - Baofeng query Icon_minitime

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