None that I know of Peter.
Had a scan around the old t'internet and it seems that many people have tried in the past but not sure whether they were successful or not. If I was closer your way I'd happily join in.
We have CT members that are from your neck of the woods but don't seem active on the forum.
Always worth a try though.
It might be worth checking out or posting to FB groups your way and see if you can drum up interest, or indeed even find out if there is any CB action.
If you really do have the radio bug you could always consider taking your Foundation Radio Amateur ticket as there does seem to be lot of Hams your way. After month on month of listening to a dead quiet CB band my way I took that option and now there is always some radio action for me somewhere on the bands. (Lots of other interesting options too.)
Otherwise there does seem to be a bit of a PMR radio movement going on up North at the moment so if you have the gear it might be worth listening out on PMR Channel 8 on Sundays at 8pm. Typical PMR radios are around the £20-30 mark so might be worth a punt. (Baofengs are always fun and can be reprogrammed to cover Ham frequencies if you later decide to go that way.)
As with any hobby there are always options, especially radio.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do.
All the best,