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PostSubject: Baofeng mike   Baofeng mike Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2021 8:23 am

Hi all looking for a decent Mike for my baofeng ur5 I know there's some poor one's out there, when it's plugged in does the RX come from the front of the Mike..
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PostSubject: Re: Baofeng mike   Baofeng mike Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2021 8:41 am

Hi Chris,

I have an official Baofeng speaker-mic for my Intek, (UV5R copy), and I find it great. The RX audio does indeed come through it and sounds way better than the radio speaker. Some moan about the TX audio quality but I haven't found it a problem as it's way better than the radios. (You'll find allsorts about poking holes in the mic face, changing the mic element, stuffing it full of whatever cr*p you have laying around as 'baffling', etc. etc.)

There are copies of the Baofeng mic with dubious quality, the lower price is usually the give away.

If I remember right, there is a Kenwood mic that is almost identical.....of course, being a Kenwood apparently makes it 'superior' Wink

Just playing with my little handy myself. Bought a SMA to BNC adapter that is an all in one fitting rather than a pigtail that breaks(!!!!) Shall be hopefully setting it back up later with my newly made dipole and finally get the repeaters with some reliability. Smile

So yeah, no complaints on them here.


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PostSubject: Re: Baofeng mike   Baofeng mike Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2021 11:27 am

Great advice from Victor 

A speaker mic is an absolute must if planing any kind of SOTA activity , much easier keeping the wind out of you tx audio and also easier hearing the RX 

Still handy accessory to have either way 


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PostSubject: Re: Baofeng mike   Baofeng mike Icon_minitime

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