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 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna

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Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna Empty
PostSubject: 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna   Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2021 11:46 am

Hi All,

Hope you're all keeping well and enjoying everything radio. Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna 1f44d 

Due to the success of repairing the old Yaesu FT290r I was donated I've started exploring the 2m band a bit more.

Soon found out that I'll probably have more luck with a horizontally polarised set about building one.

Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna 2m_hal10

Didn't take long, made of bits & bobs I had laying about in my workshop.

Total cost :- Bugger all. A cost that suits me admirably!

Copper pipe was donated some years ago by a friend, everything else was sitting in my workshop & shack. If you had to count all the bits up buying from new then it's probably cheaper to buy a commercial square Halo or something.....but where's the fun in that?!

Suitably impressed when I hooked it up to my MFJ antenna analyser - 1:1.1 SWR @145MHz, 50 ohm. Right off the bat!! Smile Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna 1f44d 
(Was never more than 1:1.4 at either end of the band too.)

Temporarily hooked it up to the FT290 and scanned the band.....nothing?
OK, lets have a slower tune around the band - didn't take long and I had a definite tone received, followed by warbles and then the morse announcement of GB3VHF at 144.430MHz the VHF propagation beacon in Fairseat, Kent. (Maybe 65-70 miles from me.)

That might not sound too impressive, (compared to HF distances), but for VHF holding precariously to a homebrew antenna in my shack and a 40 year old radio I thought that was quite good going! (Couldn't hear it at all on my vertical I use for repeater work.)

Now I have to find a volunteer that can stick it in my loft for me and start playing with 2m SSB. Smile
(First Tuesday of every month is alive on 2m SSB, or simply call out whenever you can and hopefully someone calls back.)

If you don't enjoy a bit of my waffle then you can stop reading now. Wink

Now - the crux of the matter.....

This antenna was fairly easy to construct and worked straight away - not much to do with my 'skills' but down to the guy that provided details for it. Unfortunately not in the 'public domain' but in an old issue of Radcom, Vol. 92, May 2016 to be precise, authored by John Adams G3ZSE.
I was just lucky to have kept an old copy given to me by a friend and all these years later digging it out for my FT290 forays.

You can gain access to the article online joining the RSGB.

I can't give you the article details.....due to copyright law.

So if you're penniless and utterly broke, (like crippled old me), then "yah-boo-sucks-being-you". Sad
Unless you too have an old copy of Radcom mentioned.

Now, there's multiple reasons for all this, G3ZSE deserves credit, Radcom costs money to produce and the RSGB are an organisation protecting their own interests. I fully appreciate and understand all these points willingly adhering to the laws and principles.

But it's all a bit of a downer if you're interested in constructing your own antennas with little resources.....

So if you fancy a bit of homebrew construction, you can very easily be parted from your money.....or dig around for old articles, magazines, archives and such as well as gratefully accept every piece of apparent 'junk' any friend or acquaintance offers you. Very Happy

After all, I just made an excellent antenna from a bit of wood and old copper pipe! Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna 1f44d 

End of waffle...

Got your own Homebrew, home constructed, bodged together but all works piece of radio kit?
Then why not share it here on Charlie Tango......

....I for one would be very interested and applaud such interests.

All my very best to you all,


Last edited by Victor on Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC
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Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna   Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2021 7:05 pm

Hi Christopher,

Cheers buddy, much appreciated. Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna 1f44d 

I must admit I've been having a lot of fun discovering VHF and going beyond the typical repeater work. The antennas are as you say so small and manageable!

I'm already down that rabbit-hole discovering other wonders after discovering that you can 'stack' such Halo antennas. I think a beam may be my next adventure once I figure out how to build a suitable rotator. Wink

Luckily I managed to snaffle a volunteer today and being all immunised up they were only happy to help. (Something I couldn't have contemplated even a mere few months ago!) All installed high up in the attic eves it seems to be doing the job. The GB3VHF beacon is booming through and I'm also picking up some FT8 but need to figure out how to hook it all up via my previously made interface for the FT757gx. (The FT290 doesn't have VOX.)

It's all more fun that my ol' ticker can handle. Very Happy

Again, really appreciate it.

All the best,
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PostSubject: Re: 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna   Halo - 2m Halo Homebrew Antenna Icon_minitime

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